O sa fac inca un meme pentru ca mor de plictiseala, iar asta o sa fie lung lol.
Again, thanks to Kagemaru :3
- Available: Yep X3
- Age: 15, almost 16 z.z
- Annoyance: Bitches [and well I'm talking about 3 persons xP]
- Allergic: At nothing from what I know lol.
- Animal: A cat [yey ~ <3] and two parrots.
- Actor: Johnny Depp ~ <3
- Beer: I don't think I have a favourite one.
- Birthday/Birthplace: 6 November 1993, Abrud
- Best Friends: Just 2 or 3 I guess.
- Body Part on opposite sex: Eyes/Hair
- Best feeling in the world: Dunno lol
- Blind or Deaf: Neither, but I wouldn't like to be any, I guess I'd rather be dumb than blind or deaf, or both lol.
- Best weather: Rainy <3
- Been in Love: Yes
- Been bitched out?: Dunno.
- Been on stage: Heh. No.
- Believe in yourself: Sometimes, but I think I usually don't lol.
- Believe in life on other planets: Maybe, who know what's out there.
- Believe in miracles: Not really.
- Believe in Magic: No and I never did.
- Believe in God: Yeah.
- Believe in Satan: As long as I believe in God, I guess yes lol.
- Believe in Santa: Yes, I want to, Santa is real! Don't ruin my childhood.
- Believe in Ghosts/spirits: No.
- Believe in Evolution: Yep.
- Car: I don't have one, and don't really wish it.
- Candy: Wha <3 Now I want something sweet T_T
- Colour: Black, Blue, Purple
- Cried in school: Yep
- Chocolate/Vanilla: Chocolate <3
- Chinese/Mexican: None
- Cake or pie: Cake XD I don't really like pies.
- Countries to visit: Japan, England and maybe Italy.
- Day or Night: Night :3
- Dream vehicle: None lawl.
- Danced: Yeah but long long time ago.
- Dance in the rain?: I haven't danced in the rain lawl.
- Dance in the middle of the street?: Yes XDDDDD
- Do the splits?: No lol.
- Eggs: ...Wait, what eggs?
- Eyes: Blue
- Everyone has: Hm dunno.
- Ever failed a class?: Physics, bleah.
- First crush: Hmpf, won't tell you >.>'
- Full name: ... Madalina Cornelia
- First thoughts waking up: Whoa, I woke up at this hour again.
- Food: Well I usually don't eat that much even if I always say that I'm hungry, well I really am but I'm too lazy to do something myself.
- Greatest Fear: Spiders *dies*/Loneliness
- Giver or taker: Giver
- Goals: Fucking move to Japan or somewhere else outside of this country.
- Gum: No thanks.
- Get along with your parents?: Only with my dad.
- Good luck charms: Don't have any.
- Hair Colour: Black xD Even if it looks like a reaaaally dark brown, I prefer to call it black hmpf.
- Height: 1.67 m
- Happy: Not right now.
- Holidays: I prefer to stay home.
- How do you want to die: Dunno lawl. I would like to not die *Hitomi mood~*
- Health freak: I'm not.
- Hate: 3 bitches bwahaha, spiders, myself sometimes.
(In guys/girls)
- Eye colour: Blue/Black :3
- Hair Colour: Black XD
- Height: Taller than me
- Clothing Style: Dunno, something j-rockish lol?XD
- Characteristics: I'm not in thinking mood.
- Ice Cream: Love ice cream <3 even if it's winter xP
- Instrument: I'd love to play guitar or piano.
- Jewelry: Rings, bracelets.
- Job: Dunno, sleeping? X3
- Kids: Don't want, omfg they're going to cry and I'll become deaf, and I'll have to take them with me and bla bla too much work.
- Kickboxing or karate: Neither?
- Keep a journal: Not really, just my blog at the moment.
- Longest Car Ride: Dunno
- Love: is really ew sometimes lawl.
- Letter: V, J, H or M
- Laughed so hard you cried: Today X3 Drunk people are fun lol.
- Love at first sight: Neh.
- Milk flavour: Dunno
- Movie: The Nightmare before Christmas
- Mooned anyone?: Dunno
- Marriage: Not sure
- Motion sickness: Dunno
- McD's or BK: McD's
- Number of Siblings: 1, my brother
- Number of Piercings: None
- Number: 6
- Overused Phrases: Lol?
- One wish: I have more than one wish lawl.
- One phobia: Spiders
- Place you'd like to live: Japan T_T
- Pepsi/Coke: Pepsi
- Quail: -
- Questionnaires: Nope.
- Reason to cry: Many..
- Reality T.V.: No thank you
- Radio Station: None
- Roll your tongue in a circle: No, ew.
- Song: I have more than one favourite song x.x
- Shoe size: 37-38?
- Sushi: I'd love to try it T_T
- Skipped school: Of course xP
- Slept outside: Nope
- Seen a dead body?: I did.
- Smoked: No, and I won't even try.
- Skinny dipped: No
- Shower daily: No
- Sing well: I don't, but I'd want to
- In the shower: Nope
- Swear: Sometimes, when I'm really nervous
- Stuffed Animals: Lots of them <3
- Single/Group dates: Single dates
- Strawberries/Blueberries: Blueberries [right now, I really don't want to hear anything about strawberries...]
- Scientists need to invent: Time machine! z.z
- Time for bed: 4-5-6 in summer and 12-13 when I'm at school.
- Thunderstorms: Love them :3
- Touch your tongue to your nose: Nope
- Unpredictable: ...
- Under the influence: ...
- Understanding: I am, but not always
- Vegetable you hate: Spinach? [or however you call "spanac" in english lawl]
- Vegetable you love: Salade, Tomatos
- Vacation spot: Dunno
- Weakness: Gelous, obsesive, exagerate, pathetic
- When you grow up: I wanna go to Japan! >.>"
- Which one of your friends acts the most like you: Dunno
- Who makes you laugh the most: Kami, Jui, Kadici
- Worst feeling: Dunno
- Wanted to be a model: Nope
- Where do we go when we die: Dunno
- Worst weather: When it's way too hot
- Walk with a book on your head: I did, yay XDD
- X-Rays: Teeth, right hand
-Year it is now: 2009? Or is it already 2012 and I'm going to die?! Oh noes! *runs and hides*
-Yellow: Ew, I really hate this colour sometimes
- Zoo animal: Dunno
- Zodiac sign: Scorpio XP
1. Slept in a bed beside you?: Dunno
2. Last person to see you cry?: Dunno
3. Went to the movies with you?: Dunno
4. You went to the mall with?: My dad and my brother
5. You went to dinner with?: Can't remember
6. You talked to on the phone?: My dad
7. Made you laugh?: Jui
vineri, 31 iulie 2009
joi, 30 iulie 2009
Meme~ no. 9
Deci alt memeXD Yay for Kagemaru X3
Dear (Yeah.. whatever)
I don't really know how to tell you this, but our affair is over. I think I realized it when your dog ran amok in your camping car and I saw you sit on my best friend. I'm sure you're ashamed enough to understand how awful I've felt. I'm returning the pictures from LA to you, but I'll keep my common sense as a memory. You should also know that I told in my confession today about cocaine abuse.
Go burn,
Dear (Anyone who has commented on your last entry):
I don't really know how to tell you this, but ___1___. I think I realized it ___2___ ___3___ and I saw you ___4___ ___5___. I'm sure you're ___6___ enough to understand ___7___. I'm returning ___8___ to you, but I'll keep ___9___ as a memory. You should also know that I ___10___ ___11___ .
-Your name-
1. What's the color of your shirt?
Blue - Our romance is over
Red - Our affair is over
White - I'll join the monastery
Black - I dislike you
Green - Our horoscope doesn't match
Grey - You're a pervert
Yellow - I'm selling myself
Pink - Your nostrils are insulting
Brown - The mafia wants you
No shirt - You're a loser
Other - I'm in love with your sister
2. Which is your birth month?
January - That night
February - Last year
March - When your dwarf bit me
April - When I tripped on sesame seeds
May - First of May
June - When you put cuffs on me
July - When I threw up
August - When I saw the shrunken head
September - When we skinny dipped
October - When I quoted Santa
November - When your dog ran amok
December - When I changed tennis shoes
3. Which food do you prefer?
Tacos - In your apartment
Pizza - In your camping car
Pasta - Outside of Chicago
Hamburgers - Under the bus
Salad - As you ate enchilada
Chicken - In your closet
Kabob - With Paris Hilton
Fish - In women's clothing
Sandwiches - At the Hare Krishna graduation
Lasagna - At the mental hospital
Hot dog - Under a state of trance
None of the above - With George Bush and his wife
4. What's the color of your socks?
Yellow - Hit on
Red - Insult
Black - Ignore
Blue - Knock out
Purple - Pour syrup on
White - Carve your initials into
Grey - Pull the clothes off
Brown - Put leeches on
Orange - Castrate
Pink - Pull the toupee off
Barefoot - Sit on
Other - Drive out
5. What's the color of your underwear?
Black - My best friend
White - My father
Grey - Bill Clinton
Brown - My fart balloon
Purple - My mustard soufflé
Red - Donald Duck
Blue - My avocado plant
Yellow - My penpal in Ghana
Orange - My Kid Rock-collection
Pink - Manchester United's goalkeeper
None - My John F. Kennedy-statue
Other - The crazy monk
6. What do you prefer to watch on TV?
Scrubs - Man
O.C. - Emotional
One Tree Hill - Open
Heroes - Frostbitten
Lost - High
House - Scarred
Simpsons - Cowardly
The news - Mongolic
Idol - Masochistic
Family Guy - Senile
Top Model - Middle-class
None of the above - Ashamed
7. Your mood right now?
Happy - How awful I've felt
Sad - How boring you are
Bored - That Santa doesn't exist
Angry - That your pimples are at the last stage
Depressed - That we're cousins
Excited - That there is no solution to this.
Nervous - The middle-east
Worried - That your Honda sucks
Apathetic - That I did a sex-change
Ashamed - That I'm allergic to your hamster
Cuddly - That I get turned on by garbage men
Overjoyous - That I'm open
Other - That Extreme Home Makeover sucks
8. What's the color of your walls in your bedroom?
White - Your ring
Yellow - Your love letters
Red - Your Darth Vader-poster
Black - Your tame stone
Blue - The couch cushions
Green - The pictures from LA
Orange - Your false teeth
Brown - Your contact book
Grey - Our matching snoopy-bibs
Purple - Your old lottery coupons
Pink - The cut toenails
Other - Your memories from the military service
9. The first letter of your first name?
A/B - Your photo
C/D - The oil stocks
E/F - Your neighbour Martin
G/H - My virginity
I/J - The results of your blood-sample
K/L - Your left ear
M/N - Your suicide note
O/P - My common sense
Q/R - Your mom
S/T - Your collection of butterflies
U/V - Your criminal record
W/X - David's tricot outfits
Y/Z - Your grades from college
10. The last letter in your last name?
A/B - Always will remember
C/D - Never will forget
E/F - Always wanted to break
G/H - Never openly mocked
I/J - Always have felt dirty before
K/L - Will tell the authorities about
M/N - Told in my confession today about
O/P - Was interviewed by the Times about
Q/R - Told my psychiatrist about
S/T - Get sick when I think of
U/V - Always will try to forget
W/X - Am better off without
Y/Z - Never liked
11. What do you prefer to drink?
Water- Our friendship
Beer - Senility
Soft drink - A new life as a clone
Soda - The incarnation as an eskimo
Milk - The apartment building
Wine - Cocaine abuse
Cider - A passionate interest for mice
Juice - Oprah Winfrey imitations
Mineral water - Embarrassing rash
Hot chocolate - Eggplant-fetishism
Whisky - To ruin the second world war
Other - To hate the Boston Celtics
12. To which country would you prefer to go on a vacation?
Thailand - Warm regards
USA - Best regards
England - Good luck on your short-term leave from jail
Spain - Go and drown yourself
China - Disgusting regards
Germany - With ease
Japan - Go burn
Greece - Your everlasting enemy
Australia - Greetings to your frog Leonard
Egypt - Fuck off now
France - In pain
Other - Greetings to your freaky family
Well mi-a placut lol XD
Dear (Yeah.. whatever)
I don't really know how to tell you this, but our affair is over. I think I realized it when your dog ran amok in your camping car and I saw you sit on my best friend. I'm sure you're ashamed enough to understand how awful I've felt. I'm returning the pictures from LA to you, but I'll keep my common sense as a memory. You should also know that I told in my confession today about cocaine abuse.
Go burn,
Dear (Anyone who has commented on your last entry):
I don't really know how to tell you this, but ___1___. I think I realized it ___2___ ___3___ and I saw you ___4___ ___5___. I'm sure you're ___6___ enough to understand ___7___. I'm returning ___8___ to you, but I'll keep ___9___ as a memory. You should also know that I ___10___ ___11___ .
-Your name-
1. What's the color of your shirt?
Blue - Our romance is over
Red - Our affair is over
White - I'll join the monastery
Black - I dislike you
Green - Our horoscope doesn't match
Grey - You're a pervert
Yellow - I'm selling myself
Pink - Your nostrils are insulting
Brown - The mafia wants you
No shirt - You're a loser
Other - I'm in love with your sister
2. Which is your birth month?
January - That night
February - Last year
March - When your dwarf bit me
April - When I tripped on sesame seeds
May - First of May
June - When you put cuffs on me
July - When I threw up
August - When I saw the shrunken head
September - When we skinny dipped
October - When I quoted Santa
November - When your dog ran amok
December - When I changed tennis shoes
3. Which food do you prefer?
Tacos - In your apartment
Pizza - In your camping car
Pasta - Outside of Chicago
Hamburgers - Under the bus
Salad - As you ate enchilada
Chicken - In your closet
Kabob - With Paris Hilton
Fish - In women's clothing
Sandwiches - At the Hare Krishna graduation
Lasagna - At the mental hospital
Hot dog - Under a state of trance
None of the above - With George Bush and his wife
4. What's the color of your socks?
Yellow - Hit on
Red - Insult
Black - Ignore
Blue - Knock out
Purple - Pour syrup on
White - Carve your initials into
Grey - Pull the clothes off
Brown - Put leeches on
Orange - Castrate
Pink - Pull the toupee off
Barefoot - Sit on
Other - Drive out
5. What's the color of your underwear?
Black - My best friend
White - My father
Grey - Bill Clinton
Brown - My fart balloon
Purple - My mustard soufflé
Red - Donald Duck
Blue - My avocado plant
Yellow - My penpal in Ghana
Orange - My Kid Rock-collection
Pink - Manchester United's goalkeeper
None - My John F. Kennedy-statue
Other - The crazy monk
6. What do you prefer to watch on TV?
Scrubs - Man
O.C. - Emotional
One Tree Hill - Open
Heroes - Frostbitten
Lost - High
House - Scarred
Simpsons - Cowardly
The news - Mongolic
Idol - Masochistic
Family Guy - Senile
Top Model - Middle-class
None of the above - Ashamed
7. Your mood right now?
Happy - How awful I've felt
Sad - How boring you are
Bored - That Santa doesn't exist
Angry - That your pimples are at the last stage
Depressed - That we're cousins
Excited - That there is no solution to this.
Nervous - The middle-east
Worried - That your Honda sucks
Apathetic - That I did a sex-change
Ashamed - That I'm allergic to your hamster
Cuddly - That I get turned on by garbage men
Overjoyous - That I'm open
Other - That Extreme Home Makeover sucks
8. What's the color of your walls in your bedroom?
White - Your ring
Yellow - Your love letters
Red - Your Darth Vader-poster
Black - Your tame stone
Blue - The couch cushions
Green - The pictures from LA
Orange - Your false teeth
Brown - Your contact book
Grey - Our matching snoopy-bibs
Purple - Your old lottery coupons
Pink - The cut toenails
Other - Your memories from the military service
9. The first letter of your first name?
A/B - Your photo
C/D - The oil stocks
E/F - Your neighbour Martin
G/H - My virginity
I/J - The results of your blood-sample
K/L - Your left ear
M/N - Your suicide note
O/P - My common sense
Q/R - Your mom
S/T - Your collection of butterflies
U/V - Your criminal record
W/X - David's tricot outfits
Y/Z - Your grades from college
10. The last letter in your last name?
A/B - Always will remember
C/D - Never will forget
E/F - Always wanted to break
G/H - Never openly mocked
I/J - Always have felt dirty before
K/L - Will tell the authorities about
M/N - Told in my confession today about
O/P - Was interviewed by the Times about
Q/R - Told my psychiatrist about
S/T - Get sick when I think of
U/V - Always will try to forget
W/X - Am better off without
Y/Z - Never liked
11. What do you prefer to drink?
Water- Our friendship
Beer - Senility
Soft drink - A new life as a clone
Soda - The incarnation as an eskimo
Milk - The apartment building
Wine - Cocaine abuse
Cider - A passionate interest for mice
Juice - Oprah Winfrey imitations
Mineral water - Embarrassing rash
Hot chocolate - Eggplant-fetishism
Whisky - To ruin the second world war
Other - To hate the Boston Celtics
12. To which country would you prefer to go on a vacation?
Thailand - Warm regards
USA - Best regards
England - Good luck on your short-term leave from jail
Spain - Go and drown yourself
China - Disgusting regards
Germany - With ease
Japan - Go burn
Greece - Your everlasting enemy
Australia - Greetings to your frog Leonard
Egypt - Fuck off now
France - In pain
Other - Greetings to your freaky family
Well mi-a placut lol XD
Sakura Meiro

Moran - Arikata
♣ Mood ♣
♣ Messenger ♣
Kami, Jui, Kadici
♣ Internet ♣
YT - D.Veil - AnimeSoul
" A cat named “Lost child” settled down in a dream. "
Iar nu am postat de foarte mult timp dar in ultima vreme mi-a fost foarte lene sa mai fac ceva. Nici acum nu prea stiu despre ce sa vorbesc. Nici de anime-uri / manga-uri nu am mai prea avut chef, incepeam sa ma uit la ceva sau sa citesc ceva si dupa cateva minute imi pierea cheful.
Anyway cred ca o sa zic de ziua de sambata lol. Pana la urma a venit unchiul meu si mi-a adus pisica. Shin are pisica lalalala ~ X3. Nu m-a prea interesat daca e pisica sau motan, imi e cam tot una, oricum e pisica lol. Chiar si asa tot Tyki i-am pus nume. Suna asa aiurea cand spun ca Tyki se linge sau mai stiu eu ce ._. Ma rog, pe urma au plecat unchiul, tata si fratele meu la Campeni la nu stiu ce unchi si matusa si verisori lol si cand s-au intors l-au adus si pe verisorul meu mic si enervant. Tot timpul cand vine pe aici trebuie sa stea pe langa mine si sa topaie si sa ma intrebe mereu ce fac. Pe urma mai trebuie sa vina si fratele meu dupa el, sa se bata, sa topaie si el, sa ma intrebe o mie de chestii pe urma in sfarsit obosesc si ei si pleaca naibii, cel putin asa era de obicei. Dar de data asta nu, nu pot sa plece pur si simplu, trebuie sa mai stea sa se joace si cu pisica geez. Pe urma in sfarsit au adormit pe la 12 si ceva. Eu am stat pana dimineata ca si de obicei hmpf, nu-mi pasa mie de musafiri. Pe urma cand s-au gandit sa plece a2a zi s-a intalnit tata cu o verisoara a mea cu care nu am vorbit in viata mea si habar nu am ce cauta pe aici, bine ca nu a venit pe la noi. Iar apoi seara au venit alt unchi, o matusa si o verisoara si mai mica, dar ei au stat foarte putin slava cerului lol.
Oricum in ultima vreme am adormit tot dimineata pe la 4-5-6 lol si uneori nu am dormit deloc. Chiar daca am incercat sa adorm mai devreme, pe la 3, tot abia la 1 si ceva am reusit sa ma trezesc ca si de obicei. Mi-am stricat programul rau de tot geez.
Vreau sa merg acum intr-o zi sa fac niste poze pe afara. Nu am fost de mult si aparatul meu o sa putrezeasca. Dar nici nu prea am la ce face poze pe aici, si m-am cam saturat doar de nori si munti si cam atat. Oricum o sa gasesc eu la ce sper, asta in cazul in care nu imi e prea lene sa umblu pe undeva sa fac poze si daca gasesc cu cine sa merg, nu am chef sa umblu pe dealuri sau mai stiu eu unde singura lol >.>"
Asa, o sa incerc sa postez cat de cat mai des [de cate ori nu am zis asta lol?]. Trebuie sa-mi inving lenea cumva si sa gasesc ceva interesant de postat si sa gasesc cheful de facut ceva altfel o sa mor naibii de plictiseala. De fapt, am chef si as vrea sa fac multe dar lenea e prea mare --'
Cam atat, o sa pun poze cu pisica altadata xD Bye bye o.o
duminică, 19 iulie 2009
Madness of Lost Memories

♣ Music ♣
MUCC - Kugatsu Mikka No Kokuin
♣ Mood ♣
♣ Messenger ♣
♣ Internet ♣
" A flower that only blooms here, a wind that only blows here. "
MUCC - Kugatsu Mikka No Kokuin
♣ Mood ♣
♣ Messenger ♣
♣ Internet ♣
" A flower that only blooms here, a wind that only blows here. "
Hey there :3
Am reusit in sfarsit sa citesc capitolele care au aparut din Pandora Hearts si acum as fi vrut sa fie mai multe lol. Am vazut si episodul 16 si Break e asa de adorabil acolo <3. Glen parca ar fi Vincent 2 wtf, ar fi trebuit sa fie cel mai bun prieten al lui nu al lui Jack z.z' Dar totusi imi place putin, pentru cum arata. Ca veni vorba de Vincent mi s-a facut mila de el cand s-a aratat de trecutul lui si m-a enervat Gil putin lol.
In rest in ultimele doua zile am vazut cateva episoade din Higurashi si pana acum imi place, dar nu am inteles mare lucru din el iar asta chiar devine enervant uneori. Oricum pana acum nici nu mi-a fost frica la el nici nu am avut cosmaruri o.o O sa trebuiasca pe urma sa ma uit iar la toate episoadele la sfarsit si sa-mi notez pe ceva ce zice acolo pentru ca de fiecare data imi place foarte mult <3.
In rest trebuie sa mai caut ceva de postat pe blog. Am mai gasit doua meme-uri dar imi e prea lene sa le fac, poate o sa le postez mai tarziu daca nu maine sau vad eu. Ar trebui sa scriu despre anime-urile/manga-urile care le-am vazut/citit dar imi e prea lene sa fac asa ceva plus ca e prea mult de scris asa ca o las balta. Cred ca merg sa ma uit la ceva sau sa mai citesc ceva din D.Gray-man :3
Bye bye XD
Pandora Hearts,
Ascendead Master
Nu prea aveam de gand sa fac un post de genul asta dar ma rog. Nu am de gand sa postez nici pe forum-uri si nici sa-mi pu stts-uri, nici macar nu aveam de gand sa postez pe blog pentru ca pur si simplu nu are rost dar ma rog. As fi putut sa ii trimit un e-mail asa cum probabil or sa faca multi, dar nici asta nu conteaza. Dintre cate o sa primeasca nici nu o sa stea sa le citeasca pe toate probabil, asa ca ce conteaza unul in plus sau in minus..? Nu ma intereseaza ca multi nu inteleg ce imi place asa de mult la o melodie la care nici macar nu stiu de prima data ce canta vocalistul acolo, nu ma intereseaza ca imi spun ca sunt emo doar pentru ca am versuri mai nu stiu cum la stts, nu ma intereseaza ca zic de j-rocker-ul nu stiu care ca arata ciudat, pur si simplu nu imi pasa. Revenind la ideea initiala a postului lol. Nici macar nu imi dau seama de ce imi place asa de mult. Nu ma regasesc in toate versurile lui asa cum se intampla la multi, doar in unele si restul pur si simplu imi plac, trupa in care canta nu e preferata mea, melodiile care le canta nu sunt preferatele mele, pv-urile nu sunt preferatele mele si as putea sa continui mult si bine asa. Totusi imi place, imi place mult. Imi place felul in care arata, imi place cum se comporta, imi place cum vorbeste, imi place vocea lui, imi place totul la el. Imi place mult, il iubesc, dar nu pot sa-mi dau seama de ce, sau imi dau seama dar pur si simplu nu pot zice asta in cuvinte. Nu imi pasa daca altii or sa spuna ca sunt doar o simpla fana asa cum sunt multe altele, de ce le-as da atentie? Doar eu stiu ce simt si daca cei din jurul meu nu pot intelege asta e, nu ma deranjeaza.
Ca sa nu o mai lungesc asa de mult si sa nu am iar o stare emo,
Happy Birthday, Kamijo!
Ca sa nu o mai lungesc asa de mult si sa nu am iar o stare emo,
Happy Birthday, Kamijo!
Happy Birthday
sâmbătă, 18 iulie 2009
Meme~ no. 8
Mood : Sleepy
Music : Poets of the Fall - Late Goodbye
name Madalina
nicknames Shin; Jasdebi; Libra; Loopain etc.
age 15
birthday 6 November
location Romania
siblings Brother
straight/bi/gay Straight
hair color Black
eye color Blue
height 1.67 m
dye your hair No, actually I had some blonde highlights but you can't even notice this now if I don't tell you xP
have braces Yes
wear glasses No
wear contacts No
piercings No
tattoos No
color Purple; Black; Blue
movie The Nightmare before Christmas; Sweeney Todd
animal Cat
food Pizza; Fries; Pudding
drink Pepsi
alcoholic drink Dunno
car Dunno
day of the week Friday
season Winter
song Too many.
quote Dunno
book Dunno lol
magazine Fool's Mate, G!litter, Arena37°c, Cure, Neo Genesis, Pati Pati, Rock & Read, Shockwave, Shoxx
flower Freesia; Gerbera; Hydrangea; Rose
person you hugged My father
person you kissed ~
thing you said Huh
thing you ate Pizza
you called ~
called you My mother
person you saw My father
prettiest ~
stupidest ~
best house ~
best car ~
best parents ~
loudest ~
funniest Kami; Jui; Kadici; Tahy
craziest Kami lol and maybe onii? xD
always has a boyfriend/girlfriend Onii?XD
always has parties ~
known the longest Kami
known the shortest ~
most likely to pass out drunk Kami? Jui? O_O
kill someone ~
try to take over the world ~
summer or winter Winter ~ <3>
dog or cat Cat
pepsi or coke Pepsi
cellphone or ipod Both
ocean or pool Ocean
black or white Black
chocolate or vanilla Chocolate
flowers or candy Dunno lol
rock or rap Rock :3
tv or movie Movie
aim or myspace Dunno
stars or hearts Hearts
bracelet or necklace Bracelet
gold or silver Silver
brunette or blonde Brunette
kisses or hugs Hugs >w<
pen or pencil Pen
smoked No
failed a test No
had sex No
been home alone Yes
stayed home from school No
been to the mall Yes
bought a book No
been to a show/concert No
yelled at someone Yes
got into a fight/argument No
told a lie Yes
been out of state No
iN Y0UR R00M
tv No
your own phone Yes
dvd player No
radio No
computer Yes
posters Not yet
of what? ~
pictures No
of who? ~
taken or single Single
got a crush Yes
name pleaseee No :3
1:: Friends
2:: Music
3:: My father & my brother
4:: J-rockers xP
5:: Anime & Manga
6:: Books
7:: Movies
8:: Forums & Blogs
9:: Plushies
1:: Spiders
2:: Loneliness
3:: Yuri
4:: Summer
5:: School
6:: Lenalee
7:: Time
8:: People without a sense of humor
1:: Friends; Music
2:: Computer
3:: Books
4:: J-rockers lawl XD
5:: Anime & Manga
6:: My family
7:: Food & Water? XD
1:: Shorts
2:: T-shirt
3:: Hairpins
4:: Bracelets
5:: ~
6:: ~
1:: Sleep
2:: Read
3:: Search a cat lol
4:: Watch a movie
5:: Go outside
1:: ~
2:: ~
3:: ~
4:: ~
1:: Friends
2:: MP3
3:: Computer?XD I'll make it work.. somehow
1:: ~
2:: ~
1:: Dunno
DiD Y0U...
like the survey Yes
lie about anything No
Music : Poets of the Fall - Late Goodbye
name Madalina
nicknames Shin; Jasdebi; Libra; Loopain etc.
age 15
birthday 6 November
location Romania
siblings Brother
straight/bi/gay Straight
hair color Black
eye color Blue
height 1.67 m
dye your hair No, actually I had some blonde highlights but you can't even notice this now if I don't tell you xP
have braces Yes
wear glasses No
wear contacts No
piercings No
tattoos No
color Purple; Black; Blue
movie The Nightmare before Christmas; Sweeney Todd
animal Cat
food Pizza; Fries; Pudding
drink Pepsi
alcoholic drink Dunno
car Dunno
day of the week Friday
season Winter
song Too many.
quote Dunno
book Dunno lol
magazine Fool's Mate, G!litter, Arena37°c, Cure, Neo Genesis, Pati Pati, Rock & Read, Shockwave, Shoxx
flower Freesia; Gerbera; Hydrangea; Rose
person you hugged My father
person you kissed ~
thing you said Huh
thing you ate Pizza
you called ~
called you My mother
person you saw My father
prettiest ~
stupidest ~
best house ~
best car ~
best parents ~
loudest ~
funniest Kami; Jui; Kadici; Tahy
craziest Kami lol and maybe onii? xD
always has a boyfriend/girlfriend Onii?XD
always has parties ~
known the longest Kami
known the shortest ~
most likely to pass out drunk Kami? Jui? O_O
kill someone ~
try to take over the world ~
summer or winter Winter ~ <3>
dog or cat Cat
pepsi or coke Pepsi
cellphone or ipod Both
ocean or pool Ocean
black or white Black
chocolate or vanilla Chocolate
flowers or candy Dunno lol
rock or rap Rock :3
tv or movie Movie
aim or myspace Dunno
stars or hearts Hearts
bracelet or necklace Bracelet
gold or silver Silver
brunette or blonde Brunette
kisses or hugs Hugs >w<
pen or pencil Pen
smoked No
failed a test No
had sex No
been home alone Yes
stayed home from school No
been to the mall Yes
bought a book No
been to a show/concert No
yelled at someone Yes
got into a fight/argument No
told a lie Yes
been out of state No
iN Y0UR R00M
tv No
your own phone Yes
dvd player No
radio No
computer Yes
posters Not yet
of what? ~
pictures No
of who? ~
taken or single Single
got a crush Yes
name pleaseee No :3
1:: Friends
2:: Music
3:: My father & my brother
4:: J-rockers xP
5:: Anime & Manga
6:: Books
7:: Movies
8:: Forums & Blogs
9:: Plushies
1:: Spiders
2:: Loneliness
3:: Yuri
4:: Summer
5:: School
6:: Lenalee
7:: Time
8:: People without a sense of humor
1:: Friends; Music
2:: Computer
3:: Books
4:: J-rockers lawl XD
5:: Anime & Manga
6:: My family
7:: Food & Water? XD
1:: Shorts
2:: T-shirt
3:: Hairpins
4:: Bracelets
5:: ~
6:: ~
1:: Sleep
2:: Read
3:: Search a cat lol
4:: Watch a movie
5:: Go outside
1:: ~
2:: ~
3:: ~
4:: ~
1:: Friends
2:: MP3
3:: Computer?XD I'll make it work.. somehow
1:: ~
2:: ~
1:: Dunno
DiD Y0U...
like the survey Yes
lie about anything No
Meme~ no. 7
Mood : Dunno
Music : Poets of the Fall - Carnival of Rust
* . . About You . . *
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Black
Height: 1.67 m
Favorite Color: Purple; Black; Blue; Grey; Green
Favorite Band: Nightmare; MUCC; Deluhi
Favorite Movie: The Nightmare before Christmas; Sweeney Todd
Favorite Show: Supernatural <3
* . . Have You Ever . . *
Sat on your rooftop? Yes
Kissed someone in the rain? I can't remember
Danced in a public place? Yes
Smiled for no reason? Yes
Laughed so hard you cried? Yes
Peed your pants after age 8? No lol
Written a song? No
Sang to someone for no reason? Yes
Talked to someone you don't know? Yes
Made out in a theatre? No
Been in love? Yep
* . . Who was the last person to . . *
Say HI to you? Kadici
Tell you, I love you? Dunno..
Kiss you? Dunno
Hug you? My brother
Tell you BYE? Kami
Write you a note? Dunno
Call your cell phone? My mother
Buy you something? My father
Go with you to the movies? No one
Sing to you? Dunno
Write a poem about you? Dunno
Text message you? Orange? LOL
* . . What's the last . . *
Time you laughed? Today
Time you cried? Today
Movie you watched? The Chronicles of Narnia bla bla
Joke you told? Dunno
Time you've looked at the clock? A few minutes ago
Drink you've had? Beer X3
Book you've read? ~
Food you've eaten? Pizza
Flavor of gum chewed? ~
Store you've been in? Dunno
* . . Can You . . *
Write with both hands? Yes, but it won't look good lol
Whistle? Yes
Blow a bubble? Yes
Roll your tounge in a circle? No wtf
Cross your eyes? Yes
Touch your tounge to your nose? No
Stay up a whole night without sleep? Yes
Speak a different language? Yes
Make a card pyramid? Yes
Cook anything? Yep :3
Music : Poets of the Fall - Carnival of Rust
* . . About You . . *
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Black
Height: 1.67 m
Favorite Color: Purple; Black; Blue; Grey; Green
Favorite Band: Nightmare; MUCC; Deluhi
Favorite Movie: The Nightmare before Christmas; Sweeney Todd
Favorite Show: Supernatural <3
* . . Have You Ever . . *
Sat on your rooftop? Yes
Kissed someone in the rain? I can't remember
Danced in a public place? Yes
Smiled for no reason? Yes
Laughed so hard you cried? Yes
Peed your pants after age 8? No lol
Written a song? No
Sang to someone for no reason? Yes
Talked to someone you don't know? Yes
Made out in a theatre? No
Been in love? Yep
* . . Who was the last person to . . *
Say HI to you? Kadici
Tell you, I love you? Dunno..
Kiss you? Dunno
Hug you? My brother
Tell you BYE? Kami
Write you a note? Dunno
Call your cell phone? My mother
Buy you something? My father
Go with you to the movies? No one
Sing to you? Dunno
Write a poem about you? Dunno
Text message you? Orange? LOL
* . . What's the last . . *
Time you laughed? Today
Time you cried? Today
Movie you watched? The Chronicles of Narnia bla bla
Joke you told? Dunno
Time you've looked at the clock? A few minutes ago
Drink you've had? Beer X3
Book you've read? ~
Food you've eaten? Pizza
Flavor of gum chewed? ~
Store you've been in? Dunno
* . . Can You . . *
Write with both hands? Yes, but it won't look good lol
Whistle? Yes
Blow a bubble? Yes
Roll your tounge in a circle? No wtf
Cross your eyes? Yes
Touch your tounge to your nose? No
Stay up a whole night without sleep? Yes
Speak a different language? Yes
Make a card pyramid? Yes
Cook anything? Yep :3
Find my way

Hatsune Mikuo - Last Night, Good Night
♣ Mood ♣
♣ Messenger ♣
Kami, Jui
♣ Internet ♣
YT - CatoBlepas - ScatterFreesia - D.Veil - AnimeSoul - OtakuGeneration - AnimeHeaven - ShatteredTranquility
" If you can't hide your loneliness, just be alone. "
Deci in sfarsit am reusit sa termin meme-urile care le-a postat Kami pe blog. Vroiam sa fac mai multe pentru ca imi place sa completez chestiute de genul asta, dar imi e prea lene sa mai tastez si am chef sa stau degeaba asteptand sa ma topesc de cald lol --'
Nu mi-am mai luat ieri pisica si azi daca merg cred ca merg mai tarziu, sper lol. Totusi nu stiu ce e cu mine azi dar imi e asa de lene. Poate pentru ca ca am baut bere, am mancat pizza si crema de zahar ars lol, parca e ziua mea nu a lui Jui o-o' Anyway am baut aproape jumatate de sticla de bere singura XD
Vroiam sa mai vad cateva episoade din Code Geass astazi ca sa termin o data cu el, dar nu prea am chef de anime-uri, poate o sa vad ceva mai tarziu si poate imi gasesc cheful si de Amatsuki si Claymore x_x Si gata nu mai stau sa enumar tot ce am de vazut/citit.
Cred ca acum o sa stau degeaba si o sa fac nimic lol. Nu am facut de mult timp asta si mi s-a facut dor :3. Mda, post lung o.o''' Bye bye XD
Meme~ no. 6
Name: Madalina
Birthdate: 6 November
Birthplace: Romania
Location: ^ Same
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Blue
Weight: Dunno
Height: 1.67 m
Braces? Yes
Glasses/contacts? No
Freckles? No
Scars? Yeah lol
Food: Pizza; Fries; Pudding
Drink: Pepsi
Color(s): Black; Purple; Blue; Grey; Green
Clothing Brand(s): SPR; BPN
Coke/Pepsi: Pepsi
Bikini/One Peice: One Peice
Love/Money: Love
Resturant/Fast Food: Restaurant
Boy/Girl: Boy
Pop/Water: Water
Dogs/Cats: Cats
Night/Day: Night
Sun/Rain: Rain
Have You Ever
Cried in school: Yes
Laughed so hard you peed: No
Seen your best friend naked: No lol
Taken a shower with someone: No
Been drunk: Yep xD
Smoked: No
Cried on someones shoulder: No..
Let someone cry on your shoulder: Yes
Slept in bed with same sex: Yes
Used the bathroom in front of a friend: No
Do You
Smoke No
Do Drugs No
Drink Yes
Cry often Yes
Change in front of your friends No
Talk about private things with friends Sometimes
In the Opposite Sex
Favorite eye color: Blue/Black
Favorite hair color: Black
height: Dunno
weight: Dunno
drugs: No
tatoos: No
peircings: Maybe
The last.
person you hugged: A cat lol
person you kissed: Dunno
person you talked to: My brother
time you cried: Yesterday
time you laughed: A few minutes ago
thing you bought: Ice cream
person you yelled at: My brother
person you said i love you to: Dunno
thing you drank: Beer
thing you ate: Pizza
Birthdate: 6 November
Birthplace: Romania
Location: ^ Same
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Blue
Weight: Dunno
Height: 1.67 m
Braces? Yes
Glasses/contacts? No
Freckles? No
Scars? Yeah lol
Food: Pizza; Fries; Pudding
Drink: Pepsi
Color(s): Black; Purple; Blue; Grey; Green
Clothing Brand(s): SPR; BPN
Coke/Pepsi: Pepsi
Bikini/One Peice: One Peice
Love/Money: Love
Resturant/Fast Food: Restaurant
Boy/Girl: Boy
Pop/Water: Water
Dogs/Cats: Cats
Night/Day: Night
Sun/Rain: Rain
Have You Ever
Cried in school: Yes
Laughed so hard you peed: No
Seen your best friend naked: No lol
Taken a shower with someone: No
Been drunk: Yep xD
Smoked: No
Cried on someones shoulder: No..
Let someone cry on your shoulder: Yes
Slept in bed with same sex: Yes
Used the bathroom in front of a friend: No
Do You
Smoke No
Do Drugs No
Drink Yes
Cry often Yes
Change in front of your friends No
Talk about private things with friends Sometimes
In the Opposite Sex
Favorite eye color: Blue/Black
Favorite hair color: Black
height: Dunno
weight: Dunno
drugs: No
tatoos: No
peircings: Maybe
The last.
person you hugged: A cat lol
person you kissed: Dunno
person you talked to: My brother
time you cried: Yesterday
time you laughed: A few minutes ago
thing you bought: Ice cream
person you yelled at: My brother
person you said i love you to: Dunno
thing you drank: Beer
thing you ate: Pizza
Meme~ no. 5
Mood : Bored
Music : Vocaloid - Alice of Human Sacrifice
full name ~
nickname Shin; Jasdebi; Libra; Loopain etc.
birthplace Romania
current location Romania z.z
race Human lol? Maybe I'm a cat @_@
age 15
birthday 6 November
sign Scorpio
siblings One brother
school ~
sports Tennis; Football
eye color Blue
hair color Black
height 1.67 m
fears Spiders; loneliness
what do you want to be when you grow up Dunno
have you ever been in love Yes
with who ~
do your parents think you are a little boy crazy No
do you believe in god Usually I do
do you go to church regurally No
do you believe in ghosts No
do you believe in ur astrology Not really
what does your notebook have written on it Lyrics; some of my thoughtst
do you want to have kids when you grow up Not really
where is your favorite place to be on the weekends Home
do you sing Sometimes, but I'm not good
do you dance No
do you cry Yeah..
whats your favorite color Purple; Black; Blue
whats your favorite season Winter
whats your favorite movie The Nightmare before Christmas
whats your favorite music J-rock
whats your favorite song Too many
whats your favorite food Pizza XD
have you ever been drunk Yeah XD
have you ever done drugs No
have you ever had sex No
have you ever lied Yes
have you ever been arrested No
in a guy what age do you prefer Dunno
in a guy how tall do you want them to be Dunno
in a guy what eye color do you prefer Blue/Black
in a guy what hair color do you prefer Black
do you trust others easily No
can you openily talk about anything No
do you have any pets Two parrots and I want a cat
do you like thunderstorms Yes
do you like school Who likes school?
whats your favorite flavor of ice cream Chocolate
what kind of car do you have I don't have one
do you like the way you look No
Music : Vocaloid - Alice of Human Sacrifice
full name ~
nickname Shin; Jasdebi; Libra; Loopain etc.
birthplace Romania
current location Romania z.z
race Human lol? Maybe I'm a cat @_@
age 15
birthday 6 November
sign Scorpio
siblings One brother
school ~
sports Tennis; Football
eye color Blue
hair color Black
height 1.67 m
fears Spiders; loneliness
what do you want to be when you grow up Dunno
have you ever been in love Yes
with who ~
do your parents think you are a little boy crazy No
do you believe in god Usually I do
do you go to church regurally No
do you believe in ghosts No
do you believe in ur astrology Not really
what does your notebook have written on it Lyrics; some of my thoughtst
do you want to have kids when you grow up Not really
where is your favorite place to be on the weekends Home
do you sing Sometimes, but I'm not good
do you dance No
do you cry Yeah..
whats your favorite color Purple; Black; Blue
whats your favorite season Winter
whats your favorite movie The Nightmare before Christmas
whats your favorite music J-rock
whats your favorite song Too many
whats your favorite food Pizza XD
have you ever been drunk Yeah XD
have you ever done drugs No
have you ever had sex No
have you ever lied Yes
have you ever been arrested No
in a guy what age do you prefer Dunno
in a guy how tall do you want them to be Dunno
in a guy what eye color do you prefer Blue/Black
in a guy what hair color do you prefer Black
do you trust others easily No
can you openily talk about anything No
do you have any pets Two parrots and I want a cat
do you like thunderstorms Yes
do you like school Who likes school?
whats your favorite flavor of ice cream Chocolate
what kind of car do you have I don't have one
do you like the way you look No
Meme~ no. 4
Mood : Bored
Music : Hatsune Miku - Love is War
What was the last movie you saw in the theaters? None
Penguins or poodles? Dunno, both?
What's your relationship status? ~
Are you happy with that? ~
Winter or Summer? Winter
What did you do today? Sleep; Computer; Eat; Computer
What are you plans for this weekend? Dunno
What's your favorite genre of music? J-rock
What was the last book you read? Dunno
Do you watch American Idol? I don't
What's your favorite TV show? Supernatural ~ <3
What's your pets name/s? Albert; Zora don't ask lol
What's the closest purple object? A book
How long until your next birthday? Like 4 months
Any plans for it? No
Have you already made your Christmas wish list? No
If so, what's on it? ~
What's on your bed right now? Stuffed animals; Chess bord; Sword; Clothes; A book
Currently mad at anyone? No
Do you currently like someone? Yeah
Is there currently anything on your floor? Some cards lol
What's on your mind right now? Nothing? O_O
Do you have a lot of good friends or a few best friends? A few best friends
What's your favorite month? November
Do you attend church regularly? No
What's the first thing you notice in a guy/girl? Eyes/Hair
What's your favorite animal? Cat
How many concerts have you been to? Dunno
Do you have any posters on your wall? Not yet
What is the dominant color in your closet? Black
Is there something you're wanting to say to someone right now? Dunno
What's the best part of winter? The snow :3
Do you care what people think of you? Not really
What is your best subject in school? Literature; English
Music : Hatsune Miku - Love is War
What was the last movie you saw in the theaters? None
Penguins or poodles? Dunno, both?
What's your relationship status? ~
Are you happy with that? ~
Winter or Summer? Winter
What did you do today? Sleep; Computer; Eat; Computer
What are you plans for this weekend? Dunno
What's your favorite genre of music? J-rock
What was the last book you read? Dunno
Do you watch American Idol? I don't
What's your favorite TV show? Supernatural ~ <3
What's your pets name/s? Albert; Zora don't ask lol
What's the closest purple object? A book
How long until your next birthday? Like 4 months
Any plans for it? No
Have you already made your Christmas wish list? No
If so, what's on it? ~
What's on your bed right now? Stuffed animals; Chess bord; Sword; Clothes; A book
Currently mad at anyone? No
Do you currently like someone? Yeah
Is there currently anything on your floor? Some cards lol
What's on your mind right now? Nothing? O_O
Do you have a lot of good friends or a few best friends? A few best friends
What's your favorite month? November
Do you attend church regularly? No
What's the first thing you notice in a guy/girl? Eyes/Hair
What's your favorite animal? Cat
How many concerts have you been to? Dunno
Do you have any posters on your wall? Not yet
What is the dominant color in your closet? Black
Is there something you're wanting to say to someone right now? Dunno
What's the best part of winter? The snow :3
Do you care what people think of you? Not really
What is your best subject in school? Literature; English
Meme~ no. 3
Mood : Bored
Music : Hatsune Mikuo - Last Night, Good Night <3
what was the last thing you ate? Pizza
what was the last thing you searched for on google? Kagamine Len
when was the last time you went outside? Yesterday
who was the last person you talked to on the phone? My mother
when was the last time you saw your mom? One or two years ago
what was the last movie you saw? The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (for like the 3th time and I hate my brother for this --')
what was the last song you heard? Last Night, Good Night
what color is your phone? Red
what are the the last two numbers of you cell phone number? 63
who is the 1st person under J? Jojo
who is the 2nd person under L? Lucian
who is the 1st person under S? Saru
who is the 1st person under Y? ~
who is the 1st person under A? Adriana
who is your last missed call from? From my brother
aim or msn messenger? Dunno
vanilla or chocolate? Chocolate
hotdogs or hamburgers? Hotdogs
coke or pepsi? Pepsi
pens or pencils? Pens
keyboard or piano? Piano and now I want one again *head desk*
summer or winter? Winter
spring or fall? Fall
sledding or swimming? Sledding
week days or weekends? Weekends
christmas or easter? Christmas
what would your name be if you were the opposite sex? Dunno
what color underwear are you wearing? Lol? Black
have you ever eaten a papaya? Yes
do you like your handwriting? Sometimes
what was your last dream about? I can't remember
can you sing the alphabet backwards? No
can you type without looking at the keyboard? Yes
do you have an ipod? what kind is it? I don't have one
look to your right, what is the first thing you notice? The Window
look to your left, what is the first thing you notice? Stuffed animals
Music : Hatsune Mikuo - Last Night, Good Night <3
what was the last thing you ate? Pizza
what was the last thing you searched for on google? Kagamine Len
when was the last time you went outside? Yesterday
who was the last person you talked to on the phone? My mother
when was the last time you saw your mom? One or two years ago
what was the last movie you saw? The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (for like the 3th time and I hate my brother for this --')
what was the last song you heard? Last Night, Good Night
what color is your phone? Red
what are the the last two numbers of you cell phone number? 63
who is the 1st person under J? Jojo
who is the 2nd person under L? Lucian
who is the 1st person under S? Saru
who is the 1st person under Y? ~
who is the 1st person under A? Adriana
who is your last missed call from? From my brother
aim or msn messenger? Dunno
vanilla or chocolate? Chocolate
hotdogs or hamburgers? Hotdogs
coke or pepsi? Pepsi
pens or pencils? Pens
keyboard or piano? Piano and now I want one again *head desk*
summer or winter? Winter
spring or fall? Fall
sledding or swimming? Sledding
week days or weekends? Weekends
christmas or easter? Christmas
what would your name be if you were the opposite sex? Dunno
what color underwear are you wearing? Lol? Black
have you ever eaten a papaya? Yes
do you like your handwriting? Sometimes
what was your last dream about? I can't remember
can you sing the alphabet backwards? No
can you type without looking at the keyboard? Yes
do you have an ipod? what kind is it? I don't have one
look to your right, what is the first thing you notice? The Window
look to your left, what is the first thing you notice? Stuffed animals
Meme~ no. 2
Mood : Bored
Music : Hatsune Mikuo - Last Night, Good Night
1. do you like anyone? : Yes
2. do they know it? : No
1. being hot or cold? : Cold
2. sun or moon? : Moon, I hate sun
3. Winter or Fall? : Winter <3
4. left or right? : Left
5. having 10 acquaintances or having 1 best friend? : Having 1 best friend
6. sun or rain? : Rain <3>vanilla ice cream or chocolate ice cream? : Chocolate ice cream ftw XD
8. boys or girls? : Boys~ X3
9. vodka or jack? : Vodka
1.What time is it? 18:14
2.Why are you up? Because I'm not sleepy lol?
3.Name? : Madalina
4.Nickname(s) : Shin; Jasdebi; Libra; Loopain; Lolo-chan
1.Where do you want to live? : Japan T_T
2.How many kids do you want? : Dunno, 0 lol?XD
3.What kind of job do you want? : Dunno
4.Do you want to get married? : Yeah, maybe
1. Nervous Habits? : Dunno
2. Are you double jointed? : No
3. Can you roll your tongue? : No
4. Can you raise one eyebrow? : Yep
C L O T H E S, E T C
1. Which shoe goes on first? : Right
2. Ever thrown one at someone? : Yes lol
3. Do you carry a wallet : No
4. What jewelery u wearing? Bracelets and sometimes rings
1. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it? : Twirl it
2. Have you ever eaten Spam? : No, it looks ew
3. Favorite ice cream flavor? : Chocolate ~ <3
4. How many kinds of cereal are in your cabinet? : 1
5. Favorite beverage? : Pepsi; Natural juice
6. What’s your favorite restaurant? : Dunno
1. How often do you brush your teeth? : Two or three times a day
2. How do you wear your hair for the most part? : Down or in a simple ponytail
3. Have you ever dyed/highlighted your hair? : Yes, but not all of it
1. Do you swear? : Sometimes
2. Do you ever spit: No
3. You cook your own food? : Sometimes XD
4. You do your own chores? : Yes
5. You got laid today? : No
7. You like pepsi or coke? : Pepsi, Coke makes me feel sick
8. You plan on going to college? : Dunno
9. You spend your money wisely? : Sometimes
10. You’re always making new friends? : No
11. You like to swim? : No
12. Have you ever got bored so you call a friend? : No
13. You’re patient? : Sometimes
14. You like this survey? : Yes
L E T’ S B E H O N E S T
In the last month have you…
1. Had sex: No lol O_O
2. Bought something: Yes
3. Gotten sick: No
4. Sang: Yes
5. Felt stupid: Yes
6. Missed someone: Yes
7. Done drugs: No
8. Danced crazy: No, I don't even like to dance
9. Gotten your hair cut: No
10. Watched cartoons: Yes
11. Lied: Yes
L a s t P e r s o n T h a t…
1. Saw you cry: Dunno
2: Went to the movies with you? : Dunno
3. You went to dinner with? : With.. myself lol?
4. You talked on the phone with : My mother
Music : Hatsune Mikuo - Last Night, Good Night
1. do you like anyone? : Yes
2. do they know it? : No
1. being hot or cold? : Cold
2. sun or moon? : Moon, I hate sun
3. Winter or Fall? : Winter <3
4. left or right? : Left
5. having 10 acquaintances or having 1 best friend? : Having 1 best friend
6. sun or rain? : Rain <3>vanilla ice cream or chocolate ice cream? : Chocolate ice cream ftw XD
8. boys or girls? : Boys~ X3
9. vodka or jack? : Vodka
1.What time is it? 18:14
2.Why are you up? Because I'm not sleepy lol?
3.Name? : Madalina
4.Nickname(s) : Shin; Jasdebi; Libra; Loopain; Lolo-chan
1.Where do you want to live? : Japan T_T
2.How many kids do you want? : Dunno, 0 lol?XD
3.What kind of job do you want? : Dunno
4.Do you want to get married? : Yeah, maybe
1. Nervous Habits? : Dunno
2. Are you double jointed? : No
3. Can you roll your tongue? : No
4. Can you raise one eyebrow? : Yep
C L O T H E S, E T C
1. Which shoe goes on first? : Right
2. Ever thrown one at someone? : Yes lol
3. Do you carry a wallet : No
4. What jewelery u wearing? Bracelets and sometimes rings
1. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it? : Twirl it
2. Have you ever eaten Spam? : No, it looks ew
3. Favorite ice cream flavor? : Chocolate ~ <3
4. How many kinds of cereal are in your cabinet? : 1
5. Favorite beverage? : Pepsi; Natural juice
6. What’s your favorite restaurant? : Dunno
1. How often do you brush your teeth? : Two or three times a day
2. How do you wear your hair for the most part? : Down or in a simple ponytail
3. Have you ever dyed/highlighted your hair? : Yes, but not all of it
1. Do you swear? : Sometimes
2. Do you ever spit: No
3. You cook your own food? : Sometimes XD
4. You do your own chores? : Yes
5. You got laid today? : No
7. You like pepsi or coke? : Pepsi, Coke makes me feel sick
8. You plan on going to college? : Dunno
9. You spend your money wisely? : Sometimes
10. You’re always making new friends? : No
11. You like to swim? : No
12. Have you ever got bored so you call a friend? : No
13. You’re patient? : Sometimes
14. You like this survey? : Yes
L E T’ S B E H O N E S T
In the last month have you…
1. Had sex: No lol O_O
2. Bought something: Yes
3. Gotten sick: No
4. Sang: Yes
5. Felt stupid: Yes
6. Missed someone: Yes
7. Done drugs: No
8. Danced crazy: No, I don't even like to dance
9. Gotten your hair cut: No
10. Watched cartoons: Yes
11. Lied: Yes
L a s t P e r s o n T h a t…
1. Saw you cry: Dunno
2: Went to the movies with you? : Dunno
3. You went to dinner with? : With.. myself lol?
4. You talked on the phone with : My mother
Meme~ no. 1
Mood : Bored
Music : Kaito & Akaito - A flower that only blooms here
Your real name: Madalina
Age: 15
Height: 1.67
Natural hair colour: Black
Eye colour: Blue
Skin colour: Pale
Glasses/contacts?: None, but maybe I'll need glasses in future
Piercings: No
Tattoos: No
Braces: Yeap X3
Mannerisms: I use 'lol' almost always, of course, not when I talk with someone in real life, thought I almost use it then too
Colour: Purple; Black; Grey; Blue; Green
Band: Nightmare; MUCC; Deluhi and many others
Video game: Guilty Gear
Movie: The Nightmare before Christmas; Sweeney Todd; Pirates of the Caribbean and.. many others here too :3
Book: I don't have one yet
Food: Pizza; Fries; Pudding
Game on a cell phone: Pinball lol
Flower: Freesia; Gerbera; Hydrangea; Rose
Scent: Dunno
Animal: Cat
Comic book: Dunno
Cereal: Dunno
Website: Too many
Cartoon: Chi's Sweet Home <3
Play an instrument?: No, but I'd love to
Watch TV more than 60 hours a week?: I haven't watched tv for months
Like to sing? : Sometimes, but I'm definitely not good
Have a job? : No
Have a cell phone? : Of course XD
Like to play sports? : Tennis; Football but just sometimes
Have a boyfriend/girlfriend? : No
Have a crush on someone? : Yes
Live somewhere NOT in the united states? : Romania? And I really hate this country, I want Japan T_T
Have more than 5 TVs in your house? : No, just one and I think it will soon be good of nothing if no one watches it.
Have any special talents/skills? : Dunno
Exercise daily? : No
Like school? : I don't, who likes school? z.z
Sing the alphabet backwards: No
Stand on your tip toes without wearing shoes? : Yes
Speak any other languages? : Well d'oh, yes
Go a day without food? : Yes
Remember your dreams: Only sometimes, but I can't remember any of them since a while ago and I don't know why, maybe because I fall asleep in the morning and stay up all night lol.
Read music, not just tabs? : No, I don't even read tabs
Roll your tongue? : No
Eat a whole pizza? : Yes XD I <3 pizza
Won something in the lottery? : Yes
Snuck out of the house? : No
Lied to get out of trouble? : Yes, but that only when mom was home, or at school :3
Had a computer crash? : Not really
Gotten lost in your city? : Yeah, even if it's not a big city, when you walk in some forest you can easy get lost hmpf
Seen a shooting star? : Yes :3 More than one XD
Been to any other countries? : No, but I'd like to
Had a serious surgery? : No
Stolen something important to someone else? : No
Solved a rubiks cube? : Yes xP
Gone out in public in your pajamas? : Yes
Cried over a girl? : Not in a romantic way, yes
Cried over a boy? : Same here
Kissed a random stranger? : No
Hugged a random stranger? : No
Been in a fist fight? : No
Been arrested? : No
Done drugs? : No
Had alcohol? : Yes
Laughed and had milk come out of your nose? : No lol
Pushed all the buttons on an elevator? : No
Sneaked into the opposite sex's bathroom? : No, but maybe I'd like to XD
Gone to school only to find you had the day off because of a holiday/etc? : Yes, but I laugh when I remember this
Swore at your parents? : No
Kicked a guy where it hurts? : Yes
Been to a casino? : No
Ran over an animal and killed it? : Omfg no, I <3 animals T_T
Made homemade muffins? : Yes
Bitten someone? : Yes :3
Been to disneyland/disneyworld? : No, it would be fun I guess z.z
Burped in someone’s face? : No, that just sounds ew o_o
Brushed your teeth: This morning
Cried: Yesterday
Went to the bathroom: A few minutes ago lol
Saw a movie in a theatre: Never
Read a book: Yesterday, at least I tried to
Had a snow day: Months ago
Had a party: Years ago
Went to a doctor: I can't remember
Tripped in front of someone: Dunno
Went to the grocery store: A few weeks ago
Got sick: Last year
Got cursed: Dunno
Called someone: Months ago
Fruit/vegetables: Fruit
Black/white: Black
Lights on/lights off: Lights off
TV/movie: Movie
Body spray/lotion: Lotion
Cash/cheque: Cash
Pillows/blankets: Pillows
Headache/stomach ache: Headache, I hate stomach ache
Paint/charcoal: Paint
Chinese food/Mexican food: None
Summer/winter: Winter ~ <3>>'
Snow/rain: Both, but sometimes I like rain more
Fog/misty: Fog
Rock/rap: Rock
Meat/vegetarian: Meat, I tried to be vegetarian but I can't
Chocolate/vanilla: Chocolate <3
Cake/pie: Cake
Strawberries/blueberries: Strawberries
Ocean/swimming pool: Ocean
Cookies/muffins: Muffins
Wallet/pocket: Pocket
Window/door: Window
Pink/purple: Purple, sometimes I like pink but usually I hate it
Cat/dog: Cat <3
Long sleeve/short sleeve: Long sleeves
Pants/shorts: Pants
Winter break/spring break: Winter break
Spring/autumn: Autumn
Clouds/clear sky: Clouds
Moon/mars: Moon
Questions/Answers: Questions
War/Peace: Peace :3
Do you believe in love? : Dunno
What's the most important kind of love for you? : Dunno
Have you ever been in love? : Yeah
Been close to love? : ~
If you have, with who? : ~
Ever confessed your feelings to the one you loved? : No
Really badly so that it actually hurts and you cry at night? : Yes
Are you in a relationship? : No
If so, for how long? : ~
Do you believe there is someone for everyone? : Yes, but sometimes I'm not so sure, but I really want to believe this
What is your idea of the best date? : Dunno
Have you ever been dumped? : I haven't
Have you ever dumped someone? : I haven't
Want: Many things
Need: Dunno
Love: Many things
Hate: Pink; Yuri; Summer, sun and all this things; Boredom; Liars and many other things
Feel: Dunno..
Miss: Them
Am annoyed by: At this moment, by no one
Would rather: ...
Am tired of: This summer, I hate it hate it hate it
Will always: Hate time; Love music
What is your favourite genre of music? : J-rock; Rock
What time is it now? : 18:02
How much money do you have right now? : Erhm 0? o_o
Are you hungry right now? : No
What are you doing right now? : Eating lol and listening to music
Do you like parades? : Yes
Do you like the moon? : Yes <3
What are you going to do when you're done with this? : Do another one~
Funny? : Sometimes
Cool? : No
Pretty? : No
Sarcastic? : Sometimes, I really like to be sarcastic :3
Lazy? : Yes
Hyper? : Sometimes
Friendly? : Sometimes
Evil? : Sometimes
Unforgettable? : No
Smart? : No
Strong? : No
Talented? : Dunno
Dorky? : No
High: Fly lol o_o
Lonely: ...
Flower: Freesia
Brain freeze: Dunno
Sassy: Dunno
Suffering: ...
Sky dive? : No
Run away? : Maybe
Curse at a teacher? : No
Not take a shower for a week? : No
Ask someone out? : Maybe
Unscrew your cellphone too see what's inside? : I already did that :3
Lie to someone to make them think better of you? : No
Visit a foreign country for more than a month? : Yes, but only if it's Japan
Go scuba diving? : Why not?
Write a book? : Yes XD
Assemble a computer? : No
Become a rock star? : Dunno
Have a long-distance relationship? : Dunno
Marry someone you don't know? : No
What kind of computer do you have? : A simple one, but he'll be dead soon enough if it won't come to normal and work faster
What grade/level of studies are you in? : ~
Do you like to throw popcorn at people in the movies? : No
How many posters do you have in your room? : None, I'll have them back to my walls when my lazyness will go away
Who else should take this quiz? : Dunno *she has an empty mind*
Music : Kaito & Akaito - A flower that only blooms here
Your real name: Madalina
Age: 15
Height: 1.67
Natural hair colour: Black
Eye colour: Blue
Skin colour: Pale
Glasses/contacts?: None, but maybe I'll need glasses in future
Piercings: No
Tattoos: No
Braces: Yeap X3
Mannerisms: I use 'lol' almost always, of course, not when I talk with someone in real life, thought I almost use it then too
Colour: Purple; Black; Grey; Blue; Green
Band: Nightmare; MUCC; Deluhi and many others
Video game: Guilty Gear
Movie: The Nightmare before Christmas; Sweeney Todd; Pirates of the Caribbean and.. many others here too :3
Book: I don't have one yet
Food: Pizza; Fries; Pudding
Game on a cell phone: Pinball lol
Flower: Freesia; Gerbera; Hydrangea; Rose
Scent: Dunno
Animal: Cat
Comic book: Dunno
Cereal: Dunno
Website: Too many
Cartoon: Chi's Sweet Home <3
Play an instrument?: No, but I'd love to
Watch TV more than 60 hours a week?: I haven't watched tv for months
Like to sing? : Sometimes, but I'm definitely not good
Have a job? : No
Have a cell phone? : Of course XD
Like to play sports? : Tennis; Football but just sometimes
Have a boyfriend/girlfriend? : No
Have a crush on someone? : Yes
Live somewhere NOT in the united states? : Romania? And I really hate this country, I want Japan T_T
Have more than 5 TVs in your house? : No, just one and I think it will soon be good of nothing if no one watches it.
Have any special talents/skills? : Dunno
Exercise daily? : No
Like school? : I don't, who likes school? z.z
Sing the alphabet backwards: No
Stand on your tip toes without wearing shoes? : Yes
Speak any other languages? : Well d'oh, yes
Go a day without food? : Yes
Remember your dreams: Only sometimes, but I can't remember any of them since a while ago and I don't know why, maybe because I fall asleep in the morning and stay up all night lol.
Read music, not just tabs? : No, I don't even read tabs
Roll your tongue? : No
Eat a whole pizza? : Yes XD I <3 pizza
Won something in the lottery? : Yes
Snuck out of the house? : No
Lied to get out of trouble? : Yes, but that only when mom was home, or at school :3
Had a computer crash? : Not really
Gotten lost in your city? : Yeah, even if it's not a big city, when you walk in some forest you can easy get lost hmpf
Seen a shooting star? : Yes :3 More than one XD
Been to any other countries? : No, but I'd like to
Had a serious surgery? : No
Stolen something important to someone else? : No
Solved a rubiks cube? : Yes xP
Gone out in public in your pajamas? : Yes
Cried over a girl? : Not in a romantic way, yes
Cried over a boy? : Same here
Kissed a random stranger? : No
Hugged a random stranger? : No
Been in a fist fight? : No
Been arrested? : No
Done drugs? : No
Had alcohol? : Yes
Laughed and had milk come out of your nose? : No lol
Pushed all the buttons on an elevator? : No
Sneaked into the opposite sex's bathroom? : No, but maybe I'd like to XD
Gone to school only to find you had the day off because of a holiday/etc? : Yes, but I laugh when I remember this
Swore at your parents? : No
Kicked a guy where it hurts? : Yes
Been to a casino? : No
Ran over an animal and killed it? : Omfg no, I <3 animals T_T
Made homemade muffins? : Yes
Bitten someone? : Yes :3
Been to disneyland/disneyworld? : No, it would be fun I guess z.z
Burped in someone’s face? : No, that just sounds ew o_o
Brushed your teeth: This morning
Cried: Yesterday
Went to the bathroom: A few minutes ago lol
Saw a movie in a theatre: Never
Read a book: Yesterday, at least I tried to
Had a snow day: Months ago
Had a party: Years ago
Went to a doctor: I can't remember
Tripped in front of someone: Dunno
Went to the grocery store: A few weeks ago
Got sick: Last year
Got cursed: Dunno
Called someone: Months ago
Fruit/vegetables: Fruit
Black/white: Black
Lights on/lights off: Lights off
TV/movie: Movie
Body spray/lotion: Lotion
Cash/cheque: Cash
Pillows/blankets: Pillows
Headache/stomach ache: Headache, I hate stomach ache
Paint/charcoal: Paint
Chinese food/Mexican food: None
Summer/winter: Winter ~ <3>>'
Snow/rain: Both, but sometimes I like rain more
Fog/misty: Fog
Rock/rap: Rock
Meat/vegetarian: Meat, I tried to be vegetarian but I can't
Chocolate/vanilla: Chocolate <3
Cake/pie: Cake
Strawberries/blueberries: Strawberries
Ocean/swimming pool: Ocean
Cookies/muffins: Muffins
Wallet/pocket: Pocket
Window/door: Window
Pink/purple: Purple, sometimes I like pink but usually I hate it
Cat/dog: Cat <3
Long sleeve/short sleeve: Long sleeves
Pants/shorts: Pants
Winter break/spring break: Winter break
Spring/autumn: Autumn
Clouds/clear sky: Clouds
Moon/mars: Moon
Questions/Answers: Questions
War/Peace: Peace :3
Do you believe in love? : Dunno
What's the most important kind of love for you? : Dunno
Have you ever been in love? : Yeah
Been close to love? : ~
If you have, with who? : ~
Ever confessed your feelings to the one you loved? : No
Really badly so that it actually hurts and you cry at night? : Yes
Are you in a relationship? : No
If so, for how long? : ~
Do you believe there is someone for everyone? : Yes, but sometimes I'm not so sure, but I really want to believe this
What is your idea of the best date? : Dunno
Have you ever been dumped? : I haven't
Have you ever dumped someone? : I haven't
Want: Many things
Need: Dunno
Love: Many things
Hate: Pink; Yuri; Summer, sun and all this things; Boredom; Liars and many other things
Feel: Dunno..
Miss: Them
Am annoyed by: At this moment, by no one
Would rather: ...
Am tired of: This summer, I hate it hate it hate it
Will always: Hate time; Love music
What is your favourite genre of music? : J-rock; Rock
What time is it now? : 18:02
How much money do you have right now? : Erhm 0? o_o
Are you hungry right now? : No
What are you doing right now? : Eating lol and listening to music
Do you like parades? : Yes
Do you like the moon? : Yes <3
What are you going to do when you're done with this? : Do another one~
Funny? : Sometimes
Cool? : No
Pretty? : No
Sarcastic? : Sometimes, I really like to be sarcastic :3
Lazy? : Yes
Hyper? : Sometimes
Friendly? : Sometimes
Evil? : Sometimes
Unforgettable? : No
Smart? : No
Strong? : No
Talented? : Dunno
Dorky? : No
High: Fly lol o_o
Lonely: ...
Flower: Freesia
Brain freeze: Dunno
Sassy: Dunno
Suffering: ...
Sky dive? : No
Run away? : Maybe
Curse at a teacher? : No
Not take a shower for a week? : No
Ask someone out? : Maybe
Unscrew your cellphone too see what's inside? : I already did that :3
Lie to someone to make them think better of you? : No
Visit a foreign country for more than a month? : Yes, but only if it's Japan
Go scuba diving? : Why not?
Write a book? : Yes XD
Assemble a computer? : No
Become a rock star? : Dunno
Have a long-distance relationship? : Dunno
Marry someone you don't know? : No
What kind of computer do you have? : A simple one, but he'll be dead soon enough if it won't come to normal and work faster
What grade/level of studies are you in? : ~
Do you like to throw popcorn at people in the movies? : No
How many posters do you have in your room? : None, I'll have them back to my walls when my lazyness will go away
Who else should take this quiz? : Dunno *she has an empty mind*
vineri, 17 iulie 2009
Bringing the Rain

Rhapsody - When Demons Awake
♣ Mood ♣
♣ Messenger ♣
Kami, Jui, Kadici
♣ Internet ♣
YT - D.Veil - MAL
" Thanks to the cows. peace. Juri "
*Incearca sa se trezeasca* asa deci. Ieri am murit de plictiseala toata ziua. Nu mai era nimeni pe aici asa ca pe la 10 si ceva am plecat. Pana pe la 11 si ceva m-am uitat la un film apoi am iesit pe afara lol. Deci eu nu ies ziua afara dar ies noaptea la 12 o-o' M-am intalnit cu 4 pisici [suna aiurea dar ma rog] si cu 2 dintre ele am reusit sa ma joc, celelalte 2 au fugit T_T
Azi dimineata [asta inseamna pe la 12 si ceva] m-amt trezit cu un fluture in bucatarie, dar e kawa <3 si nu poate sa zboare, saracul fluture-chan T.T De fapt tocmai si-a luat zborul lol.
Trebuie sa ascult mai des Bringing the rain, melodia asta e asa de kawaii, dar in sfarsit dupa cateva zile in care am murit de cald si am stat cu geamul deschis toata noaptea a inceput sa ploua <3.
Astazi vreau neaparat sa-mi iau pisica z.z' Ies afara si o aduc acasa prima care o vad lol. Nu imi pasa daca e a lui cineva, mbine poate de asta imi pasa dar ma rog. Dar sunt unele pisici care nu sunt ale lui nimeni si si T__T Oricum nu ma intereseaza cum, de unde, de ce, la ce ora dar astazi imi iau pisica. Daca nu ma supar de tot pe tata si nu mai vorbesc cu el hmpf, doar cand mi se face foame lol.
Ca veni vorba de foame, eu mor aici. Vreau budinca, nu am mai mancat de 2 zile dar nu mai am lapte sa-mi fac sau sa ma rog de tata sa-mi faca. Oricum a zis ca o sa cumpere maine lapte si ea mai mult si a zis ca maine imi face crema de zahar ars <3 De aia chiar nu am mancat de mult, de cateva luni bune, inca era scoala cand am mancat ultima data.
Well cam asta ar fi acum, merg sa caut si eu ceva de facut. Bye bye o.o
miercuri, 15 iulie 2009
Top 5 hated anime/manga characters
Din moment ce mor de plictiseala m-am gandit sa fac si eu un post de genul asta XD
1. Lenalee Lee [D.Gray-man] - Lenalee a ajuns sa fie personajul care m-a enervat cel mai mult din toate anime-urile. E adevarat ca la inceput chiar mi-a placut de ea, parea de treaba si normala. Oricum pe parcurs a devenit mai mult decat insuportabila. Mereu plange si ii face pe toti din jurul ei sa se simta prost si vinovati, mereu trebuie sa o salveze cineva, la toti trebuie sa le pese de ea, toti trebuie sa ii multumeasca desi rareori face ceva bun, toti ii spun 'princess' oh vai. Am crezut ca tampesc daca ea i-ar fi salvat pe toti la sfarsit dupa ce nu a facut absolut nimic pe tot parcursul anime-ului *hugs Cross* bine ca ai aparut. Oh sa nu mai spun ca se imbraca de parca e mai mult dezbracata decat imbracata, wtf? Trebuie sa omoare demonii nu sa-i excite. Oho am uitat sa zic ca mai si urla ca o tampita atuci cand altii sunt in pericol in loc sa-i ajute, iar atunci cand nu se poate folosi de innocence se ia de toti wtf.
2. Maka Albarn [Soul Eater] - Ea mi-a placut putin tot pe la inceput, dar am inceput sa nu o suport. Pur si simplu ma enerveaza urletul ei, ma zgarie pe creier, imi tortureaza urechile. Pe langa asta poate ca tatal ei e fuf sau mai stiu eu ce dar nu merita sa se comporte asa cu el, de fapt asa se comporta cu majoritatea celor din jurul ei. Vroiam sa intru in monitor sa o strang de gat cand am crezut ca a murit Chrona din cauza ei. Chrona a vrut sa o apere, nu inteleg de ce s-a bagat, trebuia sa o lase pe Medusa sa o omoare z.z' Pe langa toate astea chiar nu cred ca merita sa fie cel mai puternic personaj din anime, au fost personaje mult mai puternice decat ea. Probabil nu m-ar fi deranjat daca l-ar fi omorat altcineva pe Asura, dar ea chiar nu avea cum sa faca asta.
3. Jae [Model] - Nu mi-a placut tipa asta de prima data cand a aparut, de fapt la inceput mi s-a parut putin amuzanta, dar numai pentru ca Michael radea de ea lol. Apoi a inceput sa ma enerveze rau de tot. Se baga mereu unde nu e treaba ei, parca a mers la Michael ca sa-i faca portretul nu ca sa afle totul despre familia lui. Bine, sa zicem, nu ar mai fi fost manga-ul interesant daca nu ar fi fost asa dar totusi s-a exagerat. Apoi m-a enervat felul in care s-a comportat cu Ken. Am inteles ca il iubea pe Michael, dar totusi ba il iubeste pe Ken, ba il plesneste si ii vorbeste in ultimul hal, ba fuge la el wtf si pana la urma ramane cu Michael. Geez nu cred ca o sa le pot intelege vreodata pe fufele astea.
4. Misa Amane [Death Note] - E adevarat ca imi place putin felul in care arata uneori sau in unele imagini, dar in rest nu pot sa o suport. Niciodata nu mi-au placut personajele care au o personalitate ca si a ei. Adica genul ala de personaj prostut dar care sa para adorabil, totusi ea mi s-a parut putin cam exagerata la partea cu prostia, mi s-a parut proasta de tot lol. Stiu ca il adora pe Light si face orice pentru el si bla bla dar probabil de aceea o urasc si mai mult, mi se pare chiar aiurea oricum.
5. Miyako Miyamura [ef - A tale of memories] - Nu am suportat-o pe tipa asta de cand a aparut prima data. Si ea incearca sa para prostuta uneori sau mai stiu eu ce, dar ce m-a deranjat mai mult e faptul ca a ramas ea cu Hiro, chiar speram ca Hiro sa ramana cu Kei si cand am vazut ca a ales-o pe fufa asta mi-am iesit din sarite. Adica pur si simplu vine si se amesteca cum vrea ea, apare de cateva zile, saptamani, luni ce o fi si deja trebuie sa stie tot. Kei il cunostea pe Hiro de cand erau mici. Totusi mi-a parut rau de ea in episodul in care s-a aratat despre ea cand era mica, mi-a parut foarte rau, dar asta nu ma va face sa o plac.
Cam asta ar fi. Mda doar fete, nu pot sa urasc personajele masculine chiar asa de mult incat sa le pun intr-un astfel de top XD
1. Lenalee Lee [D.Gray-man] - Lenalee a ajuns sa fie personajul care m-a enervat cel mai mult din toate anime-urile. E adevarat ca la inceput chiar mi-a placut de ea, parea de treaba si normala. Oricum pe parcurs a devenit mai mult decat insuportabila. Mereu plange si ii face pe toti din jurul ei sa se simta prost si vinovati, mereu trebuie sa o salveze cineva, la toti trebuie sa le pese de ea, toti trebuie sa ii multumeasca desi rareori face ceva bun, toti ii spun 'princess' oh vai. Am crezut ca tampesc daca ea i-ar fi salvat pe toti la sfarsit dupa ce nu a facut absolut nimic pe tot parcursul anime-ului *hugs Cross* bine ca ai aparut. Oh sa nu mai spun ca se imbraca de parca e mai mult dezbracata decat imbracata, wtf? Trebuie sa omoare demonii nu sa-i excite. Oho am uitat sa zic ca mai si urla ca o tampita atuci cand altii sunt in pericol in loc sa-i ajute, iar atunci cand nu se poate folosi de innocence se ia de toti wtf.
2. Maka Albarn [Soul Eater] - Ea mi-a placut putin tot pe la inceput, dar am inceput sa nu o suport. Pur si simplu ma enerveaza urletul ei, ma zgarie pe creier, imi tortureaza urechile. Pe langa asta poate ca tatal ei e fuf sau mai stiu eu ce dar nu merita sa se comporte asa cu el, de fapt asa se comporta cu majoritatea celor din jurul ei. Vroiam sa intru in monitor sa o strang de gat cand am crezut ca a murit Chrona din cauza ei. Chrona a vrut sa o apere, nu inteleg de ce s-a bagat, trebuia sa o lase pe Medusa sa o omoare z.z' Pe langa toate astea chiar nu cred ca merita sa fie cel mai puternic personaj din anime, au fost personaje mult mai puternice decat ea. Probabil nu m-ar fi deranjat daca l-ar fi omorat altcineva pe Asura, dar ea chiar nu avea cum sa faca asta.
3. Jae [Model] - Nu mi-a placut tipa asta de prima data cand a aparut, de fapt la inceput mi s-a parut putin amuzanta, dar numai pentru ca Michael radea de ea lol. Apoi a inceput sa ma enerveze rau de tot. Se baga mereu unde nu e treaba ei, parca a mers la Michael ca sa-i faca portretul nu ca sa afle totul despre familia lui. Bine, sa zicem, nu ar mai fi fost manga-ul interesant daca nu ar fi fost asa dar totusi s-a exagerat. Apoi m-a enervat felul in care s-a comportat cu Ken. Am inteles ca il iubea pe Michael, dar totusi ba il iubeste pe Ken, ba il plesneste si ii vorbeste in ultimul hal, ba fuge la el wtf si pana la urma ramane cu Michael. Geez nu cred ca o sa le pot intelege vreodata pe fufele astea.
4. Misa Amane [Death Note] - E adevarat ca imi place putin felul in care arata uneori sau in unele imagini, dar in rest nu pot sa o suport. Niciodata nu mi-au placut personajele care au o personalitate ca si a ei. Adica genul ala de personaj prostut dar care sa para adorabil, totusi ea mi s-a parut putin cam exagerata la partea cu prostia, mi s-a parut proasta de tot lol. Stiu ca il adora pe Light si face orice pentru el si bla bla dar probabil de aceea o urasc si mai mult, mi se pare chiar aiurea oricum.
5. Miyako Miyamura [ef - A tale of memories] - Nu am suportat-o pe tipa asta de cand a aparut prima data. Si ea incearca sa para prostuta uneori sau mai stiu eu ce, dar ce m-a deranjat mai mult e faptul ca a ramas ea cu Hiro, chiar speram ca Hiro sa ramana cu Kei si cand am vazut ca a ales-o pe fufa asta mi-am iesit din sarite. Adica pur si simplu vine si se amesteca cum vrea ea, apare de cateva zile, saptamani, luni ce o fi si deja trebuie sa stie tot. Kei il cunostea pe Hiro de cand erau mici. Totusi mi-a parut rau de ea in episodul in care s-a aratat despre ea cand era mica, mi-a parut foarte rau, dar asta nu ma va face sa o plac.
Cam asta ar fi. Mda doar fete, nu pot sa urasc personajele masculine chiar asa de mult incat sa le pun intr-un astfel de top XD
Death Note,
ef - A tale of memories,
Soul Eater,
Chop Suey!

MUCC - Daikirai <3
♣ Mood ♣
♣ Messenger ♣
♣ Internet ♣
E-ShuuShuu - D.Veil - YT - AnimeSoul - EndlessW - OtakuGeneration [geez ._.]
" I cry when angels deserve to die. "
Iar nu am postat dar nu am avut despre ce.
Anyway iar am murit de somn toata ziua si acum nu pot sa dorm desi as vrea. Am postat pe shuushuu niste imagini. Cred ca e prima data dupa nu stiu cat timp cand postez 15 imagini cat e limita si mai am chef de postat lol, urasc regula aia tampita z.z'
Am inceput sa ma uit la Ouran High School Host Club si am ajuns la episodul 20, deci mai am 6. De mult timp vroiam sa ma uit la el pentru ca imi placeau foarte mult Hikaru si Kaoru dar am apucat sa vad o data ceva din primul episod si mi-a fost lene sa ma mai uit pe urma, acum regret ca nu am facut-o. Anime-ul asta e asa de WTF. Pana acum am ras ca tampita la el si nu m-am mai putut opri uneori, dar am si plans la unele episoade lol. Am plans cand s-a aratat despre trecutul gemenilor.. nu m-am putut abtine. As vrea sa-i pun si pe ei la personaje preferate pentru ca imi plac foarte mult, dar nu mai am unde. L-as putea scoate pe Mello ca sa-l pun pe Hikaru, l-as putea scoate si pe Lui pentru el, dar pentru Kaoru nu-mi vine sa scot pe cineva si parca nu are nici un farmec daca nu sunt amandoi asa ca am lasat-o balta.
Am inceput sa si citesc D.Gray-man. Am crezut ca o sa mor de plictiseala daca incep manga-ul de la inceput pentru ca stiu deja ce se intampla, dar parca imi vine sa fiu si mai atenta pentru ca poate nu am fost atenta la unele faze la anime, chiar nu ma asteptam sa ma atraga atat de mult. Oricum capitolele sunt scurte si le pot citi destul de repede asa.
Trebuie sa citesc Pandora Hearts. Au aparut astazi 2 capitole dar mi-a fost prea lene sa citesc, iar acum chiar nu am chef de ele chiar daca sunt hyper lol. Trebuie sa termin si Code Geass R2, l-am inceput de ceva timp si parca nu-l mai termin o data. Trebuie sa termin si Amatsuki, Chi's Sweet Home si XxxHolic: Kei. Trebuie sa ma uit la episoadele care au aparut din 07-Ghost si Hetalia si sa caut ca disperata dupa episoade din Umineko no Naku Koro ni. Geez par a fi multe de facut dar nu mi se pare greu lol.
Vroiam sa incep sa ma uit la Mouryou no Hako dar am gasit doar 11 episoade subtitrate, 12 si 13 doar raw T_T Vreau sa ma uit si la Shigofumi dar nu dau nicaieri de el. Am o gramada de anime-uri pe lista de plan to watch si ma gandeam sa incep sa ma uit la cele care sunt de aproximativ 12-13 episoade pentru ca le vad destul de repede, dar prima data trebuie sa le termin pe cele care le-am inceput deja.
Am inceput sa citesc Angel Sanctuary [am citit 3 capitole yay] si pana acum imi place mult, dar nu stiu cand mai am timp si de el. Adica nu e chiar asa de greu de citit pe cat ma asteptam dar cand vad cate capitole are si cate am citit eu doar, imi vine sa ma dau cu capul de pereti.
Astazi nu stiu ce naiba am avut, dar aveam chef sa ascult de toate. Am trecut prin febra Nightmare, MUCC, Deluhi, Merry, Plastic Tree, Dir en Grey, Versailles, Linkin Park, Evanescence si Thousand Foot Krutch. Cand ma apuca ma apuca lol. Nu mai stiam de la care, cum, ce sa ascult o_o' Nici nu puteam sa mai fiu atenta la melodii lol.
Anyway cam asta ar fi O.O" Bye bye ^ ^
miercuri, 8 iulie 2009
b o r e d

Sanae Kobayashi - Tsunaide Te ni Kiss wo
♣ Mood ♣
Bored & Sleepy
♣ Messenger ♣
♣ Internet ♣
AnimeSeason - YT - CatoBlepas - AnimeSoul
" E-Egzor-zizd... "
*Se da cu capul de perete* Iar postez doar pentru ca mor de plictiseala si nu am ce sa fac lol. Am ajuns la episodul 93 din D.Gray-man [mda, sa va asteptati sa vorbesc ceva timp de anime-ul asta XD] and I was like 'omfg Kanda is alive !!! ^_____________^' XD Ca tot veni vorba de asta.. imi venea sa ma arunc pe geam lol. Ziceam inainte ca trag fufele la Cross dar tipul asta e al naibii de sepsy ._. *head desk* *head desk* *head desk*
*Cauta altceva de vorbit* Oh XD Folosesc prea multe stelute in postul asta, stai nu asta, am reusit sa nu dorm astazi X3. Desi am murit de plictiseala si asa pentru ca nu aveam chef de nimic chiar daca nu imi era somn deloc. Sunt obsedata de melodia lui 14th <3 Stai stai, parca nu mai vorbeam de D.Gray-man *head desk* o sa-mi sparg capul pana la urma daca o tin tot asa.
Presimt ca vacanta asta o sa fie foarte plictisitoare, nici macar nu cred ca o sa fiu plecata pe undeva, nu ca mi-ar parea rau. Nu imi place sa fiu plecata de acasa, cand ma intorc parca totul e nou si am pierdut o gramada de lucruri lol si oricum daca imi fac planuri de vacanta niciodata nu ma tin de ele. Inca nu mi-e somn.. Daca se trezeste tata ii spun ca abia acum m-am trezit lol, daca afla ca am stat toata noaptea aici ma spanzura [daca nu fac eu asta inainte].
In ultimele cateva zile a plouat cam incontinuu dar a fost si un cer asa de kawaii uneori. Imi e lene sa mai fac poze la cer lol. Intr-o zi mi-a venit cheful sa fac poze la ceva dar imi e asa de lene si sa ies afara si stiu ca oricum o sa mor de plictiseala si de cald.
S-a trezit tata x.x' Oh acum s-a trezit si fratemio geez. Anyway nu stiu ce sa mai zic, asta sa ma invat minte sa postez atunci cand imi vin idei nu cand mor de plictiseala --'
Bye bye O.O"
marți, 7 iulie 2009
Crown Clown

Thousand Foot Krutch - My Own Enemy
♣ Mood ♣
♣ Messenger ♣
Kami, Jui, Alex
♣ Internet ♣
MAL - AnimeSoul - D.Veil
" Hold up, Oh no. Who let them in the door? It’s like a freak show. "
De data asta chiar nu am postat de foarte mult timp si nu pentru ca nu am avut ce, dar nu am avut chef deloc. Incep sa urasc vara mai mult decat o uram inainte. Geez o sa mor naibii de plictiseala --'
Am facut destule lucruri dar acum nu imi mai amintesc despre ce vroiam sa vorbesc lol.
In ultima vreme m-am uitat ca disperata la D.Gray-man si am ajuns la episodul 84, parca nu-mi vine sa cred, nu credeam ca o sa-l termin vreodata lol. A inceput sa-mi placa Debitto mai mult decat Gil, de fapt mult mai mult. Nici Kanda nu ma asteptam sa imi placa asa mult, imi place mai mult decat Allen o-o'. La inceput mi-a placut Lenalee si nu imi vine sa cred asta lol, acum o urasc, imi vine sa o strang de gat de fiecare data cand apare si cand am vazut ca l-a lovit pe Debitto imi venea sa intru in monitor sa o omor naibii lol.
Altceva nu am mai prea facut, doar am stat cu ochii in anime-uri si manga-uri. Vroiam sa merg azi sa-mi caut pisica dar am uitat si merg maine, sper. Nici macar nu stiu daca ma lasa sigur sa tin dar daca aduc una acasa nu il las sa o dea afara lol.
Cam atat zic acum pentru ca habar nu am despre ce sa mai vorbesc si imi e mult prea cald si lene sa tastez, am facut postul asta doar ca sa nu moara blog-ul de tot XD
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