joi, 6 noiembrie 2008

Five random facts about me

1. I love j-rock, and j-rockers of course u.u' ~ cred ca nu e cineva care sa nu stie asta deja O_O'
2. I hate spiders X_X ~ really, they all have to die z.z' sunt niste creaturi inutile care ma sperie numai cand ii vad T^T
3. I love to make gfx ~ myeah O_O' de obicei cand ma plictisesc z.z'
4. Momentan sunt obsedata de Brad Paisley. Feat. Alison Krauss - Whiskey Lullaby ~ melodia asta e absolut geniala z.z' si are niste versuri, eu cel putin nu ma mai satur de ea, o ascult si cand sunt vesela si cand sunt trista O_O
5. Right now i really hate myself z.z ~ am 3938574835348563478 motive sa fie asa O_O

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