marți, 3 februarie 2009


hide - Tell me


Kami, Onii-san, Kamui

~ ~ ~
" Even if the world is broken... "

Oooky O. O' Kami dat mie versurile de la Recall [Deluhi] care sunt mai mult decat geniale @. @'

Being hurt and hurting … I got used to the pain
I’m crawling on the dark ground … screaming towards the fathomless sky

Chain...Maa...It's your stained soul … my husky voice
Sorrow...Grudge...It's your stained soul … will it reach you?
I won't be ignored … The doors or the ruins have been closed .. Time is over

The sinking world ultimately turned into a wasteland

Chain...Maa...It's your stained soul … I open my blank eyes
Sorrow...Grudge...It's your stained soul …Even if I gazed at the scenery
Despair … I kneel down since there’s no saving hand for my hollow mind

Even if my existence vanished from this world …you wouldn’t notice it
Shimmering hot air … reflecting the past
I’m searching the fragments of the „courage to face life“ I lost somewhere

Chain...Maa...It's your stained soul… my heart is floating
Sorrow...Grudge...It's your stained soul .. my dream a heap of rubble
Dark light .. the light of the broad reality stabbing my unsatisfied lonely heart

Even if my existence vanished from this world …you wouldn’t notice it
Shimmering hot air … reflecting the past
I’m searching the fragments of the „courage to face life“ I lost somewhere

I sleep alone huging my lament that will never reach you
Atop of the sinking sky I am not loved

Pur si simplu nu am cuvinte sa le descriu. Acum mi-am dat seama ca nu am vorbit niciodata de melodia asta.
Recall este una dintre melodiile mele preferate de la Deluhi, toate imi plac, dar aceasta imi place foarte foarte mult. Mi-a placut inca de prima data cand am ascultat-o. Vocea lui Juri suna asa de kawaii in melodia asta @. @' In plus melodia asta ma linisteste intr-un fel. Adica nu e nu stiu cat de lenta, dar cum suna, cum pronunta Juri cuvintele, sunetul de chitara, absolut totul ma linisteste. Nu am destule cuvinte nici sa descriu versurile, nici melodia. Oh, am mai zis ca il ador pe Leda pentru versurile care le scrie? @_@' Omul asta e genial <3 nici nu cred ca e om lol O_O'

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