'“Welcome home”
To the place of the person who waits for you,
To the place where you know you’re not alone,
Though they may not realize it
people will surely come home to that place'
To the place of the person who waits for you,
To the place where you know you’re not alone,
Though they may not realize it
people will surely come home to that place'
Favorite Actor
Mai mult decat sigur Johnny Depp.

Il ador pe tipul asta inca de cand eram foarte mica si am vazut pentru prima data Edward Scissorhands. Pur si simplu mereu mi-a placut foarte mult si nu cred ca am vazut vreun film cu el in care sa nu fi jucat bine sau mai stiu eu ce. Dar oricum ca si personaj pe care l-a jucat preferatul meu ramane Jack Sparrow XD Stiu ca a jucat in rolul lui Mad Hatter, personaj pe care il ador, dar tot Jack imi place mai mult :3願い
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