Breaking Benjamin - I wish I may
~ ~ ~
" Here I stand, helpless and left for dead. "
Oky so cred ca am gasit ceva de facut lol O_O' Mor de plictiseala asa ca trebuie sa ma ocup cu ceva.
Ascult Breaking Benjamin de cateva luni aproape incontinuu o.o nu e zi in care sa nu ascult cateva melodii de la ei lol. Pur si simplu ii ador <3 Toate melodiile imi plac, nu stiu sigur daca le-am ascultat pe toate o.O' Dar cred ca am toata discografia de la ei, imi lipseste Ladybug, dar am ascultat-o pe YT pentru ca nu am dat niciunde de ea O.O'
Deci ideea mea era ca astazi sa ascult toata ziua Breaking Benjamin si sa ma uit peste toate versurile [nu ca nu as fi facut asta deja lol] dar sa postez versuri intregi sau parti din ele care mi se potrivesc in general sau se potriveau cu starea mea intr-o anumita zi sau care pur si simplu imi plac mult O.O' Stiu ca e aiurea dar chiar nu am altceva mai bun de facut o_O' Si incepem cu cele de pe Saturate O.O''
Breaking Benjamin - I wish I may
When all these dreams have come to end
You wish you were, you're not my friend
Versurile sunt din refren o.o' Mi se potrivesc intr-un fel sau altul, dar mai mult imi aduc aminte de niste persoane.
Blind eyes shine bright
Ultimul vers...nu mi se potriveste, dar pur si simplu il ador, nici eu nu stiu de ce.
Breaking Benjamin - Medicate
Run away
Make hate
And get laid
And get laid
You tie me up
I've had enough
So medicate
E refrenul de la melodie pentru ca versurile de la melodia asta nu cred ca mi se potrivesc. Dar refrenul il ador <3 ieri l-am fredonat toata ziua prin casa O.O
Breaking Bejamin - Polyamorous
Oky in mare parte versurile sunt ciudate o.O dar ador partea asta
Just when you think that you're all right
I'm crawlin out from the inside
I never hurt anyone
I never listen at all
Just stay away from the white light
I'd say your worst side's your best side
I never hurt anyone
I never listen at all
Breaking Benjamin - Skin
Well it's gone and it's not returning
And your clothes and pictures are burning
'Cause you're old, and battered and beaten
And we'll grow, til we hit the ceiling, yeah
Versurile astea imi plac din mai multe motive, dar nu pentru ca mi se potrivesc. Oricum melodia imi place, dar nu foarte foarte mult.
Breaking Benjamin - Natural life
hold still
all of my life
all of my time
I don't wanna come back around tonight
and all that I need
is serenity
I don't wanna feel your new disease
the natural life
you're born, you die
the natural life
you're wrong, you're right
the natural life
you're born, you die
the natural life's a lie
all of my lies
swallow your pride
I don't wanna come back around tonight
and all that I need
is serenity
I don't wanna feel your new disease
you're right
I can never lie
let me go
try to find a home
I can't wait
try to stay awake
dead inside
bothered by the lie
you're right
a lie
Am postat versurile intregi O.O' Pur si simplu ador versurile astea si melodia imi place enorm de mult. Ce imi place la versurile astea e ca zic exact ceea ce cred eu despre viata lol O.O
Breaking Benjamin - Next to nothing
cause you know it's over
growin' colder
I need something
leave me next to nothing
Pur si simplu ma regasesc in versurile astea, nu prea pot sa explic de ce.
Breaking Benjamin - Water
cause I am my enemy
the water's up to the knee
I never wanted nothin' from you
yes I do, yes I do
my engine's runnin' on dry
my head's so fucked up inside
shut up
I know
I said so
Poate doar mi se pare, dar versurile astea se potrivesc cu ziua mea de ieri.
Breaking Benjamin - Home
Nu am nimic cu nimeni si nici cu cainele lui lol o.O' dar versurile imi plac mult.
There's a yellow brick road
That we follow back home
'Cause I know you can't wait
Your belligerent hate
There's no place like home
Partea asta doar imi place cum suna O.O'
What I want from this world
What I wanna resolve
When I want you to stay
So I want you to wait
I don't wanna be bold
I don't wanna be cold
I don't wanna grow old
I don't wanna go home
Dar partea asta mi se potriveste foarte bine, nu ca nu as fi acasa lol.
Breaking Benjamin - Phase
Out of the ground I rise to grace
Nobody knows it's just a phase
Help me I'm out of breath again
Nobody knows somewhere to make it go away
Hehe si versurile astea mi se potrivesc xD chiar crezi ca am timp sa stau sa explic de ce? x_X
Breaking Benjamin - No Games
Would you, want to
Feel the way that I do?
De multe ori m-am simtit prost, si as vrea sa stiu cum s-ar simti persoana care m-a facut sa ma simt asa daca ar fi in locul meu.
Breaking Benjamin - Sugarcoat
It started again
Claimin' a friend
I couldn't be
I've never been
I'm all alone
Out in the cold
In mare parte mi se potriveste pentru ca am fost asa intr-o perioada. Nu aveam prieteni, eram singura si chiar vroiam pe cineva sa-mi fie alaturi.
Breaking Benjamin - Shallow Bay
don't over kill
this painless thrill
it's bitter still
your pretty pill
you wait until
you've had your fill
I know you will
I know you will
Imi place foarte mult cum suna versurile de la Shallow Bay pentru ca nu mi se potrivesc in vreun fel. Toata melodia suna genial, dar ador partea asta O.O
Breaking Benjamin - Forever
Do you know that I could never leave you?
And you know I could never beat you?
In a fight, I could never fight you, nevermind, I will not forget you.
Sunt unele persoane la care tin foarte mult si nu cred ca as putea sa le uit vreodata sau altceva.
Acum trecem la We are not alone.
Breaking Benjamin - So Cold
Show me how it ends it's alright
Show me how defenseless you really are
satisfied and empty inside
Well, that's alright, let's give this another try
Melodia asta m-a ajutat sa trec peste o perioada. Cred ca am ascultat-o o saptamana incontinuu, nu mai ascultam altceva.
Breaking Benjamin - Simple Design
It's alright, it's alright
'cause I know what you want
but you'll just have to wait
If I had it to give
I would give it away
I'm living it up
while I'm falling from grace
There's no way, there's no way that I'm running away
Well versurile astea imi amintesc de cineva.
Breaking Benjamin - Follow
Enlighten me
Reveal my fate
Just cut these strings
That hold me safe
Doar imi plac cum suna O.O
Breaking Benjamin - Firefly
You my friend
You're a lot like them
But I caught your lie
And you know I did
Now I'm lost in you
Like I always do
And I'd die to win
'Cause I'm born to lose
Could you shine your light
Now I know your ways
'cause they're just like mine
Now I'm justified
As I fall in line
And it's hard to try
When you're open wide
Take my hand
We'll be off and then
We'll come back again
To a different land
Now I like this way
You can go away
If you guess the name
You cannot replace
Bring me your enemies
Lay them before me
And walk away
Fuck you firefly
Have you lost your light
Now I hate your ways
'cause they're just like mine
So you lost my friend
Such a sorry end
And I don't know why
So I choke and smile
Iar am postat versuri intregi pentru ca mi se potrivesc foarte bine.
Breaking Benjamin - Break my fall
I am losing you again
Let me out and let me in
'cause you're not alone here
Not at all
Let me belong here
Break my fall
Breaking Benjamin - Forget it
How can I believe when this cloud hangs over me
You're the part of me that I don't wanna see
Oky... versurile astea se potrivesc foarte bine cu o zi din anul trecut.
Breaking Benjamin - Sooner or later
Sooner or later you're gonna hate it
Go ahead and throw my life away
Driving me under, leaving me out there
Go ahead and throw my life away
Din nou, imi amintesc de cineva.
Breaking Benjamin - Breakdown
You breakdown, you're so proud.
I'm heading for a breakdown.
What's that sound, it's so loud.
I'm heading for a breakdown.
Imi place cum suna, nimic mai mult.
Breaking Benjamin - Away
It's all wrong
Don't cry
Clear away this hate
And we can start to make it alright
So fly away
And leave it behind
Return someday
With red in your eyes
Deja devine plictisitor sa zic aceleasi lucruri .-.
Breaking Benjamin - Believe
I don't care what you want
I just want mine
Shut up
Smart little bitch
I don't need lies
I don't care what you want
I just want mine
Get up
Force it to fit
Confined inside
Pur si simplu imi amintesc de cineva, nu in general ci de o anumita zi.
Breaking Benjamin - Rain
Rain rain go away,
Come again another day,
All the world is waiting for the sun.
Mie imi place ploaia si nu-mi prea placele soarele lol, dar imi place cum suna <3
Breaking Benjamin - Blow me away
Only the strongest will survive
Lead me to heaven, when we die
I am the shadow on the wall
I'll be the one to save us all
Oh well...uneori gandesc aiurea o.O'
Nya ... Phobia XD
Breaking Benjamin - Ordinary Man
Cast away all the enemies of yesterday
To alleviate all the memories that come our way
There's a better life now you know that I am on your side
Your beady eyes burn a hole right through the back of mine
I am out of time
Breaking Benjamin - The diary of Jane
Desperate, I will crawl
Waiting for so long
No love, there is no love.
Die for anyone
What have I become?
Uhm yeah si ceva legat de dragoste o-o don't ask.
Breaking Benjamin - Breath
So sacrifice yourself, and let me have what's left.
I know that I can find the fire in your eyes.
I'm going all the way, get away, please.
Nya iar sacrifice o.o sunt obsedata de cuvantul asta lol. Anyway versurile sunt <333
Breaking Benjamin - You
Promise me you'll try
To leave it all behind,
'cause I've elected hell,
Lying to myself.
Why have I gone blind?
Live another life.
...Imi amintesc de mine, din mai multe motive o.o
Breaking Benjamin - Evil angel
Put me to sleep evil angel.
Open your wings evil angel.
Fly over me evil angel.
Why can't I breathe evil angel?
Doar ador versurile astea nimic mai mult @. @
Breaking Benjamin - Until the end
I've lost my way.
I've lost my way, but I will go on until the end.
Am si eu momentele mele o-o
Breaking Benjamin - Dance with the devil
Close your eyes, so many days go by.
Easy to find what's wrong, harder to find what's right.
I won't last long, in this world so wrong.
Agree agree o.o
Breaking Benjamin - Topless
I love your face, just get away.
I'm on my knees, fuck you, fuck me.
Uhm ... mai mult imi plac decat mi se potrivesc o.O
Breaking Benjamin - Here we are
Sing it for me,
I can't erase the stupid things I say.
You're better than me,
I struggle just to find a better way.
So why are you so eager to betray?
Pick the pieces up, pick the pieces up.
So why are you the one that walks away?
Pick the pieces up, pick the pieces up, pick the pieces up.
Eh... imi amintesc de o zi, nu mai stiu exact ce zi era, dar m-am certat cu cineva anyway...
Breaking Benjamin - Unknown Soldier
Show me what it's like
To dream in black and white,
So I can leave this world tonight.
Holding on too tight.
Breathe the breath of life,
So I can leave this world behind.
It only hurts just once.
They're only broken bones.
Hide the hate inside.
Imi plac foarte mult si uneori simt ca fac parte din mine, nu ma intrebati de ce pentru ca nu stiu ce sa va raspund lol.
Breaking Benjamin - Had enough
You had to have it all,
Well have you had enough?
You greedy little bastard,
You will get what you deserve.
When all is said and done,
I will be the one to leave you in the misery and hate what you've become.
Well o.O' am avut niste certuri mici [putin mai mari] si ciudate cu niste foste colege, in mod ciudat versurile astea imi amintesc de ele O_O'''
Breaking Benjamin - You fight me
Can we live a life of peace and happiness?
I don't think so.
No denying I am scared to lose the things I love.
I'm in control.
Agree agree lol O.O
This is how, this is how it's going to end.
Si ador cum suna versul asta @__@'' asa de trist si melodios si z.z'
Breaking Benjamin - Ladybug
The time is passing by
You're my insecticide
The pressure's on the rise
And I'm right on time
Beautiful enemy
I'll fix your broken wings
And let you lie here until
You fly away from me
Oh well pur si simplu le ador O.O
Cred ca astea ar fi lol o-o' mi-a mai trecut plictiseala dar am avut nevoie de ceva rabdare O_O'''
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