Scorpions - Wind of Change
Ojosan, Kami
~ ~ ~
" I... I... I... I... "
Astazi a fost o zi foarte kawaii pana acum, desi m-am cam plictisit.
Nu am fost la scoala. D'oh, nu am fost ieri si sa merg azi? Nici profesorii nu cred ca au fost astazi lol.
M-am trezit la 8:00 si m-am schimbat, spalat bla bla etc. foaaarte repede si am plecat la chiosc lol. Mi-am cumparat Popcorn si Bravo, dar in Bravo nu e aproape nimic interesant u.u mai mult am mers pentru Popcorn xD
Apoi am venit acasa si am adormit iar pana la 11:30 lol. Cand m-am trezit m-am pus la comp ca sa nu mor de plictiseala. Am jucat putin Albatross cu Kami O.O' A pus sa jucam unul de 18 hole-uri si la hole 9 exact dupa ce am dat alba m-a deconectat Z__Z Albatross idiot >_>
De ieri ascult aproape incontinuu Wind of Change de la Scorpions. Melodia asta e prea geniala z.z ma linisteste, dar imi si vine sa plang cand o ascult...si cand citesc versurile...
I follow the Moskva
Down to Gorky Park
Listening to the wind of change
An August summer night
Soldiers passing by
Listening to the wind of change
The world closing in
Did you ever think
That we could be so close,like brothers
The future's in the air
I can feel it everywhere
Blowing with the wind of change
Take me to the magic of the moment
On a glory night
Where the children of tomorrow dream away
In the wind of change
Walking down the street
Distant memories
Are buried in the past forever
I fallow the Moskva
Down to Gorky Park
Listening to the wind of change
Take me to the magic of the moment
On a glory night
Where the children of tomorrow share their dreams
With you and me
Take me to the magic of the moment
On a glory night
Where the children of tomorrow dream away
In the wind of change
The wind of change blows straight
Into the face of time
Like a stormwind that will ring
The freedom bell for peace of mind
Let your balalaika sing
What my guitar wants to say
Take me to the magic of the moment
On a glory night
Where the children of tomorrow share their dreams
With you and me
Take me to the magic of the moment
On a glory night
Where the children of tomorrow dream away
In the wind of change
OMG T____T sunt asa de geniale
Scorpions - Wind of Change
Ojosan, Kami
~ ~ ~
" I... I... I... I... "
Astazi a fost o zi foarte kawaii pana acum, desi m-am cam plictisit.
Nu am fost la scoala. D'oh, nu am fost ieri si sa merg azi? Nici profesorii nu cred ca au fost astazi lol.
M-am trezit la 8:00 si m-am schimbat, spalat bla bla etc. foaaarte repede si am plecat la chiosc lol. Mi-am cumparat Popcorn si Bravo, dar in Bravo nu e aproape nimic interesant u.u mai mult am mers pentru Popcorn xD
Apoi am venit acasa si am adormit iar pana la 11:30 lol. Cand m-am trezit m-am pus la comp ca sa nu mor de plictiseala. Am jucat putin Albatross cu Kami O.O' A pus sa jucam unul de 18 hole-uri si la hole 9 exact dupa ce am dat alba m-a deconectat Z__Z Albatross idiot >_>
De ieri ascult aproape incontinuu Wind of Change de la Scorpions. Melodia asta e prea geniala z.z ma linisteste, dar imi si vine sa plang cand o ascult...si cand citesc versurile...
I follow the Moskva
Down to Gorky Park
Listening to the wind of change
An August summer night
Soldiers passing by
Listening to the wind of change
The world closing in
Did you ever think
That we could be so close,like brothers
The future's in the air
I can feel it everywhere
Blowing with the wind of change
Take me to the magic of the moment
On a glory night
Where the children of tomorrow dream away
In the wind of change
Walking down the street
Distant memories
Are buried in the past forever
I fallow the Moskva
Down to Gorky Park
Listening to the wind of change
Take me to the magic of the moment
On a glory night
Where the children of tomorrow share their dreams
With you and me
Take me to the magic of the moment
On a glory night
Where the children of tomorrow dream away
In the wind of change
The wind of change blows straight
Into the face of time
Like a stormwind that will ring
The freedom bell for peace of mind
Let your balalaika sing
What my guitar wants to say
Take me to the magic of the moment
On a glory night
Where the children of tomorrow share their dreams
With you and me
Take me to the magic of the moment
On a glory night
Where the children of tomorrow dream away
In the wind of change
OMG T____T sunt asa de geniale
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