Stiu ca de fiecare data am facut postul asta pe 31 Decembrie, si oricum probabil o sa mai postez pana atunci dar nu sunt sigura ca o sa pot post exact pe 31 Decembrie. Deci ca si de obicei o sa-mi incep postul despre anul asta.
Mi-am citit printre randuri posturile din 2008 si 2009 si mi-am dat seama cat de mult m-am schimbat. Fata de 2009 poate nu atat de mult, dar fata de 2008 a avut loc o schimbare radicala. Nu am ramas la fel de copilaroasa cum eram inainte, nu imi aduc aminte cu cea mai mare placere de tot ce s-a intamplat sau orice altceva din ce credeam ca o sa se intample. Am tinut foarte mult la unele persoane in trecut. Fata de unele nu regret absolut nimic inafara de faptul ca le-am facut sa se simta prost uneori, in schimb la unele regret ca mi-a pasat candva de ele. In mare parte exista doar o anumita persoana pe care o credeam speciala dar acum nu-mi dau seama de ce am incercat atat de mult sa o tin aproape de mine, chiar nu stiu. In schimb nu-mi vine sa cred ca persoana la care tineam foarte mult anul trecut e inca langa mine. Nu-mi vine sa cred ca inca nu am pierdut chiar totul. Dupa cate am facut si am spus chiar nu pot sa cred ca cineva mai vorbeste cu mine. Nici nu-mi vine sa cred ca am intalnit-o in realitate. S-a intamplat o singura data si s-a intamplat atat de repede incat am impresia ca am visat sau ceva. Stiu ca in ziua aia nu am vorbit foarte mult, desi as fi avut multe lucruri de spus, nu am putut sa o fac. Nu stiu daca o sa o intalnesc iar vreodata. Dar chiar daca as intalni-o iar nu cred ca as putea spune tot ce am de zis. Probabil as vorbi mai mult si m-as comporta mai diferit dar nu as putea sa ii spun tot.
Ma rog adevarul e ca anul asta m-am schimbat foarte mult dupa cum ziceam. Nici macar nu mai ascult acelasi gen de muzica. Ce e drept, inca mai ascult j-rock din cand in cand iar unii j-rockeri inseamna pentru mine la fel de mult cat insemnau inainte, nu as putea sa nu ii mai iubesc. Dar de cand am inceput sa ascult k-pop m-am schimbat foarte mult. Inainte eram aproape tot timpul depresiva si vedeam lumea in negru, mereu gaseam ceva asupra caruia sa plang sau chestii de genul asta, dar acum nu mai e tocmai asa. Datorita k-pop-ului am ajuns sa ma schimb, am ajuns sa am iar chef de viata si chiar sa-mi doresc sa fac ceva. As vrea sa le multumesc intr-un fel pentru ca m-au ajutat sa redevin aproape ceea ce eram inainte. Probabil multa lume considera genul asta muzical banal sau mai stiu eu ce, dar nu e deloc asa. Nu pot sa inteleg de ce toata lumea se cearta pe tema j-rock vs. k-pop pentru ca nu seamana absolut deloc, nu au absolut nimic in comun deci nici macar nu ai ce sa compari. Sunt doua chestii complet diferite. Oricum, oricat ar spune cineva ca ei nu muncesc destul sau ca au versuri aiurea sau chestii de genul asta nu e deloc asa. Lucreaza mai mult poate decat orice trupa de j-rock, nu au versuri aiurea deloc, intr-adevar sunt unele mai ciudate si aiurite dar nu toate sunt asa, nici pe departe. In plus cred ca isi iubesc fanii mai mult decat orice. Au melodii dedicate fanilor si mereu le multumesc lor, nu as putea sa inteleg pe cineva care zice ca nu-si iubesc fanii. Pe langa asta nu as putea intelege de ce ar zice cineva lucruri urate despre ei sau sa-i acuze de anumite chestii cand nu are habar de nimic. Cat timp nu stii mai multe despre ei, nu ai ascultat mai multe melodii, nu ai vazut cum se comporta de obicei, nu ai nici un drept sa-i acuzi de ceva care nu au facut. Nu cred ca ar putea intelege cineva vreodata de ce ii iubesc atat de mult. Poate ca sunt mult mai normali si mai "banali" decat j-rockerii, dar simpla lor normalitate ii face speciali. Normalitatea asta a lor, viata obisnuita ma fac sa imi doresc sa traiesc si sa duc o viata normala, nu sa stau toata ziua inchisa in casa sa-mi plang de mila.
Lasand asta deoparte pentru ca ma lungesc prea mult sa vorbim de scoala. La fel ca si in ceilalti ani scoala e foarte plictisitoare. Nu mi se mai pare chiar asa de grea ca si inainte, dar tot mi se pare la fel de plictisitoare si nefolositoare. Notele mele nu s-au schimbat in mare parte si nici cheful de invatat nu a ajuns la mine inca, probabil ca nici nu o sa ajunga in curand. Acum imi pare rau ca mi-am irosit vacanta de vara doar stand in casa. Nu am iesit afara decat de maxim 3 ori si chiar imi pare rau. Spre sfarsitul anului am inceput sa ies iar afara, sa ma plimb si sa vorbesc cu Anca asa cum faceam de obicei. E placut sa faci si anumite chestii care tin de realitate, nu doar de viata virtuala.
Anul asta vreau sa schimb si felul in care arat nu doar felul in care ma comport. M-am saturat sa-mi fie frica sa vorbesc cu cineva doar pentru ca nu arat bine, m-am saturat sa se uite toti ciudat la mine sau sa-si bata joc de mine doar din cauza ca nu sunt o scobitoare ca si restul fetelor de la mine din clasa. M-am saturat de chestiile astea, dar nu vreau sa ma schimb pentru ei. Vreau sa ma schimb pentru mine pentru ca nu-mi convine ca de fiecare data cand ma uit in oglinda sa arat ca un monstru. Stiu ca am zis de multe ori ca vreau sa slabesc si am incercat de multe ori, dar de data asta o sa incerc mai mult decat de obicei. Pentru ca o sa fie un an nou de data asta o sa-l vad ca pe o schimbare, ca si pe un inceput la ceva nou si sunt sigura ca acum pot sa fac ceea ce-mi doresc.
Imi e putin frica de anul care o sa vina. Anul acesta a fost destul de lung si s-au intamplat multe lucruri neplacute, sper ca 2011 va fi un an mult mai placut si mai usor. M-am saturat de greutati si neplaceri, pur si simplu vreau un an placut, un an de care sa ma bucur cu adevarat, in care sa nu regret fiecare orice lucru pe care il fac sau zic. Pentru ca asa a fost aproape fiecare an pana acum. Doar cand eram mica nu aveam ce sa regret, vreau un an ca si atunci cand eram mica, dar nu exact la fel. Desigur nu-mi doresc ceva monoton, vreau sa se intample ceva care sa marcheze anul care vine, nu sa treaca pur si simplu, dar vreau sa se intample ceva bun, nu ceva neplacut ca si de obicei.
Momentan asta e tot ce vreau sa zic.
La revedere 2010.
2011, te rog sa fi un an mai bun :3
duminică, 26 decembrie 2010
Good morning... or afternoon
"Whiskey, like a beautiful woman, demands appreciation.
You gaze first, then it's time to drink."
Altceva nu cred ca mai am de zis momentan so bye bye :D
miercuri, 22 decembrie 2010
Hello :3
"The answer is dreams. Dreaming on and on. Entering the world of dreams and never coming out. Living in dreams for the rest of time."
Oh da am promis ca o sa pun o poza cu mine daca imi place cum ma tund deci here you go :3 (dar ignorati faptul ca sunt in pijamale ca si de obicei XD)
Astazi trebuie sa termin de facut curat la mine prin camera pe urma sa-l ajut pe tata sa faca si in restul casei, oricum nu cred ca o sa am ceva mult mai bun de facut. Dar in primul rand trebuie sa termin Wild Bunny pentru ca mai am doar episodul 7 deja XD
Aseara l-am convins pe tata sa ne uitam la Inception (chiar daca el a adormit dupa un sfert din film dar ma rog detalii lol). Sincer mi-a placut foarte mult, ideea, efectele si totul. Uneori si eu gandesc asa, adica uneori mi se pare ca lumea asta nu e reala si suntem doar intr-un vis si asteptam toti sa ne trezim. Poate de aia mi-a placut mai mult pentru ca la o anumita parte exprima exact ceea ce gandeam eu. Trebuie sa-l pun pe tata sa-mi descarce unele dintre filmele de pe lista ce am postat-o. Nu prea o sa am ce face de Craciun chiar daca vine Anca aici asa ca poate o sa ne uitam la un film sau doua.
sâmbătă, 18 decembrie 2010
'Must Watch' Movies List
FUCKING FINISH SUPERNATURAL (I know that's a serial but meh)
Black Swan
Just Friends
The Rocker
The Secret Life of Bees
House of Fury
Howl's Moving Castle
How to Train Your Dragon
How the Grinch Stole Christmas
For Horowitz
A Millionaire's First Love
Nana 2
Grave Of The Fireflies
Hidarime Tantei EYE
Nobody Knows
Yamato Nadeshiko Shichi Henge
Sad Movie
April Snow
Attack On The Pin-Up Boys
Baby and Me
Wonderful Life
Daddy Long Legs
Heartbreak Library
Heaven's Postman
Hello Schoolgirl
Memoirs of a Geisha
I Like It Hot
I'm a Cyborg But That's OK
Little Prince
My Girl and I
Several Questions That Make Us Happy
Wishing Stairs
All About Lily Chou-Chou
Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole
200 Pounds Beauty
Wild Bunny
Hot Blood
Idol Army with 2PM
Random order is random okay. Probabil nu o sa am timp sa ma uit la toate dar asta e. Oricum in primul rand tot la Wild Bunny o sa incep sa ma uit.. si o sa incep de maine probabil XD Trebuie sa vad daca vrea Jui sa se uite cu mine daca nu ma uit singura O.O' Oh si de fiecare data cand o sa vad un film o sa editez postul asta si o sa-l pun in italic XD
Black Swan
Just Friends
The Rocker
The Secret Life of Bees
House of Fury
Howl's Moving Castle
How to Train Your Dragon
How the Grinch Stole Christmas
For Horowitz
A Millionaire's First Love
Nana 2
Grave Of The Fireflies
Hidarime Tantei EYE
Nobody Knows
Yamato Nadeshiko Shichi Henge
Sad Movie
April Snow
Attack On The Pin-Up Boys
Baby and Me
Wonderful Life
Daddy Long Legs
Heartbreak Library
Heaven's Postman
Hello Schoolgirl
Memoirs of a Geisha
I Like It Hot
I'm a Cyborg But That's OK
Little Prince
My Girl and I
Several Questions That Make Us Happy
Wishing Stairs
All About Lily Chou-Chou
Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole
200 Pounds Beauty
Wild Bunny
Hot Blood
Idol Army with 2PM
Random order is random okay. Probabil nu o sa am timp sa ma uit la toate dar asta e. Oricum in primul rand tot la Wild Bunny o sa incep sa ma uit.. si o sa incep de maine probabil XD Trebuie sa vad daca vrea Jui sa se uite cu mine daca nu ma uit singura O.O' Oh si de fiecare data cand o sa vad un film o sa editez postul asta si o sa-l pun in italic XD
Fucking finally
"I think you still love me, but we can’t escape the fact that I’m not enough for you."
Luni o sa merg la Turda si probabil o sa vina si Anca cu noi. Tata a plecat astazi la Cluj si luni eu, fratele meu si ea vom merge singuri pana in Turda unde ne intalnim cu el. Dar daca fratele meu are chef sa faca fite dimineata asa cum face el de obicei sau are de gand sa se comporte aiurea pe bune ca eu il las acasa si sa faca ce vrea >.>' In ceea ce priveste parul meu am renuntat la ideea cu bretonul. O sa-l tund pur si simplu mult mai scurt decat e dar breton nu-mi mai fac. Mi se pare ca mi-ar sta totusi aiurea cu jumatate de fata acoperita, pentru ca eu am fata mai rotunda si ar fi ciudat sa am bretonul drept. Daca oricum pana la urma ma razgandesc iar si imi fac o sa-l fac intr-o parte, dar nu drept.
Ieri m-am uitat cu fratele meu la The Nightmare before Christmas pentru ca el nu l-a vazut si vroia sa se uite, sincer si mie imi era dor de Jack :3 Azi dimineata nici nu m-am trezit bine si ne-am uitat inca o data, iar daca o sa o tinem tot asa i-am zis ca mai bine sa ne uitam in fiecare zi pana la Craciun lmao, o sa invat filmul asta pe de rost dar nici ca-mi pasa XD
Altceva nu cred ca am de zis, oricum de ieri dupa ce am dat lucrarea la romana ma dor mainile ingrozitor si habar nu am de ce. Nu ma doare toata mana, doar la incheieturi dar parca abia pot sa le misc. Probabil o sa postez iar luni daca nu intervine altceva intre timp iar daca o sa-mi placa cum ma tund poate pun poze, daca nu asta e :3 Bye Bye XD
marți, 14 decembrie 2010
"I dream. Sometimes I think that's the only right thing to do."
- In primul rand dupa cum am spus deja am de gand sa ma tund. As vrea sa fac asta pe la inceputul vacantei pentru ca mie imi creste parul foarte repede iar daca nu-mi convine o sa apuc sa-l modific macar putin inainte sa inceapa iar scoala XD
- In al doile rand daca tot o sa merg sa ma tund probabil o sa merg si la cumparaturi. Nici macar nu am pretentii la cadouri de Craciun. Initial vroiam sa-mi cumpar niste carti si acum, dar din moment ce am primit destule de ziua mea o sa-mi iau altceva, si anume maruntisuri. Ma rog, asta pe langa o pereche de cizme de care chiar am nevoie D: Am de gand sa-mi cumpar o gramada de inele si cercei o.o Mai mult cercei pentru ca in ultima vreme chiar sunt obsedata de ei.
- Pe urma de Craciun si de Revelion cred ca o sa o invit pe Anca la mine cum ziceam. Nici macar nu stiu sigur daca o sa fie plecat tata, dar e mai bine sa fie si ea aici, macar o sa am ce face decat sa stau toata ziua degeaba.
- Ma rog, dar in cea mai mare parte a vacantei asteia am de gand sa ma uit la chestii cu 2PM. In primul rand chiar vreau sa vad Wild Bunny si sper ca apuc sa-l termin in vacanta asta. Daca o sa am timp o sa ma uit si la altceva, daca nu asta e.
In mare parte cam asta ar fi. Deci da, cea mai mare parte a vacantei mi-o planuiesc stand in casa si holbandu-ma toata ziua la monitor XD
Nobody knows
"Why do people have to be this lonely? What's the point of it all? Millions of people in this world, all of them yearning, looking to others to satisfy them, yet isolating themselves. Why? Was the earth put here just to nourish human loneliness?"
Pana acum ma tin oarecum de iesitul zilnic pe afara :3 Astazi cand am iesit ningea asa de kawa si parca eram om de zapada cand am ajuns acasa. Nu conteaza ca era deja 4 si ceva si era bezna, nici ca inghetam afara de frig sau ca nu mai era nimeni pe drum inafara de mine si Anca, era prea frumos sa stau in casa XD Desi probabil daca ne-ar fi vazut cineva sau ne-ar fi auzit cum radeam ar fi crezut ca suntem bete sau ceva lmao. Nu sugerez nimanui sa incerce sa se invarta in mijlocul strazii cat timp e gheata pe drum, pe bune, riscati sa va rupeti capul sau in cel mai bun caz doar picioarele >.> Iar acum m-am ales cu o ingrozitoare durere de cap, dar cum ziceam, nu conteaza XD
Anywaaay nu prea am ce altceva sa mai zic asa ca o sa ma opresc aici. Incerc sa invat cate ceva la romana, desi sper ca nu o sa ne dea ceva foarte greu pentru ca nu am deloc chef de invatat D: Bye Bye :3
luni, 6 decembrie 2010
Turn back time
"Life: I'll never understand it."
Oricum, dupa cum am spus ieri astazi am incercat sa-mi fac niste poze. O sa postez doar 4 dintre ele, in ultimele 2 sunt machiata dar in primele 2 nu. Sincer nu prea suport sa ma machiez si de fapt mi-am dat doar cu creion pe la ochi, nici macar nu e cine stie ce machiaj dar ma rog D: Dupa parerea mea imi si sta mai bine fara. Oricum ideea e ca am facut pozele pentru par asa ca daca vede cineva postul asta.. ignorati-mi fata va rog XD
duminică, 5 decembrie 2010
K - Only Human
On the opposite coast of sadness
is something called a smile
On the opposite coast of sadness
is something called a smile
But before we can go there,
is there something we’re waiting for?
In order to chase our dreams, we can’t have a reason to run away
We’ve got to go, to that far away summer’s day
If we find it tomorrow, we can’t sigh
Because like a boat that opposes the stream
we have to walk straight on
In a place worn down by sadness
something called a miracle, is waiting
Yet we are still searching
for the sunflower that grows at the end of spring
The warrior who awaits the morning light
before he can clasp it with red nails, his tears glitter and fall
Even if we’ve grown used to loneliness
only relying on the light of the moon
We have to fly away with featherless wing
just go foward, just a little further
As the rainclouds break
the wet streets sparkling
Although it brings only darkness
A powerful, powerful light
helps push us to walk on
Hallelujah, I'm falling, I'm falling, falling.
"Memories are what warm you up from the inside.
But they're also what tear you apart."
Ieri am stat treaza pana pe la 2 doar ca sa ma uit la un film. 'Sub anestezie', care de fapt l-am mai vazut o data dar mi-a placut foarte mult si cand am vazut reclama am vrut sa stau sa-l vad iar. Sincer nu pot spune ca e ceva foarte special el sau chestii de genul asta, dar pe mine m-a impresionat fara un motiv anume.
Anyway astazi mi-am dat seama ca probabil o sa fiu singura si de Craciun si de Revelion. Tata o sa fie plecat pentru ca ambele sunt in weekend, iar fratele meu nu cred ca o sa fie acasa de Craciun. Sincer nici macar nu-mi pasa. Oricum de cand a plecat mama nu mai tinem sarbatorile astea asa cum faceam de obicei, nici macar zilele de nastere nu mai sunt la fel. Nu pot spune ca imi e dor de ea, dar imi e dor de atmosfera care era in casa de sarbatori cand era inca aici. Probabil o sa o chem pe Anca la mine si de Craciun si de Revelion, oricum Revelionul trecut tot cu ea am fost si cu fratele meu, dar nu sunt sigura ca poate sa vina. Ei ma rog daca nu, ma descurc eu si singura.
In alta ordine de idei cand incepe vacanta trebuie sa refac postul cu familia virtuala si cel cu calendarul. Momentan nu e vorba ca nu am timp dar prefer sa fac altceva cu timpul ala. Oricum zilele astea trebuie sa ma gandesc sa mai scot din ojosani / frati si restul pentru ca sunt prea multi si nici macar nu cred ca ii mai stiu pe toti lmao. In vacanta asta cred ca o sa merg si la Cluj ca sa ma tund. Inca nu stiu exact cum, dar ideea e ca vreau sa-mi fie parul mult mai scurt decat il am acum si probabil o sa-mi fac iar breton. Daca am timp maine si o sa mi se para ca arata normal o sa-mi fac niste poze si o sa le postez, ca sa fie de acum si o sa fac si dupa ce ma tund XD
Ma rog, cam atat am avut de zis cred. Bye Bye :3
joi, 2 decembrie 2010
Tik Tok
"If you only read the books that everyone else is reading,
you can only think what everyone else is thinking."
miercuri, 1 decembrie 2010
Am I a fool?
"Possibilities are like cancer. The more I think about them, the more they multiply, and there's no way to stop them. I'm out of control."
Handwriting meme - 2
Ok deci cum am promis am facut meme-ul asta azi. In primul rand am scris totul pe engleza pentru ca mi s-a parut mai usor decat sa scriu pe romana >.> In al doilea rand nu am scanner asa ca am facut poze cu aparutul si arata putin aiurea, nici nu stiu daca se intelege mare lucru dar ma rog D:
marți, 30 noiembrie 2010
Handwriting meme
Ah da am uitat ca aveam de gand sa fac si asta, dar o sa le pun toate intr-un singur post pe care o sa-l fac maine. Cred ca mi-ar fi prea lene sa fac in fiecare zi cate un post lmao.
1 - What do you think of your handwriting?
2 - Handwrite your Tumblr name alongside your real name.
3 - Handwrite your favourite quote.
4 - Handwrite your best friend’s name.
5 - Do you prefer printing or handwriting? What’s your opinion between the two?
6 - Handwrite your favourite song/song lyric.
7 - Handwrite whatever you want with a blue/red pen.
8 - Handwrite your worst pet peeve.
9 - Handwrite something that always catches your attention.
10 - Handwrite all the websites you’re updated with.
11 - Handwrite your name using the opposite hand to what you normally use.
12 - Try writing about how your handwriting can define you or not.
13 - Handwrite your Tumblr crushes.
14 - Handwrite “Hello”.
15 - Handwrite whatever you want, filling up the whole piece of paper.
1 - What do you think of your handwriting?
2 - Handwrite your Tumblr name alongside your real name.
3 - Handwrite your favourite quote.
4 - Handwrite your best friend’s name.
5 - Do you prefer printing or handwriting? What’s your opinion between the two?
6 - Handwrite your favourite song/song lyric.
7 - Handwrite whatever you want with a blue/red pen.
8 - Handwrite your worst pet peeve.
9 - Handwrite something that always catches your attention.
10 - Handwrite all the websites you’re updated with.
11 - Handwrite your name using the opposite hand to what you normally use.
12 - Try writing about how your handwriting can define you or not.
13 - Handwrite your Tumblr crushes.
14 - Handwrite “Hello”.
15 - Handwrite whatever you want, filling up the whole piece of paper.
Don't stop; Can't stop
Hey, stiu ca nu am postat de foarte mult timp, sau ma rog cel putin nu lucruri normale, dar m-am gandit ca ar fi mai bine sa incep iar sa postez din cand in cand. S-au intamplat foarte multe lucruri de la ultimul meu post normal si nu am vorbit niciodata despre ele. Nu am de gand sa povestesc acum tot ce s-a intamplat pentru ca nici macar nu mi-ar ajunge un singur post. Mi-am dat seama ca inainte ma simteam mult mai bine dupa ce postam unele chestii pe blog si nu le tineam pur si simplu pentru mine. Stiu ca nici inainte nici acum nu imi citea cineva blog-ul sau mai stiu eu ce, dar pur si simplu ma simteam mai bine dupa ce ziceam toate chestiile care le aveam in cap. In ultima vreme intr-adevar am folosit foarte mult tumblr-ul, dar nu il pot vedea ca pe un blog sau ceva de genul. Am postat si acolo anumite chestii, dar in primul rand acolo le postez in engleza si uhm ma rog pur si simplu nu e la fel. Nici macar nu prea stiu ce sa zic momentan, probabil o sa revin cat de curand cu un post in care o sa-mi adun gandurile oarecum. O sa fie destul de random ca sa zic asa, dar majoritatea posturilor mele de acum or sa fie asa si probabil destul de vagi, dar nu conteaza. Ideea e ca vreau sa ma exprim intr-un fel sau altul asupra anumitor lucruri, iar in scris pot cel mai bine sa fac asta. Probabil o sa fiu ca si inainte si o sa scriu in mare parte ce am facut in fiecare zi. Plictisitor, stiu, dar chiar ma ajuta mult si imi place sa fac asta. Ma rog, momentan atat am de zis.
I'm back :3,
vineri, 3 septembrie 2010
The unreachable days keep turning
miercuri, 1 septembrie 2010
Random Meme
L-P ♥
I like my name.
I hate my name.
My name is hard to pronounce.
My name is so boring. ♥
I have a nickname. ♥
I am considered a minor. ♥
I am over 18.
I am under 13.
I am in between the ages of 13 and 18 ♥
I wish I was older.
I wish I was younger.
I like my age. ♥
I know how to drive, even though I’m too young to have my license.
I drink/smoke and I’m underage.
My Appearance:
I have brown hair.
I have blond hair.
I have black hair. ♥
I have red hair.
I have an unnatural hair color.
I’ve dyed my hair before.
I’ve gotten highlights/lowlights before. ♥
I have curly hair.
I have straight hair. ♥
I have wavy hair.
I have frizzy hair.
I straighten my hair every day.
I have brown eyes.
I have blue eyes. ♥
I have gray eyes.
I have hazel eyes.
I have green eyes.
My eyes change colors.
I use color contacts.
I have glasses.
I use regular contacts.
I got laser eye surgery.
I am under 5’4.
I’m under 5 feet.
I’m over 5’4 ♥
I am over 6 feet tall.
I love my height.
I hate my height.
I am happy with the size I am. ♥
I wish I was skinnier. ♥
I wish I could gain some weight.
I am trying to lose weight. ♥
I have gone on fad diets before.
I have taken diet pills and laxatives.
My shoe size is above a 9.
My shoe size is under a 5.
My shoe size is normal. ♥
Its hard for me to find shoes that fit.
I shop at stores like Abercrombie, Holllister, and American Eagle.
I shop at Hot Topic.
I shop at stores like PacSun and Zumies.
I shop at stores like Bloomingdales and Saks.
I shop at stores like Forever 21 and Urban Outfitters.
I shop at Wal-Mart, Target, and K-Mart.
I love shopping.
I hate shopping, and still wear stuff from five years ago. ♥
I own a designer purse.
I love those oversized tote bags. ♥
I despise skinny jeans. ♥
I wear high-waisted jeans. ♥
Mary-Kate Olsen is definitely my style icon.
Shoes are my life.
I live in my converses.
I love Uggs!
I absolutely cannot stand flip flops.
I get my nails done every week.
I wear perfume.
I hate pedicures.
I wear false eyelashes.
I wear a lot of makeup.
I don’t wear any makeup. ♥
I love Burt’s Bees.
I wear a ton of eyeliner.
I wear lipstick.
I wear lipliner.
I feel uncomfortable when wearing mini skirts. ♥
I wear a lot of low cut shirts that show a lot of cleavage.
High heels are sexy.
I cannot walk in high heels.
I love wedges.
I live in my jeans.
My dog is my favorite accessory.
I wear thongs and g-strings.
I prefer granny panties.
I just wear regular underwear. ♥
I buy all my bras from Victoria’s Secret.
I love Victoria’s Secret’s PINK line.
I am in elementary school.
I am in middle school.
I am in high school. ♥
I am in college.
I am a high school dropout.
I am homeschooled.
I go to a private school.
I go to a Catholic school.
I go to a public school. ♥
I have skipped a grade.
I have been held back.
I am in Honors classes.
I am in A.P. classes.
I’m just in regular classes. ♥
I want to get into an Ivy League college.
My favorite class is English. ♥
I hate science.
I hate English.
I love math.
I am currently failing one or more of my classes.
I have straight A’s.
I get A’s and B’s.
I get C’s and D’s.
My teachers are horrible, and I have no clue why they were hired. ♥
I love my teachers.
I want to graduate now!
I wish I could stay in high school forever.
I am in band or orchestra.
I am in choir.
I’m in a lot of clubs.
I play a ton of school sports.
I’m on a Varsity or JV team.
I’m in all the school plays.
I can hardly wait to go to college.
My Friends:
I have a best friend. ♥
I have more than one best friend
I have a lot of acquaintances.
I don’t have any friends.
My friends are crazy, but I love them.
I have a lot of guy friends
I have had the same best friends for years.
My best friends change like I change my underwear.
My friends and I get into a lot of fights.
The Opposite Sex (or Same Sex):
I have a boyfriend/girlfriend.
I’m single. ♥
I hook up frequently.
I’ve never had a boyfriend.
I’ve dated my friend’s ex.
I’m a virgin. ♥
I’ve had sex before.
I’ve never been kissed.
I’ve had an abortion before.
I was pregnant in high school.
I have/had an STD or STI.
I’m saving myself until I’m married.
I’m just waiting for the right guy to have sex with.
I love tall guys. ♥
I would date someone shorter than me.
I focus more on looking for a guy with a good personality than a really hot guy. ♥
I love guys with blue eyes.
Facial hair is sexy on boys.
Guys with piercings and tattoos are amazing.
I love preppy guys.
I love the nerds.
I would date someone in the army.
My parents are married.
My parents are divorced. ♥
My parents are living together, but aren’t married.
I love my parents. ♥
I hate my parents.
I love my parents, but they annoy me a lot.
My parents are so embarrassing!
My parents are really strict.
My parents let me do whatever I want.
I tell everything to my parents.
I don’t tell anything to my parents.
I have a brother. ♥
I have a sister.
I am the oldest in the family.
I’m in the middle.
I’m the youngest in the family.
I have a brother or sister in college.
I babysit my brother or sister all the time.
I love my grandparents.
One or more of my great grandparents are alive. ♥
I’ve been to a family reunion before.
Other Stuff:
I’m a grammar nazi.
I love erasers ♥
Chocolate is sex. ♥
I’m pro choice. ♥
I’m pro life. ♥
I’m a Democrat.
I’m a Republican.
I don’t know what I am. ♥
I love Bush.
I check my email every day.
I use MSN.
I love Facebook.
I prefer Myspace.
I hate people that TYPE LiiKE THiiS 0r Th!$ oR tHiSsSsS . ♥
I love Chinese food.
L-P ♥
I like my name.
I hate my name.
My name is hard to pronounce.
My name is so boring. ♥
I have a nickname. ♥
I am considered a minor. ♥
I am over 18.
I am under 13.
I am in between the ages of 13 and 18 ♥
I wish I was older.
I wish I was younger.
I like my age. ♥
I know how to drive, even though I’m too young to have my license.
I drink/smoke and I’m underage.
My Appearance:
I have brown hair.
I have blond hair.
I have black hair. ♥
I have red hair.
I have an unnatural hair color.
I’ve dyed my hair before.
I’ve gotten highlights/lowlights before. ♥
I have curly hair.
I have straight hair. ♥
I have wavy hair.
I have frizzy hair.
I straighten my hair every day.
I have brown eyes.
I have blue eyes. ♥
I have gray eyes.
I have hazel eyes.
I have green eyes.
My eyes change colors.
I use color contacts.
I have glasses.
I use regular contacts.
I got laser eye surgery.
I am under 5’4.
I’m under 5 feet.
I’m over 5’4 ♥
I am over 6 feet tall.
I love my height.
I hate my height.
I am happy with the size I am. ♥
I wish I was skinnier. ♥
I wish I could gain some weight.
I am trying to lose weight. ♥
I have gone on fad diets before.
I have taken diet pills and laxatives.
My shoe size is above a 9.
My shoe size is under a 5.
My shoe size is normal. ♥
Its hard for me to find shoes that fit.
I shop at stores like Abercrombie, Holllister, and American Eagle.
I shop at Hot Topic.
I shop at stores like PacSun and Zumies.
I shop at stores like Bloomingdales and Saks.
I shop at stores like Forever 21 and Urban Outfitters.
I shop at Wal-Mart, Target, and K-Mart.
I love shopping.
I hate shopping, and still wear stuff from five years ago. ♥
I own a designer purse.
I love those oversized tote bags. ♥
I despise skinny jeans. ♥
I wear high-waisted jeans. ♥
Mary-Kate Olsen is definitely my style icon.
Shoes are my life.
I live in my converses.
I love Uggs!
I absolutely cannot stand flip flops.
I get my nails done every week.
I wear perfume.
I hate pedicures.
I wear false eyelashes.
I wear a lot of makeup.
I don’t wear any makeup. ♥
I love Burt’s Bees.
I wear a ton of eyeliner.
I wear lipstick.
I wear lipliner.
I feel uncomfortable when wearing mini skirts. ♥
I wear a lot of low cut shirts that show a lot of cleavage.
High heels are sexy.
I cannot walk in high heels.
I love wedges.
I live in my jeans.
My dog is my favorite accessory.
I wear thongs and g-strings.
I prefer granny panties.
I just wear regular underwear. ♥
I buy all my bras from Victoria’s Secret.
I love Victoria’s Secret’s PINK line.
I am in elementary school.
I am in middle school.
I am in high school. ♥
I am in college.
I am a high school dropout.
I am homeschooled.
I go to a private school.
I go to a Catholic school.
I go to a public school. ♥
I have skipped a grade.
I have been held back.
I am in Honors classes.
I am in A.P. classes.
I’m just in regular classes. ♥
I want to get into an Ivy League college.
My favorite class is English. ♥
I hate science.
I hate English.
I love math.
I am currently failing one or more of my classes.
I have straight A’s.
I get A’s and B’s.
I get C’s and D’s.
My teachers are horrible, and I have no clue why they were hired. ♥
I love my teachers.
I want to graduate now!
I wish I could stay in high school forever.
I am in band or orchestra.
I am in choir.
I’m in a lot of clubs.
I play a ton of school sports.
I’m on a Varsity or JV team.
I’m in all the school plays.
I can hardly wait to go to college.
My Friends:
I have a best friend. ♥
I have more than one best friend
I have a lot of acquaintances.
I don’t have any friends.
My friends are crazy, but I love them.
I have a lot of guy friends
I have had the same best friends for years.
My best friends change like I change my underwear.
My friends and I get into a lot of fights.
The Opposite Sex (or Same Sex):
I have a boyfriend/girlfriend.
I’m single. ♥
I hook up frequently.
I’ve never had a boyfriend.
I’ve dated my friend’s ex.
I’m a virgin. ♥
I’ve had sex before.
I’ve never been kissed.
I’ve had an abortion before.
I was pregnant in high school.
I have/had an STD or STI.
I’m saving myself until I’m married.
I’m just waiting for the right guy to have sex with.
I love tall guys. ♥
I would date someone shorter than me.
I focus more on looking for a guy with a good personality than a really hot guy. ♥
I love guys with blue eyes.
Facial hair is sexy on boys.
Guys with piercings and tattoos are amazing.
I love preppy guys.
I love the nerds.
I would date someone in the army.
My parents are married.
My parents are divorced. ♥
My parents are living together, but aren’t married.
I love my parents. ♥
I hate my parents.
I love my parents, but they annoy me a lot.
My parents are so embarrassing!
My parents are really strict.
My parents let me do whatever I want.
I tell everything to my parents.
I don’t tell anything to my parents.
I have a brother. ♥
I have a sister.
I am the oldest in the family.
I’m in the middle.
I’m the youngest in the family.
I have a brother or sister in college.
I babysit my brother or sister all the time.
I love my grandparents.
One or more of my great grandparents are alive. ♥
I’ve been to a family reunion before.
Other Stuff:
I’m a grammar nazi.
I love erasers ♥
Chocolate is sex. ♥
I’m pro choice. ♥
I’m pro life. ♥
I’m a Democrat.
I’m a Republican.
I don’t know what I am. ♥
I love Bush.
I check my email every day.
I use MSN.
I love Facebook.
I prefer Myspace.
I hate people that TYPE LiiKE THiiS 0r Th!$ oR tHiSsSsS . ♥
I love Chinese food.
joi, 24 iunie 2010
Shuffle Meme
1. Put your iTunes, Windows Media Player, etc. on shuffle.
2. For each question, press the next button to get your answer.
Mello - Melancholy
born - white harmony
Namie Amuro - LOVE GAME
GULLET - Morgue (lolwut)
Mannequin - Empty Flowers
ACID - Pray for the future (lol not)
lynch. - roaring in the dark
vistlip - CLASSIC OPERA (uhm.. no?)
WHAT IS 2+2?
SHINee - Ring Ding Dong (ROLF)
Dolly - Cassis Milk
9GOATS BLACK OUT - in the rain
the studs - Dread
Plastic Tree - Close Child
Merry - Ve-Doro
Dali - Exit
amber gris - sunny day's seeker.
deadman - Grand Ground
DELUHI - Wake Up!
UVERworld - LIFEsize
SuG - P!NK masquerade.
D'espairsRay - "Forbidden"
1. Put your iTunes, Windows Media Player, etc. on shuffle.
2. For each question, press the next button to get your answer.
Mello - Melancholy
born - white harmony
Namie Amuro - LOVE GAME
GULLET - Morgue (lolwut)
Mannequin - Empty Flowers
ACID - Pray for the future (lol not)
lynch. - roaring in the dark
vistlip - CLASSIC OPERA (uhm.. no?)
WHAT IS 2+2?
SHINee - Ring Ding Dong (ROLF)
Dolly - Cassis Milk
9GOATS BLACK OUT - in the rain
the studs - Dread
Plastic Tree - Close Child
Merry - Ve-Doro
Dali - Exit
amber gris - sunny day's seeker.
deadman - Grand Ground
DELUHI - Wake Up!
UVERworld - LIFEsize
SuG - P!NK masquerade.
D'espairsRay - "Forbidden"
vineri, 14 mai 2010
Day 30
If we just could have been as honest as kids
But we were too grown up so the love we couldn’t share vanishes
silent night, you disappeared and I felt like winter
my heart is standing still, pieces of you fall on it piling up
But we were too grown up so the love we couldn’t share vanishes
silent night, you disappeared and I felt like winter
my heart is standing still, pieces of you fall on it piling up
Somewhere you want to visit
Asta e asaaa de usoor XD Japonia =D
Sincer iubesc tara asta, nu doar din cauza j-rockerilor sau mai stiu eu ce lol, dar chiar e una dintre cele mai frumoase tari pe care le stiu. Nu as vrea neaparat sa merg in Tokyo sau cine stie ce oras de genul asta. Sunt prea aglomerate, prea moderne, iar mie nu-mi prea plac chestiile de genul asta. M-as multumi si daca as merge sa vizitez un sat sau ceva lol, doar sa merg acolo.
Your favorite song at this time last year
Nu-mi amintesc foarte bine, dar cred ca era Fuyu No Castanet de la Merry.
Ok, nu-mi vine sa cred ca s-a terminat chestiuta asta. Stiu ca nu am postat eu totul chiar la timp, dar mi-a placut si as fi vrut sa fie mai mult. Mi-a placut pentru ca a fost ca si cum cineva mi-ar fi dat ideea despre ce sa postez, si poti gasi o gramada de lucruri sa spui cand cineva iti zice un simplu cuvant. Meh as fi vrut sa fie mai multe chestiute D=
Daily Meme
joi, 13 mai 2010
Day 29
Yes I still remember,
Every whispered word
The touch of your skin, giving life from within
Like a love song that I'd heard
Slipping through our fingers,
Like the sands of time
Promises made, every memory saved
Has reflections in my mind
Every whispered word
The touch of your skin, giving life from within
Like a love song that I'd heard
Slipping through our fingers,
Like the sands of time
Promises made, every memory saved
Has reflections in my mind
A picture of space
De ce ar fi nevoie sa pun o poza a spatiului lol? Anyway here:
Fascinant, nu? u.u
A song from your childhood
Ar fi o gramada de melodii din copilaria mea, dar dintr-o data mi-am amintit de una, prima care mi-a venit in minte cand am citit asta, si anume Spice Girls - Viva Forever. Doamne cred ca nu o sa uit niciodata melodia asta.. E asa de geniala, iar videoclipul e asa de frumos, pana si acum imi place foarte mult.
Daily Meme
miercuri, 12 mai 2010
Day 28
When I was child, I killed many insects. but I'd never got to be stained.
Walk now we dirt our heart and make guilt so everyday, so, unconsciously
Children have never killed themselves!
A drawing of you in the future
Nu ma pricep la desen, si nici nu am inspiratie momentan, nici chef ca de obicei si mai am putin si cad pe jos de somn. Pe langa toate chestiile astea habar nu am cum o sa fiu eu in viitor. Pur si simplu nu ma pot imagina pe mine in viitor lol. Probabil orcui ii e usor sa se gandeasca cum o sa aibe familia, cum o sa fie la lucru, cum o sa arate, cat de bine o sa fie imbracat, cat de fericit o sa fie, sau cel putin cum ar vrea sa fie. Nu inteleg de ce dar mie imi e greu sa ma gandesc la asta. Poate pentru ca sunt genul de persoana care traieste doar in prezent, si in trecut. Genul de persoana caruia nu-i pasa ce o sa se intample maine ci ce se intampla astazi, tipul ala de persoana care vrea doar sa traiasca asa cum vrea fara sa se gandeasca la o gramada de lucruri ce o sa trebuiasca sa le faca in viitorul departat sau apropiat.
A song that makes you feel guilty
forbidden days rhapsody - LAVATEIN Pentru ca ma descrie atat de bine, si are dreptate, iar partile din versuri care le stiu ma fac sa ma simt aiurea si vinovata. Nu stiu cum sa explic de ce, dar asa ma simt.
Walk now we dirt our heart and make guilt so everyday, so, unconsciously
Children have never killed themselves!
And she said, I found that I didn't see what's big to me.
She said, I lost someone I'm so proud of!
Even you want me to just try to know you, I betray.
Even you want me to just try to save you, it's too late. It's too late!
But I certain we'll be forgiven.
She said, I lost someone I'm so proud of!
Even you want me to just try to know you, I betray.
Even you want me to just try to save you, it's too late. It's too late!
But I certain we'll be forgiven.
A drawing of you in the future
Nu ma pricep la desen, si nici nu am inspiratie momentan, nici chef ca de obicei si mai am putin si cad pe jos de somn. Pe langa toate chestiile astea habar nu am cum o sa fiu eu in viitor. Pur si simplu nu ma pot imagina pe mine in viitor lol. Probabil orcui ii e usor sa se gandeasca cum o sa aibe familia, cum o sa fie la lucru, cum o sa arate, cat de bine o sa fie imbracat, cat de fericit o sa fie, sau cel putin cum ar vrea sa fie. Nu inteleg de ce dar mie imi e greu sa ma gandesc la asta. Poate pentru ca sunt genul de persoana care traieste doar in prezent, si in trecut. Genul de persoana caruia nu-i pasa ce o sa se intample maine ci ce se intampla astazi, tipul ala de persoana care vrea doar sa traiasca asa cum vrea fara sa se gandeasca la o gramada de lucruri ce o sa trebuiasca sa le faca in viitorul departat sau apropiat.
A song that makes you feel guilty
forbidden days rhapsody - LAVATEIN Pentru ca ma descrie atat de bine, si are dreptate, iar partile din versuri care le stiu ma fac sa ma simt aiurea si vinovata. Nu stiu cum sa explic de ce, dar asa ma simt.
Daily Meme
marți, 11 mai 2010
Day 27
I am here! Sullied,
we will forget how to smile,
so I’ll become wind, sink deeply into the heavens,
leaving only my passion for you behind
A picture of where you’re from
Nu e deloc clara pentru ca e facuta noaptea asa ca nu mi-a prea iesit. Oricum imi place si asa XP E facuta de pe un deal si in mod normal, daca ar fi fost zi, s-ar fi vazut aproape tot orasul de acolo. Poate as gasi pe net si facuta ziua dar.. nu vreau sa caut lol. Si hey doar mi se pare mie sau luminitile alea chiar seamana cu niste note muzicale? O.o' Cred ca incep sa vad chestii wtf.
A song that you wish you could play
Probabil sunt o multime de melodii pe care as vrea sa le pot canta. De fapt stai, daca ma gandesc mai bine nu sunt chiar asa de multe. De ce? Pentru ca prefer sa ascult melodiile asa cum sunt, asa cum le-a facut cine le-a facut, asa cum le canta cel sau cea de la care sunt. Oricum probabil eu as distruge orice, asa ca nu se merita.
we will forget how to smile,
so I’ll become wind, sink deeply into the heavens,
leaving only my passion for you behind
I am here! I am alone!
Will we forget how to cry too?
A love that could scorch even the sun
and time dredge out, see, they colour
the precious landscape
Will we forget how to cry too?
A love that could scorch even the sun
and time dredge out, see, they colour
the precious landscape
A picture of where you’re from
Nu e deloc clara pentru ca e facuta noaptea asa ca nu mi-a prea iesit. Oricum imi place si asa XP E facuta de pe un deal si in mod normal, daca ar fi fost zi, s-ar fi vazut aproape tot orasul de acolo. Poate as gasi pe net si facuta ziua dar.. nu vreau sa caut lol. Si hey doar mi se pare mie sau luminitile alea chiar seamana cu niste note muzicale? O.o' Cred ca incep sa vad chestii wtf.
A song that you wish you could play
Probabil sunt o multime de melodii pe care as vrea sa le pot canta. De fapt stai, daca ma gandesc mai bine nu sunt chiar asa de multe. De ce? Pentru ca prefer sa ascult melodiile asa cum sunt, asa cum le-a facut cine le-a facut, asa cum le canta cel sau cea de la care sunt. Oricum probabil eu as distruge orice, asa ca nu se merita.
Daily Meme
luni, 10 mai 2010
Day 26
I'll break free of all this monochrome and let my wings carry me away
If I can get through the blackness of the night, a rainbow-coloured world awaits
I know I'll see dirtied skies too, teeming with petty desires
But never forget that ray of light shining through the clouds
If I can get through the blackness of the night, a rainbow-coloured world awaits
I know I'll see dirtied skies too, teeming with petty desires
But never forget that ray of light shining through the clouds
A picture from one of the greatest days of your life
Well nu prea am avut cine stie cate zile grozave, iar din cele care chiar nu o sa le uit niciodata nu prea am poze. Oricum am caut prin foldere si am luat una la nimereala, din nou ca sa nu postez degeaba XD Oricum sincer mi-a placut ziua aia. Nu e tocmai una dintre cele mai de 'neuitat' zile din viata mea, dar totusi, mi-a placut.
A song that you can play on an instrument
Niciunul? Nu stiu sa cant la nici un instrument asa ca nu am cum sa stiu sa cant o melodie la un instrument lol.
Daily Meme
duminică, 9 mai 2010
Day 25
The first moment I saw you
Eyes flashing, hair swishing
The bell rang ding dong
The first moment I saw you
Eyes flashing, hair swishing
The bell rang ding dong
One of your most prized posessions
Nu prea cred ca am asa ceva, dar ca sa nu postez degeaba sa zicem ca poate.. poate ar fi aparatul meu foto la care nu am cum sa-i fac poza oricum LOL XD
Mereu mi-a placut sa fac poze la ce apucam si m-am bucurat cand mi l-a cumparat tata. Dar in ultima vreme nu mai prea iesit afara asa ca nu am avut ocazia sa-l folosesc. Desi de fiecare data cand plec pe undeva sau apuc sa ies putin il iau dupa mine. As avea nevoie totusi de unul mai bun, adica ma rog nu nevoie, dar as vrea eu unul mai bun. Cu cel care il am nu imi ies pozele tocmai asa de clare, chiar daca e destul de bun, dar probabil unul mai bun decat asta ar fi prea scump.. so yeah, nici nu stiu cat l-as folosi asa ca nu prea se merita.
A song that makes you laugh
Sa zicem.. SHINee - Ring Ding Dong XD Oricat de mult mi-ar placea melodia asta tot ma face sa rad si sa ma simt mai bine. Prima data cand am dat de ea imi venea sa rad din cauza numelui, apoi am murit de ras cand m-am uitat la videoclip, iar refrenul e pur si simplu prea wtf XDD Dar oricum tot imi place lol XD
Daily Meme
sâmbătă, 8 mai 2010
Day 24
You disappeared and time stood still,
I even forgot to blink,
I’ll turn these feelings that remained behind
into notes and send them to you,
so listen, ok? I’ll cherish this song
I even forgot to blink,
I’ll turn these feelings that remained behind
into notes and send them to you,
so listen, ok? I’ll cherish this song
Something embarassing in your room
Pauza lol o.o Pe langa faptul ca nu am chef de facut poze nu cred ca as avea asa ceva in camera mea. Adica mie mi se pare normal tot ce am pe aici, sunt lucruri cu care m-am obisnuit, lucruri pe care le am de o gramada de timp pentru ca nu prea am timp si nici chef sa merg la cumparaturi. Oricum poate unele li s-ar parea ciudate altora, poate mi-ar fi rusine din cauza lor pentru ca am jucarii de copii mici in camera..XD Sau chestii de genul, dar altceva nu cred ca as avea lol o.o
A song that you want to play at your funeral
Ugh e greu de ales si probabil as vrea mai multe lol. Dar oricum cred ca ar fi Heaven, de la 9GOATS BLACK OUT, pe care am mai mentionat-o in cateva posturi deci nu mai are rost sa pun link la ea. Nu cred ca are rost sa mai spun cat de mult iubesc melodia asta. Mereu ma face sa plang cand o ascult lol. Cu unele melodii chiar imi e greu sa ma obisnuiesc, si chiar daca le ascult de o gramada de ori tot ma fac sa plang, sau daca nu cel putin unele parti din ele ma fac sa ma simt ciudat. Meh, sunt ciudata, stiu.
Daily Meme
vineri, 7 mai 2010
Day 23
And it got my head just spinnin’ round round round round
(Please tell me there’s a way)
Don’t wanna take a fall
It’s best to break it up
It’s gonna be better for you, move on
Favorite animal(Please tell me there’s a way)
Don’t wanna take a fall
It’s best to break it up
It’s gonna be better for you, move on
Uhm cred ca de cand ma stiu animalele mele preferate sunt pisicile.
Majoritatea sunt asa de adorabile. Ma rog, mai putin cele fara blana, alea mi se par de-a dreptul ciudate si parca seamana mai degraba cu niste soareci in loc de pisici lol. Dar restul sunt adorabile. Mai ales cele mici, e cam imposibil sa nu iubesti puii de pisica XP Oricum nu stiu de ce dar oamenii care zic din start ca detesta pisicile nu prea au sanse sa ma faca sa imi pese la fel de mult de ei ca si cand le-ar placea. Adica, cum poti sa urasti niste fiinte nevinovate si adorabile lol? Trebuie sa fi batut in cap z.z'
A song that you want to play at your wedding
No idea, really XD Nu cred ca ar merge o melodie de j-rock la o nunta, deci nu prea am inspiratie. Pe langa asta conteaza si gusturile celorlalti, nu doar ce vreau. Si oricum mai e.. destul de mult pana ma casatoresc asa ca nu e nevoie sa ma gandesc la asa ceva de pe acum lol O_o' E ciudat XD
Daily Meme
joi, 6 mai 2010
Day 22
How are you? For the first time, I'm going to write you a letter.
Somehow, I'm okay. I've gotten used to being alone.
On the way home through the park at night I saw the cherry blossoms in full bloom and have been thinking of you..."
How are you? For the first time, I'm going to write you a letter.
Somehow, I'm okay. I've gotten used to being alone.
On the way home through the park at night I saw the cherry blossoms in full bloom and have been thinking of you..."
Favorite television quote
Oh pe bune acum z.z Cine a facut chestia asta nu s-a gandit ca sunt oamenii care nu se uita la TV? Eu nu m-am mai uitat de.. nu stiu cand lol si de obicei cand ma uit ma uit doar pentru ca ma plictisesc sau poate e ceva film interesant. Dar in nici un caz nu stau sa ma uit la stiri / emisiuni sau mai stiu eu ce, cu atat mai putin sa retin citate din ce zic aia pe acolo, pentru ca nu-mi pasa de ce zic ei geez D:
A song that you listen to when you’re sad
Nu a mai fost ceva asemanator o data lol? Anyway, de obicei cand ma simt aiurea ascult melodiile care ma fac sa ma simt aiurea chiar si cand nu ma simt aiurea... right =)) Oricum de obicei sunt melodii liniste de la trupele care-mi plac foarte mult si care inseamna ceva pentru mine. Nici cand sunt trista nu ma calmeaza melodiile agitate sau mai stiu eu ce, pentru ca pur si simplu nu au nici un efect pe mine lol. Si ca sa postez o melodie o sa o pun pe cea care o ascult acum, si anume Plastic Tree - Harusaki Sentimental.
Daily Meme
miercuri, 5 mai 2010
Day 21
"I wouldn’t be like this if I was a good man
But I am not a bad man, right?
Please don’t say it was a misunderstanding
A wrinkled sentimental heart, my last pride thrown away"
But I am not a bad man, right?
Please don’t say it was a misunderstanding
A wrinkled sentimental heart, my last pride thrown away"
Favorite movie quote
Uhm o sa postez mai multe D=
"My name is Salmon, like the fish. First name, Susie. I was fourteen years old when I was murdered on December 6th, 1973. I wasn't gone. I was alive in my own perfect world. But in my heart, I knew it wasn't perfect. My murderer still haunted me. My father had the pieces but he couldn't make them fit. I waited for justice but justice did not come."
"Holly said there was a wide, wide heaven beyond everything we knew; where there was no cornfield, no memory, no grave... but I wasn't looking beyond yet, I was still looking back."
"Nobody notices when we leave. I mean, the moment when we really choose to go. At best you might feel, a whisper or the wave of a whisper, undulating down."
"There was one thing my murderer didn't understand; he didn't understand how much a father could love his child."
- The Lovely Bones
"My dearest friend, if you don't mind... I'd like to join you by your side. Where we can gaze into the stars... "
"Of course, I've been too close to see! The answer's right in front of me!"
- The Nightmare before Christmas
"No, we all deserve to die... Even you, Mrs Lovett, even I! Because the lives of the wicked should be made brief. For the rest of us death will be a relief."
"There was a barber and his wife, And she was beautiful. A foolish barber and his wife. She was his reason and his life, And she was beautiful. And she was virtuous. And he was... naive. There was another man who saw That she was beautiful, A pious vulture of the law, Who with a gesture of his claw Removed the barber from his plate. Then there was nothing but to wait And she would fall, So soft, So young, So lost, And oh, so beautiful."
"And though I'll think of you, I guess, until the day I die, I think I miss you less and less as every day goes by!"
- Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street
Uhm si mai bine ma opresc XD
A song that you listen to when you’re happy
Uhm nu prea ascult melodii dupa felul in care ma simt, mai putin atunci cand sunt nervoasa sau ma simt aiurea. Dar nu cred ca am o anumita melodie care o ascult cand sunt fericita lol. Desi de obicei cred ca ascult melodii de la trupe de k-pop mai mult cand chiar ma simt hyper XD
Daily Meme
marți, 4 mai 2010
Day 20
"With brillliant color a sound is made and the cherry blossoms bloom.
Our once-linked hands are now seperated. One thousand overflowing wishes.
The spring the flowers fell, when I looked up.
I can't see your face for the falling, dancing cherry blossoms.
Because I woke from this fleeting dream, I am in tears...
With brillliant color a sound is made and the cherry blossoms bloom.
I've buried everything that was important to me under this tree.
The spring we were seperated, right before my eyes.
The spring the flowers fell, when I looked up.
They fell on me, on me, softly..."
Our once-linked hands are now seperated. One thousand overflowing wishes.
The spring the flowers fell, when I looked up.
I can't see your face for the falling, dancing cherry blossoms.
Because I woke from this fleeting dream, I am in tears...
With brillliant color a sound is made and the cherry blossoms bloom.
I've buried everything that was important to me under this tree.
The spring we were seperated, right before my eyes.
The spring the flowers fell, when I looked up.
They fell on me, on me, softly..."
A 10+ year old picture
Ugh nu mai stau sa caut poze, nici sa fac poze la poze nici orice altceva pentru ca imi e prea lene D: Si dupa cum ati vazut deja ies aiurea, so yeah. In plus nici nu inteleg daca ar trebui sa pun una de cand aveam 6 ani, adica in urma cu 10 ani, sau una de cand aveam peste 10 ani mda O.o''
A song that you listen to when you’re angry
Ascult multe melodii cand sunt nervoasa lol. Unii cand sunt nervosi asculta melodii cu urlete sau mai stiu eu ce, dar pe mine nu ma linistesc genul ala de melodii, nici pe departe, mai degraba ma enervez si mai rau. Asa ca de obicei ascult melodii calme cand sunt asa. De fapt de obicei nu prea ascult melodii cu urlete, pur si simplu nu sunt genul meu si sunt putine asa care imi plac. Anyway nu o sa stau aici sa scriu toate melodiile care le ascult cand sunt nervoasa, si nici nu pot sa zic doar unul pentru ca aproape de fiecare data difera. Sunt o multime de melodii care ma calmeaza, asa ca nu are rost sa stau sa enumar cateva.
Daily Meme
luni, 3 mai 2010
Day 19
"A small boat of light departs for the sea of stars,
I set the words I want to convey to these notes and sing,
Slowly drawing an arc on the faintly extended bridge of light,
my memories increase again but you who I treasured vanished"
I set the words I want to convey to these notes and sing,
Slowly drawing an arc on the faintly extended bridge of light,
my memories increase again but you who I treasured vanished"
A favorite memory
Nu cred ca amintirile sunt niste lucruri simple. Nu cred ca ai cum sa spui despre o anumita amintire ca iti place mai mult decat alta. Poti spune asta despre animale, despre profesori, despre mancare, despre o cartea sau orice altceva, dar nu despre amintiri. E adevarat ca avem o singura viata, dar fiecare amintire e o viata traita altfel. Fiecare are ceva aparte, fiecare te-a facut sa simti alte lucruri. Ni se intampla atat de multe lucruri in viata, unele bune, altele rele, iar dintre cele bune nu ai cum sa alegi doar unul si sa zici ca ti-a placut mai mult. Si nu cred ca ar alege cineva o amintire a ceva rau ce i s-a intamplat ca amintire preferata lol. Deci nu o sa zic nimic inafara de chestiile astea pentru ca nu am ce. Nu pot zice ca ceva ce mi s-a intamplat e atat de important fata de celelalte lucruri ca sa aleg chestia aia. Sau poate as putea.. poate faptul ca am intalnit-o o sa ramana amintirea mea preferata. Poate.
A song from your favorite album
Din moment ce am postat deja despre Negai de data asta o sa pun altceva. Si anume 9GOATS BLACK OUT - Heaven. Nu pot alege intre melodiile astea doua, ambele sunt asa de geniale si atat de pline de emotie. Si hey o parte din versuri chiar se potrivesc cu postul asta lol.
Daily Meme
duminică, 2 mai 2010
Day 18
"Goodbye to you who I loved until the end!
We don’t need words anymore,
Transience, Beauty of this scattering world,
We don’t need words anymore,
Transience, Beauty of this scattering world,
Favorite board game
Mai mult decat sigur, e sahul :3 Poate e ciudat ca imi place jocul asta din moment ce de obicei nu-mi place sa gandesc prea mult, ori pentru ca ma enervez ori pentru ca ma plictisesc prea repede. Dar mereu am iubit sahul chiar daca nu am prea jucat in ultima vreme. Stiu jocul asta de cand eram mica pentru ca tata obisnuia sa joace foarte mult asa ca m-a invatat si pe mine. Inainte jucam aproape zilnic cu el, apoi incepusem sa-l bat la cap pe fratemio si l-am invatat si pe el XD Oricum jocul asta nu e deloc plictisitor si nici doar "pentru cei inteligenti" e pentru oricine vrea sa-l inteleaga si are chef sa-si piarda timpul intr-un mod interesant lol XD
A song that you wish you heard on the radio
Hm nu stiu. Poate ar trebui sa zic ceva de j-rock, dar nu vreau. De ce? Pentru ca ar fi prea ciudat, pentru ca toti ar inceapa sa zica o gramada de chestii despre el (nu ca nu ar zice deja), pentru ca poate ar ajunge un gen de muzica pe care il poate asculta orice persoana, oricine la care putin ii pasa de ce exprima. De aia chiar nu mi-ar placea. Si din moment ce nu prea ascult radio-ul chiar nu am idee ce as vrea eu sa aud acolo lol. In schimb stiu ce as vrea sa nu aud. As vrea sa nu mai aud tampenii de la Lady Gaga, sau pe tipul care pleaca zilnic pe Marte sau mai stiu eu ce, ci muzica normala lol.
Daily Meme
sâmbătă, 1 mai 2010
Day 17
"Shadows fill an empty heart
As love is fading,
From all the things that we are
Are not saying.
Can we see beyond the scars
And make it to the dawn?"
As love is fading,
From all the things that we are
Are not saying.
Can we see beyond the scars
And make it to the dawn?"
Favorite comic
Nu citesc asa ceva, dar ca sa nu postez tocmai degeaba o sa zic despre manga-ul preferat. Nu e aceeasi chestie, nici pe departe, dar e singura mea idee cu ce as putea inlocui ce trebuie sa zic aici D:
Deci.. manga-ul meu preferat e cu siguranta Lugwig Revolution, de Kaori Yuki. Pur si simplu il ador. Felul in care povesteste ea toate povestile pe care le stiam inca de cand eram foarte mica e genial. Sa nu mai zic de personaje. Iar umorul ei l-am iubit tot timpul XD Pe langa asta Lui e unul dintre personajele mele preferate si asa va ramane mult timp. E un personaj original, e idiot, pervers, amuzant si mai ales ciudat. Nu cred ca am mai intalnit un personaj care sa fie ca si el. Anyway alte manga-uri care imi plac foarte mult ar fi Ningyou Kyuutei Gakudan, Camelot Garden, Model, Beast Master, Pandora Hearts si etc. D:
A song that you hear often on the radio
Nu prea ascult eu radio-ul lol, nu pentru ca nu as avea cum, dar nu-mi prea place ce se da la radio XD Dar cat am ascultat acum cateva zile cred ca am auzit de nu stiu cate ori Chris Daughtry - What About now?. Da, stiu. Auzi de nu stiu cate ori si telefonul lui Lady Gaga sau tampenia lui Rhianna. Dar am ales melodia asta pentru ca macar asta imi place. Si sincer imi place destul de mult, pentru ca e linistita si exprima ceva, nu ca tampeniile alea obisnuite.
Daily Meme
vineri, 30 aprilie 2010
Day 16
"This used to be our secret
Now i'm hiden here alone
Can see draw our names
In the wall
Now i'm hiden here alone
Can see draw our names
In the wall
And wash them off the stone
I trusted you in every way
But not enought to make you stay
Turn aroundI trusted you in every way
But not enought to make you stay
I lost my ground"
Something that made you smile this day
lizard skin: HIPOPOPOOOOOO^________^
Paraphrenia .: Jui^_________________________^
lizard skin: o_________________________________________________________o
Paraphrenia .: O________________O
lizard skin: O_____________________________________________________O
Paraphrenia .: O____________________________o
And this ♥
A song that you used to love but now hate
Hm nu prea stiu ce sa aleg. Cand eram mica imi placeau o gramada de tampenii ce le auzeam la televizor. Adica nici macar nu auzisem de altceva deci normal ca-mi placeau, iar acum unele le consider tampenii si nimic mai mult. Dar nu cred ca sunt melodii care chiar imi placeau mult si acum sa le urasc. Mai degraba detest multe din melodiile care apar acum, decat cele ce le ascultam inainte lol. Deci nu o sa pun niciuna pentru ca am lipsa de inspiratie.. yeah D: Sau poate ceva random de la Tokio Hotel, dar nu pot zice ca chiar le urasc nici alea lol.
Daily Meme
joi, 29 aprilie 2010
Day 15
"Sometimes I don't wanna be better
Sometimes I can't be put back together
Sometimes I find it hard to believe
There's someone else who could be
Just as messed up as me"
Sometimes I can't be put back together
Sometimes I find it hard to believe
There's someone else who could be
Just as messed up as me"
2nd Favorite Movie
Chiar daca momentan sunt putin cam obsedata de The Lovely Bones o sa optez pentru Pirates of the Caribbean. Si da, nu unul anume pentru ca nu pot sa aleg intre ele lol, deci toate :3
In urma cu ceva timp era filmul meu preferat, dar nici acum nu e prea departe. Mereu mi-a placut foarte mult. Are cam de toate. Actiune, originalitate si mai ales umor =D Pe langa asta il are pe Jack lolXD ceea ce il face oarecum special. De ce? Pentru ca Jack e un personaj aparte, e diferit de alte personaje, e dus, e amuzant, e inteligent in felul lui iar eu pur si simplu il ador, l-am adorat si o sa-l ador mereu. Abia astept sa apara si al4lea film D=
A song that describes you
Nu cred ca am gasit vreodata o singura melodie care sa ma descrie perfect. Am dat peste o multime de melodii la care m-am regasit in versuri, dar niciodata in intregime, doar la fiecare cate putin. Uneori se potriveau cu ceva ce s-a intamplat recent, sau cu mai mult timp in urma depinde, alteori cu felul in care sunt uneori, alteori cu felul in care as vrea sa fiu uneori. Nu stiu, pur si simplu nu e o melodie care sa ma descrie in intregime. Dar sa zicem ca ar fi Skillet - Sometimes, oarecum.
Daily Meme
miercuri, 28 aprilie 2010
Cross Counter
Mh deci iau pauza de la meme-ul obisnuit ca sa postez altul lolXD
Kissed someone.
Smoked cigarettes.
Got so drunk you passed out.
Rode every ride at an amusement park.
Collected something really stupid.
Gone to a rock concert.
Helped someone.
Gone fishing.
Watched four movies in one night.
Gone long periods of time with out sleep.
Lied to someone.
Snorted cocaine.
Failed a class.
Smoked weed.
Dealt drugs.
Been in a car accident.
Been in a tornado.
Done hard drugs (i.e. ecstasy, heroin, crack, meth, acid).
Watched someone die.
Been to a funeral.
Burned yourself.
Ran a marathon.
Your parents got divorced.
Cried yourself to sleep.
Spent over $200 in one day. (HKD 200 ain’t a large sum of money. :P)
Flown on a plane.
Cheated on someone.
Been cheated on.
Written a 10 page letter.
Gone skiing.
Been sailing.
Cut yourself.
Had a best friend.
Lost someone you loved.
Had detention.
Skipped school.
Got in trouble for something you didn’t do.
Stolen books from the library.
Gone to a different country.
Been in a mental hospital.
Watched the “Harry Potter” movies.
Had an online diary.
Fired a gun.
Gambled in a casino.
Taken a lie detector test.
Swam with dolphins.
Gone to sea world.
Attempted suicide.
Voted for American/Australian Idol
Written poetry.
Read more than 20 books a year.
Gone to Europe.
Loved someone you couldn’t have.
Wondered about your sexuality.
Used a coloring book over age 12.
Had surgery.
Had stitches.
Taken a taxi.
Seen the Washington Monument.
Had more than 5 IM’s/online conversations going at once.
Had a drug or alcohol problem.
Been in a fist fight.
Suffered any form of abuse.
Had a hamster.
Pet a wild animal.
Used a credit card.
Gone surfing in California.
Did “spirit day” at school.
Dyed your hair.
Got a tattoo.
Had something pierced.
Known someone with HIV or AIDS.
Taken pictures with a webcam.
Started a fire.
Had a party while your parents weren’t home.
Gotten caught having a party while they were gone
Kissed someone.
Smoked cigarettes.
Got so drunk you passed out.
Rode every ride at an amusement park.
Collected something really stupid.
Gone to a rock concert.
Helped someone.
Gone fishing.
Watched four movies in one night.
Gone long periods of time with out sleep.
Lied to someone.
Snorted cocaine.
Failed a class.
Smoked weed.
Dealt drugs.
Been in a car accident.
Been in a tornado.
Done hard drugs (i.e. ecstasy, heroin, crack, meth, acid).
Watched someone die.
Been to a funeral.
Burned yourself.
Ran a marathon.
Your parents got divorced.
Cried yourself to sleep.
Spent over $200 in one day. (HKD 200 ain’t a large sum of money. :P)
Flown on a plane.
Cheated on someone.
Been cheated on.
Written a 10 page letter.
Gone skiing.
Been sailing.
Cut yourself.
Had a best friend.
Lost someone you loved.
Had detention.
Skipped school.
Got in trouble for something you didn’t do.
Stolen books from the library.
Gone to a different country.
Been in a mental hospital.
Watched the “Harry Potter” movies.
Had an online diary.
Fired a gun.
Gambled in a casino.
Taken a lie detector test.
Swam with dolphins.
Gone to sea world.
Attempted suicide.
Voted for American/Australian Idol
Written poetry.
Read more than 20 books a year.
Gone to Europe.
Loved someone you couldn’t have.
Wondered about your sexuality.
Used a coloring book over age 12.
Had surgery.
Had stitches.
Taken a taxi.
Seen the Washington Monument.
Had more than 5 IM’s/online conversations going at once.
Had a drug or alcohol problem.
Been in a fist fight.
Suffered any form of abuse.
Had a hamster.
Pet a wild animal.
Used a credit card.
Gone surfing in California.
Did “spirit day” at school.
Dyed your hair.
Got a tattoo.
Had something pierced.
Known someone with HIV or AIDS.
Taken pictures with a webcam.
Started a fire.
Had a party while your parents weren’t home.
Gotten caught having a party while they were gone
Day 14
"And when you've taken down your guard,
If I could change your mind, I'd really love to break your heart;
I'd really love to break your heart."
If I could change your mind, I'd really love to break your heart;
I'd really love to break your heart."
A childhood picture
Nu aveam nici un chef sa-mi caut albumele dar ma rog, oh si nici camera lol. Oricum am incercat sa fac dar ies aiurea rau so meh.
Cum ziceam, nu mi-a prea iesit XD
A song that no one would expect you to love
Aici chiar nu am nici o idee lol. Oh poate Tears For Fears - Shout Oh haide, cine naiba s-ar astepta sa imi placa melodii preistorice? D: Dar sincer chiar imi plac mult. Inainte doar melodii de genul ascultam din cauza lui tata. Imi e dor sa stau im bucatarie cu radioul si sa-i ascult casetele lol. Oricum melodiile astea sunt mult mai geniale decat orice tampenie gen Lady GaGa din ziua de azi.
Daily Meme
marți, 27 aprilie 2010
Day 13
"It hides its humming and gets close,
pulled closer and closer to that sweet skin."
pulled closer and closer to that sweet skin."
Favorite recipe
*cauta o reteta random de la ceva ca sa fie postul lung*
Oh am gasit!
Crema de zahar ars
Ingrediente crema de zahar ars:
8 oua
200 g de zahar
100-150 g zahar (pentru siropul de zahar ars)
1 litru de lapte
1 - 2 plicuri zahar vanilat
Modul de preparare a retetei:
Se aprinde cuptorul si il lasam sa se incalzeasca, trebuie sa fie cald cand bagam crema de zahar ars in el.
Se alege o oala sau cratita potrivita pentru crema de zahar ars si inca o cratita, mai mare decat prima, in care vom aseza cratita cu crema de zahar ars cand o bagam la cuptor.
Se pune cratita mai mica pe foc, cu 100 - 150g de zahar. Se lasa zaharul pe foc sa se topeasca si sa se caramelizeze un pic (pana cand face un pic de spuma la suprafata, daca il caramelizam mai mult zaharul ars va avea gust amar), apoi se apuca cratita cu grija, cu manusa de bucatarie sau cu mana invelita intr-un prosop, si se rasuceste astfel incat zaharul ars sa acopere fundul si jumatate din peretii laterali. Trebuie sa fim atenti sa nu sara zahar ars topit pe mana deoarece este foarte fierbinte. Se lasa cratita tapetata cu zahar ars sa se raceasca, incet, la temperatura camerei.
Intre timp preparam compozitia de crema. Pentru crema de zahar ars batem ouale cu restul de zahar si zaharul vanilat, adaugam laptele si omogenizam. Se poate adauga si 1 lingurita de amidon, pentru a obtine o crema de zahar ars mai ferma, care se va taia mai usor. Se toarna compozitia de crema in cratita tapetata cu zahar ars. Compozitia se toarna numai cand cratita cu zahar ars este racita la temperatura camerei.
Se pune apa calduta in cratita mare si apoi se imerseaza cratita cu crema de zahar ars. Crema cu zahar ars se prepara la bain-marie, altfel iese spongioasa. Chiar tinuta la bain-marie, daca apa din cratita mare incepe sa fiarba, crema de zahar ars se intareste (se branzeste). Se baga cele doua cratite in cuptorul incalzit.
Crema de zahar ars se tine la cuptor, la foc mediu, aproximativ 50 minute. Daca observam ca apa incepe sa fiarba punem din cand in cand un pahar de apa rece in cratita cu apa.
Crema de zahar ars este gata dupa aproximativ 50 minute de stat la cuptor. Daca crema de zahar ars este inchegata la suprafata se scoate cratita cu crema din cuptor si se inclina: daca este gata, crema se desprinde de cratita pana la fund si nu se vede lichid laptos, neinchegat. Cand crema de zahar ars este gata se scoate din cuptor, se raceste si se pune la frigider. O putem servi simpla sau putem orna crema de zahar ars cu frisca sau fructe confiate.
Cred ca acum e prea lung.
A song that is a guilty pleasure
Mh mh *thinks* oh I know! 摩天楼オペラ - Dolce Ce? Melodia asta e sexy LOLo.o
Daily Meme
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