vineri, 30 aprilie 2010

Day 16

"This used to be our secret
Now i'm hiden here alone
Can see draw our names
In the wall
And wash them off the stone
I trusted you in every way
But not enought to make you stay
Turn around
I lost my ground"

Something that made you smile this day

lizard skin: HIPOPOPOOOOOO^________^


Paraphrenia .: Jui^_________________________^
lizard skin: o_________________________________________________________o
Paraphrenia .: O________________O
lizard skin: O_____________________________________________________O
Paraphrenia .: O____________________________o

And this ♥

A song that you used to love but now hate

Hm nu prea stiu ce sa aleg. Cand eram mica imi placeau o gramada de tampenii ce le auzeam la televizor. Adica nici macar nu auzisem de altceva deci normal ca-mi placeau, iar acum unele le consider tampenii si nimic mai mult. Dar nu cred ca sunt melodii care chiar imi placeau mult si acum sa le urasc. Mai degraba detest multe din melodiile care apar acum, decat cele ce le ascultam inainte lol. Deci nu o sa pun niciuna pentru ca am lipsa de inspiratie.. yeah D: Sau poate ceva random de la Tokio Hotel, dar nu pot zice ca chiar le urasc nici alea lol.

joi, 29 aprilie 2010

Day 15

"Sometimes I don't wanna be better
Sometimes I can't be put back together
Sometimes I find it hard to believe
There's someone else who could be
Just as messed up as me"

2nd Favorite Movie

Chiar daca momentan sunt putin cam obsedata de The Lovely Bones o sa optez pentru Pirates of the Caribbean. Si da, nu unul anume pentru ca nu pot sa aleg intre ele lol, deci toate :3

In urma cu ceva timp era filmul meu preferat, dar nici acum nu e prea departe. Mereu mi-a placut foarte mult. Are cam de toate. Actiune, originalitate si mai ales umor =D Pe langa asta il are pe Jack lolXD ceea ce il face oarecum special. De ce? Pentru ca Jack e un personaj aparte, e diferit de alte personaje, e dus, e amuzant, e inteligent in felul lui iar eu pur si simplu il ador, l-am adorat si o sa-l ador mereu. Abia astept sa apara si al4lea film D=

A song that describes you

Nu cred ca am gasit vreodata o singura melodie care sa ma descrie perfect. Am dat peste o multime de melodii la care m-am regasit in versuri, dar niciodata in intregime, doar la fiecare cate putin. Uneori se potriveau cu ceva ce s-a intamplat recent, sau cu mai mult timp in urma depinde, alteori cu felul in care sunt uneori, alteori cu felul in care as vrea sa fiu uneori. Nu stiu, pur si simplu nu e o melodie care sa ma descrie in intregime. Dar sa zicem ca ar fi Skillet - Sometimes, oarecum.

miercuri, 28 aprilie 2010

Cross Counter

Mh deci iau pauza de la meme-ul obisnuit ca sa postez altul lolXD

Kissed someone.
Smoked cigarettes.
Got so drunk you passed out.
Rode every ride at an amusement park.
Collected something really stupid.
Gone to a rock concert.
Helped someone.
Gone fishing.
Watched four movies in one night.
Gone long periods of time with out sleep.
Lied to someone.
Snorted cocaine.
Failed a class.
Smoked weed.
Dealt drugs.
Been in a car accident.
Been in a tornado.
Done hard drugs (i.e. ecstasy, heroin, crack, meth, acid).
Watched someone die.
Been to a funeral.
Burned yourself.
Ran a marathon.
Your parents got divorced.
Cried yourself to sleep.
Spent over $200 in one day. (HKD 200 ain’t a large sum of money. :P)
Flown on a plane.
Cheated on someone.
Been cheated on.
Written a 10 page letter.
Gone skiing.
Been sailing.
Cut yourself.
Had a best friend.
Lost someone you loved.
Had detention.
Skipped school.
Got in trouble for something you didn’t do.
Stolen books from the library.
Gone to a different country.
Been in a mental hospital.
Watched the “Harry Potter” movies.
Had an online diary.
Fired a gun.
Gambled in a casino.
Taken a lie detector test.
Swam with dolphins.
Gone to sea world.
Attempted suicide.
Voted for American/Australian Idol
Written poetry.
Read more than 20 books a year.
Gone to Europe.
Loved someone you couldn’t have.
Wondered about your sexuality.
Used a coloring book over age 12.
Had surgery.
Had stitches.
Taken a taxi.
Seen the Washington Monument.
Had more than 5 IM’s/online conversations going at once.
Had a drug or alcohol problem.
Been in a fist fight.
Suffered any form of abuse.
Had a hamster.
Pet a wild animal.
Used a credit card.
Gone surfing in California.
Did “spirit day” at school.
Dyed your hair.
Got a tattoo.
Had something pierced.
Known someone with HIV or AIDS.
Taken pictures with a webcam.
Started a fire.
Had a party while your parents weren’t home.
Gotten caught having a party while they were gone

Day 14

"And when you've taken down your guard,
If I could change your mind, I'd really love to break your heart;
I'd really love to break your heart."

A childhood picture

Nu aveam nici un chef sa-mi caut albumele dar ma rog, oh si nici camera lol. Oricum am incercat sa fac dar ies aiurea rau so meh.

Cum ziceam, nu mi-a prea iesit XD

A song that no one would expect you to love

Aici chiar nu am nici o idee lol. Oh poate Tears For Fears - Shout Oh haide, cine naiba s-ar astepta sa imi placa melodii preistorice? D: Dar sincer chiar imi plac mult. Inainte doar melodii de genul ascultam din cauza lui tata. Imi e dor sa stau im bucatarie cu radioul si sa-i ascult casetele lol. Oricum melodiile astea sunt mult mai geniale decat orice tampenie gen Lady GaGa din ziua de azi.

marți, 27 aprilie 2010

Day 13

"It hides its humming and gets close,
pulled closer and closer to that sweet skin."

Favorite recipe

*cauta o reteta random de la ceva ca sa fie postul lung*
Oh am gasit!

Crema de zahar ars

Ingrediente crema de zahar ars:

8 oua
200 g de zahar
100-150 g zahar (pentru siropul de zahar ars)
1 litru de lapte
1 - 2 plicuri zahar vanilat

Modul de preparare a retetei:
Se aprinde cuptorul si il lasam sa se incalzeasca, trebuie sa fie cald cand bagam crema de zahar ars in el.
Se alege o oala sau cratita potrivita pentru crema de zahar ars si inca o cratita, mai mare decat prima, in care vom aseza cratita cu crema de zahar ars cand o bagam la cuptor.
Se pune cratita mai mica pe foc, cu 100 - 150g de zahar. Se lasa zaharul pe foc sa se topeasca si sa se caramelizeze un pic (pana cand face un pic de spuma la suprafata, daca il caramelizam mai mult zaharul ars va avea gust amar), apoi se apuca cratita cu grija, cu manusa de bucatarie sau cu mana invelita intr-un prosop, si se rasuceste astfel incat zaharul ars sa acopere fundul si jumatate din peretii laterali. Trebuie sa fim atenti sa nu sara zahar ars topit pe mana deoarece este foarte fierbinte. Se lasa cratita tapetata cu zahar ars sa se raceasca, incet, la temperatura camerei.
Intre timp preparam compozitia de crema. Pentru crema de zahar ars batem ouale cu restul de zahar si zaharul vanilat, adaugam laptele si omogenizam. Se poate adauga si 1 lingurita de amidon, pentru a obtine o crema de zahar ars mai ferma, care se va taia mai usor. Se toarna compozitia de crema in cratita tapetata cu zahar ars. Compozitia se toarna numai cand cratita cu zahar ars este racita la temperatura camerei.
Se pune apa calduta in cratita mare si apoi se imerseaza cratita cu crema de zahar ars. Crema cu zahar ars se prepara la bain-marie, altfel iese spongioasa. Chiar tinuta la bain-marie, daca apa din cratita mare incepe sa fiarba, crema de zahar ars se intareste (se branzeste). Se baga cele doua cratite in cuptorul incalzit.
Crema de zahar ars se tine la cuptor, la foc mediu, aproximativ 50 minute. Daca observam ca apa incepe sa fiarba punem din cand in cand un pahar de apa rece in cratita cu apa.
Crema de zahar ars este gata dupa aproximativ 50 minute de stat la cuptor. Daca crema de zahar ars este inchegata la suprafata se scoate cratita cu crema din cuptor si se inclina: daca este gata, crema se desprinde de cratita pana la fund si nu se vede lichid laptos, neinchegat. Cand crema de zahar ars este gata se scoate din cuptor, se raceste si se pune la frigider. O putem servi simpla sau putem orna crema de zahar ars cu frisca sau fructe confiate.
Cred ca acum e prea lung.

A song that is a guilty pleasure

Mh mh *thinks* oh I know! 摩天楼オペラ - Dolce Ce? Melodia asta e sexy LOLo.o

luni, 26 aprilie 2010

Day 12

"You've became nothing; are you feeling more pain than me,
who is left behind?
Although nothing has started yet.
Although I haven't said these words yet.
Where have you gone?"

Favorite book quote

"That's most interesting. But I was no more a mind-reader then than today. I
was weeping for an altogether different reason. When I watched you dancing that day, I saw something else. I saw a new world coming rapidly. More
scientific, efficient, yes. More cures for the old sicknesses. Very good. But a
harsh, cruel world. And I saw a little girl, her eyes tightly closed, holding to her breast the old kind world, one that she knew in her heart could not
remain, and she was holding it and pleading, never to let her go. That is what I saw. It wasn't really you, what you were doing, I know that. But I saw you and it broke my heart. And I've never forgotten."
— Kazuo Ishiguro ("Never let me go")

Da, stiu, nu e din "Creatura" dar imi e lene sa caut cartea si nici nu gasesc altundeva. Anyway intr-o zi ma apucasem sa caut quote-uri din carti si asta mi-a placut foarte mult. Vreau sa citesc cartea asta dar nu stiu cand am timp sa ma apuc de ea. In plus nu cred ca o gasesc decat in engleza, desi asta nu ma prea deranjeaza.

A song from a band you hate

Cred ca ar fi the GazettE - Reila. Nu neaparat ii urasc pe cei de la the GazettE, dar mi se par cam insuportabili. Imi placeau inainte destul de mult, dar s-au schimbat si au devenit aiurea, iar dintre melodiile noi nu-mi prea place niciuna si am cam ajuns sa-i detest. Oricum melodia asta cred ca o sa-mi placa mereu.

duminică, 25 aprilie 2010

Day 11

"Because dawn is coming closer, we are about to run away...
Our blood began to rot. The earth began to tremble."

Meme Picture

Nu prea stiu ce trebuie sa fac aici lol. Adica pot fi tot felul de meme picture O_o' Chestiuta asta ar trebui sa fie mai explicita damn it D: Asa ca nu o sa postez aici.

A song from your favorite band

Moran - Ningen no Ningen ni yoru Ningen no tame no koiji (yeah I know, wtf D:) Nu prea pot sa aleg doar una pe care as posta-o, dar momentan am (iar) ceva cu melodia asta. Pur si simplu imi place prea mult lol si mi se potriveste din mai multe motive.

Anyway postul asta e anormal de scurt ca si ultimele de altfel. In ultima vreme nu am prea facut nimic. Nici la chestiuta asta nu am prea postat la timp dar bine ca poti schimba data la posturi, haha da stiu trisez dar asta e XP Nu am tot timpul chef de postat si cand ma apuca imi vine sa postez mult O.o'
In afara de asta nu stiu ce sa zic, inafara de faptul ca in ultima vreme nu prea stiu ce am dar nu sunt tocmai in apele mele. Si serios ca nu stiu de ce si ma enerveaza chestia asta. As fi zis ca e din cauza la 9GBO, dar sunt asa dinainte sa spuna ei ca vor sa ia o pauza, din care sper ca or sa se intoarca cat mai repede.
De scoala nu am nici un chef. M-am saturat sa ma trezesc in fiecare dimineata atat de devreme, serios e enervant ce naiba. Stiu ca nu mai e mult pana la vacanta de vara si ca o sa treaca timpul repede, dar acum e si perioada tezelor si se apuca si profesorii sa ne dea o gramada de teste, iar eu pur si simplu simt ca nu mai rezist la naiba. Dar macar sper ca trec repede si se termina odata. Cred ca acum imi convine ca trece timpul ceva mai repede, pentru ca asa cum am mai zis abia astept vacanta asta..

sâmbătă, 24 aprilie 2010

Day 10

"Whenever I blink, truth and lie are reflected,
Chasing the falling star... Melting into transience."

Favorite Outfit

Nu cred ca am asa ceva. De ce? Pentru ca nu imi prea pasa de cum ma imbrac. Adica niciodata nu m-am luat dupa moda si nici nu mi-a pasat despre ce zic altii de mine. Si cum la scoala trebuie sa mergem in uniforma mai nou si pe acasa stau mai mult in pijamale.. XD Anyway as purta cu cea mai mare placere unele haine pe care le poarta j-rockerii. Adica sunt asa de @_@ Sau hainele pe care le poarta Saigo. Si alea sunt asa de tari. Here.

Dar pana ajung eu in Korea sau Japonia sa-mi cumpar asa ceva, sau mai bine zis.. pana ajung eu asa de slaba ca sa pot purta asa ceva :\

A song that makes you fall asleep

Nu cred ca sunt foarte melodii care ma fac sa adorm. Dar sa zicem Versailles - Episode. Nu e plictistoare sau mai stiu eu ce, dar e foarte lenta. Si nu neaparat ma face sa adorm oricand atunci cand o ascult, pentru ca nu e asa. Dar de multe ori am adormit ascultand melodia asta sau am ascultat-o atunci cand nu puteam adormi XD

vineri, 23 aprilie 2010

Day 09

"She told me everything was gonna be fine,
Now I'm here, yes I'm here, tell me why."

Picture of a flower in your favorite color

Nu cred ca exista vreo floare neagra, dar probabil poze cu flori negre exista. Photoshop ftw, right?

De fapt Photoshop si florile artificiale ftw LOL XD. Inainte imi placeau mult trandafirii desi habar nu am de ce, inca imi plac mult dar nu mai sunt florile mele preferate. Anyway era vorba doar de culoarea preferata, nu? O.o'

A song that you can dance to

Habar nu am lol. Niciodata nu prea am stiut sa dansez si nici nu imi face o deosebita placere sa fac asta. Nici nu cred ca am dansat de multe ori lol.

joi, 22 aprilie 2010

Day 08

"I, will not look away this time
Take all these cuts, and make them shine
And all this pain I’ve held inside"

Pictures of your room

Nu o sa pun poze la camera mea acum. Motive? In primul rand e intr-o stare groaznica. Am haine aruncate pe un pat, celalalt e desfacut si toate paturile de pe el sunt sucite in toate partile. Biroul meu arata oarecum oribil si asa mai departe. Dar imi e prea lene sa le aranjez acum toate doar ca sa fac niste poze. Iar in al2lea rand nici macar nu stiu unde am pus aparatul so yeah. Anyway daca chiar e nevoie am mai facut acum ceva timp un fel de meme cu camera mea. Click here

A song that you know all the words to

Well stiu versurile la o multime de melodii asa ca nu are rost sa stau sa enumar. Cred ca oricine stie toate versurile la cel putin o melodie. Adica e imposibil sa nu-ti placa o melodie atat de mult incat sa vrei sa-i inveti versurile, sau sa o asculti de atatea ori incat pur si simplu o stii pe de rost. Mie mi s-a intamplat asta la prea multe melodii ca sa stau sa le enumar aici pe toate X3

miercuri, 21 aprilie 2010

Day 07

"I'll chase after you again today to make sure of your feelings.
I know I won't get through to you, and that's why I cried that time."

Favorite TV Show

Uhm yeah.. uh.. oh.. stai sa ma gandesc.. oh da NICIUNUL =D

A song that reminds you of a certain event

Pai ar fi Radwimps - Socratic Love si Merry - Fuyu no Castanet, dar la niciuna nu o sa stau sa explic de ce, poate pentru ca imi e prea lene, poate pentru ca nu stiu prea bine cum sa explic, sau poate pur si simplu nu am chef.

Si pentru ca postul asta e incredibil de scurt o sa mai zic cate ceva de la scoala. Astazi a fost o zi asa de tare si am cam mers degeaba :\ Am avut prima ora fizica unde am pierdut vremea ca de obicei. Pe urma la franceza am crezut ca ne da lucrare pentru ca am plecat luni dar nu ne-a dat. La istorie stiam ca nu ne vine dar nici nu ne-a venit altcineva in locul ei. La romana nu ne-a venit pentru ca a fost o sedinta. Si ce am facut in astea doua ore? Ei bine au venit nemtii la copiii de la gradinita iar gradinita e in spatele liceului si noi.. ne-am holbat la ce i-au pus aia pe copii sa faca LOL. Si era un copil cu ochelari asa de adorabil. A cazut cand a iesit din gradinita, pe urma a cazut de pe hinta, pe urma de pe bicicleta si a mai cazut inca o data. Mi-a fost mila de el lol, dar a fost asa tare XD Si radea ca prostul O.o' Meh ma rog, pe urma la geografie si biologie am stat ca de obicei degeaba astepand sa se termine orele -.- La biologie a vrut sa ne dea lectie, dar ne-a dat titlul si atat lol XD Well cam asta ar fi. Bye Bye =D

marți, 20 aprilie 2010

Day 06

"The smile that didn’t even change a little since back then
Makes up for all the time that has passed."

Favorite Food

Nu prea stiu sigur care e mancarea mea preferata dar cred ca pizza.

Nu cred ca am mancat vreun fel de pizza care sa nu-mi placa pana acum. Ma rog, nu am mancat cu peste sau masline sau alte chestii care le detest asa ca nu are rost sa ma mir XD Anyway as fi ales si budinca dar Jui zice ca nu e mancare, dar se mananca wtf DX

A song that reminds of you of somewhere

Ar fi DELUHI - Ivory and Irony. Nu din cauza versurilor sau mai stiu eu ce, dar acum vreo 2 veri mereu ma plimbam ascultand melodia asta si era asa placut. Meh anyway nu mai stau sa explic nimic D:

luni, 19 aprilie 2010

Day 05

"Who can feel every sorrow of mine?
Your profile, looking at some place afar,
was all I ever knew."

Favorite Book

Am citit destule carti, dar niciuna nu m-a impresionat asa de mult ca si Creatura, de John Saul.

E vina lui Jui ca am citit cartea asta si ca am fost, de fapt inca sunt, atat de obsedata de ea. Cand o sa am timp si chef o sa o citesc iar, pentru ca imi e dor de ea. Dar e pur si simplu geniala. Felul in care e prezentat totul, personajele, ideea, o ador :3 Oh si bineinteles Mark ♥

A song that reminds you of someone

Si aici ar fi multe melodii pe care as vrea sa le mentionez, dar o sa spun doar una, care intr-un fel imi aminteste si de mine si de cineva. Si anume Moran - Element.

duminică, 18 aprilie 2010

Day 04

"Now, before your memories glitter, look at me.
I'll just keep holding your trembling hand.
Now, before your memories glitter, look at me.
The hand that's trembling, that's right, it's mine."

Favorite Album

Cand a aparut Yggdalive credeam ca o sa ramana albumul meu preferat, dar nu a fost asa. Albumul meu preferat e TANATOS de la 9GOATS BLACK OUT, cel putin momentan.

Ma asteptam sa imi placa, si ma asteptam sa fie bun, dar totusi e.. perfect lol. Nu cred ca o e vreo melodie pe el care sa nu-mi placa prea mult sau mai stiu eu ce. Pe langa asta fiecare melodie are un stil aparte, sunt diferite si imi place asta. Oricum albumul asta e genial ♥

A song that makes you sad

Aici mi-ar fi foarte greu sa aleg doar unul, dar o sa vin iar cu ceva de la Radwimps si anume Tayuta. Nu stiu de ce dar melodia asta pur si simplu ma face sa ma simt ciudat de fiecare data cand o ascult, desi nu e singura care ma face sa ma simt asa. Pe langa ea ar mai fi 9GOATS BLACK OUT - Heaven - Negai - sink lol, Merrry - Fuyu no Castanet, Moran - Ningen no ningen ni yoru ningen no tame no koiji, Sel'm - Creature, oh si Radwimps - Sanbyoushi si ar mai fi o multime, dar nu mai stau sa enumar.

sâmbătă, 17 aprilie 2010

Day 03

"I was just hiding from the words you left behind,
It makes me sick but also makes me feel alive."

Favorite Musician

Pentru ca nu pot alege o singura trupa/whatever.. sa incepem =D







Plastic Tree






Si tin sa mentionez si: Radwimps, DaizyStripper, vistlip, -OZ-, Dolly, Suicide Ali, アヲイ, si cocklobin. Desi ar fi multe altele care imi plac foarte mult, dar mai bine sa nu ma apuc sa le enumar pe toate ;_;

A song that make you happy

Cred ca asta e mai greu de ales decat o melodie care ma intristeaza, acolo chiar am de unde alege, aici sunt mai putine. O sa aleg ceva de la Radwimps, si anume bagu paipu . Melodia asta ma face sa ma simt mai bine de fiecare data cand o ascult XD

vineri, 16 aprilie 2010

Day 02

'Of course, I've been too close to see!
The answer's right in front of me!'
Jack Skellington

Favorite Movie

Am vazut o multime de filme care mi-au placut enorm de mult si imi e greu sa aleg. Probabil oricine s-ar astepta sa aleg ceva cu Johnny Depp, doar ca.. nu. Filmul meu preferat e The Nightmare before Christmas, cel putin pana acum.

Unii l-ar considera plictisitor, altii poate pentru copii mici, dar mie mi-a placut foarte mult. Nici nu prea stiu de ce nu l-am vazut pana anul trecut, pentru ca vroiam sa-l vad de mult timp, probabil mi-a fost prea lene, dar oricum regret ca nu m-am uitat mai repede.

Your least favorite song

Nu cred ca am asa ceva D= Oh sau ba da.. poate Kaya - Walkure. Cred ca e singura melodie de la el care imi place cat de cat, dar nu prea mult.

joi, 15 aprilie 2010

Day 01

'“Welcome home”
To the place of the person who waits for you,
To the place where you know you’re not alone,
Though they may not realize it
people will surely come home to that place

Favorite Actor

Mai mult decat sigur Johnny Depp.

Il ador pe tipul asta inca de cand eram foarte mica si am vazut pentru prima data Edward Scissorhands. Pur si simplu mereu mi-a placut foarte mult si nu cred ca am vazut vreun film cu el in care sa nu fi jucat bine sau mai stiu eu ce. Dar oricum ca si personaj pe care l-a jucat preferatul meu ramane Jack Sparrow XD Stiu ca a jucat in rolul lui Mad Hatter, personaj pe care il ador, dar tot Jack imi place mai mult :3

Your favorite song at the moment

Nu cred ca o sa pot alege vreodata o singura melodie care sa-mi placa foarte mult, dar sa zicem ca momentan ar fi 9GOATS BLACK OUT -

miercuri, 14 aprilie 2010

Random Meme Thingys

Oky deci.. ideea e ca o sa postez doua meme-uri care le-am gasit pe tumblr si care or sa tina 30 de zile. Pentru fiecare zi o sa fac un post, dar o sa postez deodata la amandoua si incep sa postez de maine. Poate asa o sa reusesc si eu sa postez zilnic cate ceva D: Oricum altceva nu as avea ce sa postez.

Random Meme

Day 1: favorite actor
Day 2: favorite movie
Day 3: favorite musician
Day 4: favorite album
Day 5: favorite book
Day 6: favorite food
Day 7: favorite tv show
Day 8: pictures of your room
Day 9: picture of a flower in your favorite color
Day 10: favorite outfit
Day 11: meme picture
Day 12: favorite book quote
Day 13: favorite recipe
Day 14: a childhood picture
Day 15: 2nd favorite movie
Day 16: something that made you smile this day
Day 17: favorite comic
Day 18: favorite board game
Day 19: a favorite memory
Day 20: a 10+ year old picture
Day 21: favorite movie quote
Day 22: favorite television quote
Day 23: favorite animal
Day 24: something embarassing in your room
Day 25: one of your most prized posessions
Day 26: a picture from one of the greatest days of your life
Day 27: a picture of where you’re from
Day 28: a drawing of you in the future
Day 29: a picture of space
Day 30: somewhere you want to visit

Music Meme

Day 01 - Your favorite song at the moment
Day 02 - Your least favorite song
Day 03 - A song that make you happy
Day 04 - A song that makes you sad
Day 05 - A song that reminds you of someone
Day 06 - A song that reminds of you of somewhere
Day 07 - A song that reminds you of a certain event
Day 08 - A song that you know all the words to
Day 09 - A song that you can dance to
Day 10 - A song that makes you fall asleep
Day 11 - A song from your favorite band
Day 12 - A song from a band you hate
Day 13 - A song that is a guilty pleasure
Day 14 - A song that no one would expect you to love
Day 15 - A song that describes you
Day 16 - A song that you used to love but now hate
Day 17 - A song that you hear often on the radio
Day 18 - A song that you wish you heard on the radio
Day 19 - A song from your favorite album
Day 20 - A song that you listen to when you’re angry
Day 21 - A song that you listen to when you’re happy
Day 22 - A song that you listen to when you’re sad
Day 23 - A song that you want to play at your wedding
Day 24 - A song that you want to play at your funeral
Day 25 - A song that makes you laugh
Day 26 - A song that you can play on an instrument
Day 27 - A song that you wish you could play
Day 28 - A song that makes you feel guilty
Day 29 - A song from your childhood
Day 30 - Your favorite song at this time last year

Meme time :D

I am considered a minor.
I am over 18.
I am under 13.
I am in between the ages of 13 and 18.
I wish I was older.
I wish I was younger.
I like my age.
I know how to drive, even though I’m too young to have my license.
I drink/smoke and I’m underage.

My Appearance:
I have brown hair.
I have blond hair.
I have black hair.
I have red hair.
I have an unnatural hair colour.
I’ve dyed my hair before.
I’ve gotten highlights/lowlights before.
I have curly hair.
I have straight hair.
I have wavy hair.
I have frizzy hair.
I straighten my hair every day.
I have brown eyes.
I have blue eyes.
I have gray eyes.
I have hazel eyes.
I have green eyes.
My eyes change colours.
I use colour contacts.
I have glasses.
I use regular contacts.
I got laser eye surgery.
I am under 5’4.
I’m under 5 feet.
I’m over 5’4
I am over 6 feet tall.
I love my height.
I hate my height.
I am happy with the size I am.
I wish I was skinnier.
I wish I could gain some weight.
I am trying to lose weight.
I have gone on fad diets before.
I have taken diet pills and laxatives.
My shoe size is above a 9.
My shoe size is under a 5.
My shoe size is normal.
It’s hard for me to find shoes that fit.

I shop at stores like Abercrombie, Holllister, and American Eagle.
I’ve shopped at Hot Topic.
I shop at stores like PacSun and Zumies.
I shop at stores like Bloomingdales and Saks.
I shop at stores like Forever 21 and Urban Outfitters.
I shop at Wal-Mart, Target, and K-Mart.
I love shopping.
I hate shopping, and still wear stuff from five years ago.
I own a designer purse.
I love those oversized tote bags.
I despise skinny jeans.
I wear high-waisted jeans
Mary-Kate Olsen is definitely my style icon.
Shoes are my life.
I live in my chuck taylors.
I love Uggs!
I absolutely cannot stand flip flops.
I get my nails done every week.
I wear perfume.
I hate pedicures.
I wear false eyelashes.
I wear a lot of makeup.
I don’t wear any makeup.
I love Burt’s Bees.
I wear a ton of eyeliner.
I wear lipstick.
I wear lipliner.
I feel uncomfortable when wearing mini skirts.
I wear a lot of low cut shirts that show a lot of cleavage.
High heels are sexy.
I cannot walk in high heels.
I love wedges.
I live in my jeans.
My dog is my favourite accessory
I prefer granny panties.
I buy all my bras from Victoria’s Secret.
I love Victoria’s Secret’s PINK line.

I am in elementary school.
I am in middle school.
I am in high school.
I am in college.
I am a high school dropout.
I am homeschooled.
I go to a private school.
I go to a Catholic school.
I go to a public school.
I am in Honors classes.
I am in A.P. classes.
I want to get into an Ivy League college.
My favorite class is English.
I hate science.
I hate English.
I love math.
I am currently failing one or more of my classes.
My teachers are horrible, and I have no clue why they were hired.
I love my teachers.
I want to graduate now!
I wish I could stay in high school forever.
I am in band or orchestra.
I am in choir.
I’m in a lot of clubs.
I play a ton of school sports.
I’m on a Varsity or JV team.
I’m in all the school plays.
I can hardly wait to go to college.

My Friends:
I have a best friend.
I have more than one best friend.
I have a lot of acquaintances.
I don’t have any friends.
My friends are crazy, but I love them.
My friends and I do a ton of stuff together.
I have a lot of guy friends.
I have had the same best friend for years.
My best friends change like I change my underwear.
My friends and I get into a lot of fights.

The Opposite Sex (or Same Sex (or how about you accept that neither gender nor sex are binary - conflicts)):
I have a boyfriend/girlfriend.
I’m single.
I hook up frequently.
I’ve never had a boyfriend.
I’m straight.
I’m gay.
I’m bi.
I’m boy-crazy.
I’ve dated my friend’s ex.
I’ve never been kissed.
I’ve had an abortion before.
I was pregnant in high school.
I’m saving myself until I’m married.
I’m just waiting for the right guy to have sex with.
I lost my virginity under the age of 13.
I love tall guys.
I would date someone shorter than me.
I focus more on looking for a guy/girl with a good personality than a really hot guy/girl.
I love guys with blue eyes.
Facial hair is sexy on some boys. (MORE LIKE ALL)
Guys with piercings and tattoos are amazing.
I love preppy guys.
I love the nerds.
I would date someone in the army.

My parents are married.
My parents are divorced.
My parents are living together, but aren’t married.
I love my parents. (dad at least)
I hate my parents.
I love my parents, but they annoy me a lot.
My parents are so embarrassing!
My parents are really strict.
My parents let me do what ever I want.
I tell everything to my parents. (mom)
I don’t tell anything to my parents.
I have a brother.
I have a sister.
I am the oldest in the family.
I’m in the middle.
I’m the youngest in the family.
I have a brother or sister in college.
I babysit my brother or sister all the time.
I love my grandparents.
One or more of my great grandparents are alive.
I’ve been to a family reunion before.

Other Stuff:
I’m a grammar nazi.
I love erasers.
Chocolate is sex.
I’m pro choice.
I’m pro life.
I’m a Democrat.
I’m a Republican.
I’d rather not say
I don’t know what I am.
I love Bush.
I check my email every day.
I use MSN.
I love Facebook.
I prefer Myspace.
I hate people that TYPE LiiKE THiiS 0r Th!$ oR tHiSsSsS
I love Chinese food.

luni, 12 aprilie 2010


1.Who am I ?
Plastic Tree - Snowflower (...oky)

2.What was this day like ?
Namie Amuro - No More Tears

3.What sould I do with my life ?
vistlip - Public Game

4.What are my parents like ?
GHOST - Cynical Strippers (LOOL)

5.What is love ?
Gackt - Uncertain Memory

6.What do I do in school ?
BUCK-TICK - Enter Clown

7.What's my motto ?
DBSK - Purple Line (...the fuck O_o')

8.What is the first thing I think first time when I wake up ?
D'espairsRay - Brilliant (..ahaz.z)

9.What is the first thing I think when I see my teachers ?
MUCC - Hide and Seek (indeed)

10.What is my life like ?
DELUHI - No Salvation (myeah o_o)

Who's the MAD

Hi =D Mh deci nu prea am postat nimic in ultima vreme, dar sincer ma asteptam sa se intample asta. De ce? Pentru ca viata mea e prea plictisitoare si nu prea am despre ce sa postez, dar nici nu as vrea sa fie altfel.
Sa incepem cu faptul ca astazi nu am avut chef deloc de mers la scoala asa ca in sfarsit mi-am gasit si eu timp sa schimb tema la blog si sa o aranjez putin. O schimbasem acum cateva zile dar arata ca naiba, iar momentan sunt destul de multumita de ce mi-a iesit, poate sunt culorile putin cam inchise dar meh. Inainte nu puteam sa schimb culorile la scris / link-uri etc. dar acum am fost surprinsa sa vad ca in sfarsit si-a revenit.
Deci cum ziceam, nu am prea facut nimic in ultima vreme. Nu imi vine sa cred ca deja au trecut aproape 4 luni din anul asta. De fapt nici macar nu imi venea sa cred cand s-a terminat 2009 ca deja se termina lol. Timpul trece mult prea repede si intr-un fel mi se pare ciudat.
Mi-am facut destul de recent cont pe ameba pentru a nu stiu cata oara dar nici acolo nu am prea postat mare lucru. Il cam tin doar ca sa dau peta, desi ma cam streseaza chestia asta.
Anyway here:
In rest, am mai jucat Pangya si m-a corupt Jui sa joc Ether Saga. La inceput mi-a placut putin, dar apoi nu mi s-a prea parut nimic interesant sa te bati toata ziua cu niste chestii asa ca m-am plictisit putin de el, acum imi place iar si sunt putin cam obsedata.
Stiu, stiu, o sa promit iar ca o sa incerc sa postez, ca si de obicei, dar nu stiu cand o sa se intample asta, probabil postez ca de obicei din Paste-n Craciun. Ah si ca veni vorba, am uitat sa postez ca sa zic Paste Fericit D= Ei, se mai intampla.
Bye Bye =D

Rainbow Magic Orchestra

Your rainbow is strongly shaded blue and violet.

What is says about you: You are a creative person. You appreciate friends who get along with one another. You are patient and will keep trying to understand something until you've mastered it. You share hobbies with friends and like trying to fit into their routines.

Find the colors of your rainbow at