duminică, 29 martie 2009

Lost Breath

In a ruined mirror does my day being…covered in so much sweat
To the flowing future ‘My head is splitting!’

People may all dirty my name, may spit on me
Understanding came too late, I realize ‘The closing scene’

I feel…[End of life]
I feel…[End of days]

My red ocean, drawn in the debris
At the horizon, the arms which held me

To be held by you…that is my own private paradise
So hold me…

Light shone on your back through a chink in the clouds
I entrusted this exhausted body to you softly

I feel…[End of life]
I feel…[End of days]

The dry wind, drawn in the debris,
Embraces the sadness and speaks to my eternal friend
The curtain falls so vividly, turning to monochrome the film I so desired

Living the present, the future begins in a peaceful dream

Please talk me kindly for my lost breath
I pray for my dear

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