duminică, 1 martie 2009

On My Own

Nu mai are rost sa pun si melodia pentru ca stiu ca mai nimeni nu o sa o asculte, iar care ar ascultat-o probabil o stiu deja.
Asta e una dintre melodiile care imi plac foarte mult de la Three Days Grace, melodiile la care ma regasesc in versuri, melodii care ma linistesc atunci cand nu ma simt bine...
Melodia e mai linistita, de aia imi place asa de mult, si suna foarte bine <3

I walk alone
Think of home
Memories of long ago
No one knows I lost my soul long ago

Lied too much
She said that she's had enough
Am I too much
She said that she's had enough

Standing on my own
Remembering the one I left at home
Forget about the life I used to know
Forget about the one I left at home

I need to run far away
Can't go back to that place
Like she told me
I'm just a big disgrace

Lied too much
She said that she's had enough
Am I too much
She said that she's had enough

Standing on my own
Remembering the one I left at home
Forget about the life I used to know
Forget about the one I left at home
So now I'm standing here alone
I'm learning how to live life on my own

Lied too much
I think that I've had enough
Am I too much
She said that she's had enough

I'm standing on my own
Remembering the one I left at home
Forget about the life I used to know
Forget about the one I left at home
So now I'm standing here alone
I'm learning how to live life on my own
Forget about the past I'll never know
Forget about the one I left at home

Stiu ca nu am plecat de acasa si ca nu am lasat pe nimeni in urma in realitate lol. Dar versurile astea imi amintesc de ei, nu pentru ca s-a intamplat asta ci pentru ca am impresia ca asta o sa fac pana la urma. Pana la urma o sa dispar pur si simplu, pana la urma o sa uite toti de mine, dar totusi eu nu voi putea uita, pana la urma nu voi mai avea nici un sens si voi fi inlocuita foarte usor...

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