duminică, 29 martie 2009

Psycho Garden

From outside the window, I hear a song
In the park a child with red eyes has started roasting a dog

Those sort of sundays, glowed orange
The most hideous sensations would continuously envelope my body

Rolling down the hallway, gnawing at the nails of an expectant mother
A grey mouse is crushed underfoot

Down a spiral staircase
Slowly descending
It is pathetic you
At whom I stare
As in a damp room
I am locked away
I'm going to escape
I'm going to get away

A girl without hair on the ceiling, picks out gorgeous words from a grimy book of pictures...

Down a spiral staircase
Slowly descending
It is pathetic you
At whom I stare
As in a damp room
I am locked away
I'm going to escape
I'm going to get away

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