♣ Music ♣
April Sixth - Foster
♣ Mood ♣
♣ Messenger ♣
Ojosan, Kami, Okasan, Onii
♣ Internet ♣
D.Veil - AnimeSoul
Am I that unimportant...?
Am I so insignificant...?
Isn't something missing?
Isn't someone missing me?
Luna asta nu stiu ce m-a apucat. In februarie, mai spre sfarsit, mi-a venit in minte sa fac 666 posturi intr-o luna, adica luna asta. Nu stiu de ce, pur si simplu asa mi-a venit si nu vroiam sa ma las pana nu le-am facut. De aceea am postat atat de multe versuri. Oricum nu am postat cine stie ce versuri am gasit la nimereala si versuri de la trupele care imi plac, de la melodiile care imi plac, versuri care imi amintesc de anumite lucruri sau pur si simplu ma regasesc in ele.
Luna asta a fost asa de tampita. Tot timpul am urat luna martie, fara sa am un motiv anume. Poate pentru ca tot timpul mi-a mers prost in luna asta si nici acest an nu face o exceptie. Aproape toata luna am fost melancolica si dadeam din rau in mai rau, spre sfarsit mi-am mai revenit. Ma bucur atat de mult ca in sfarsit se termina.
Luna asta.. au fost si unele zile bune, dar prea putine pentru a le acoperi pe cele rele. S-au intamplat multe lucruri de care nu as vrea sa-mi mai amintesc, unele mai vechi, altele mult mai recente. Dar eu nu pot sa uit. Niciodata nu am reusit sa uit ceva, poate doar lectiile la scoala lol, dar nu chestii de genul acesta. Oricat as fi incercat de mult, oricat as fi vrut, nu am putut si imi aminteam si mai des de ele.
Luna asta... Ultima saptamana parca a fost cea mai tampita dintr-o toate, sau poate doar mi se pare. Nu am reusit sa fac niciodata nimic. Toata luna mi-am amintit cum e sa te simti singur, cum e sa simti ca esti doar o greseala sau ceva ce nu merita nici negrul de sub unghie.
Luna asta a fost o luna tampita. Probabil nu o sa am una mai tampita anul acesta. Poate doar la vara, cine stie. Urasc si vara, dar nu o luna anume. As vrea sa sterg luna asta cu un burete sau ceva. Sa ies afara in ploaie, cum am iesit astazi si pur si simplu sa se spele momentele astea din creier lol. Da, stiu, am inceput sa zic aberatii, dar chiar nu mai vreau. Ma bucur ca incepe luna aprilie. Desi maine e 1 aprilie, cine stie ce mai patesc si atunci. De obicei imi placea ziua asta, dar acum nu imi mai prea place.. nu stiu de ce.
Anyway in mare parte am facut postul asta doar ca sa vorbesc putin despre luna asta idioata si sa explic ce e cu toate versurile astea pe aici. Nu cred ca o sa mai fac asa ceva vreodata. Imi place sa postez si altceva nu doar versuri, dar pur si simplu nu mai gaseam altceva. Well asta e ^^
marți, 31 martie 2009
Not now..
♣ Music ♣
Evanescence - Missing
♣ Mood ♣
♣ Messenger ♣
Okasan, Kami
♣ Internet ♣
D.Veil - AnimeSoul
" I'm now forgetting even the colors of your tears and love "
Astazi a fost iar destul de plictisitor. Aseara am adormit la 23:30 si azi dimineata abia m-am ridicat din pat. God, acum sunt sigura ca trebuie sa adorm tarziu ca sa ma trezesc bine >>'
Am avut prima ora roamana si nu, nu imi facusem tema pentru ca nu am inteles nimic. Chiar nu stiam ce trebuia facut la exercitiul ala wtf? Anyway ne-a spus proful in clasa cum trebuia sa facem. A raspuns o colega si a zis ca e destul de bine pe urma a inceput el cu completarile lui.
Apoi am avut biologie si iar am scris vreo 2-3 pagini pline. Ma doare mana de mor. Macar mi-a dat un 10. Pana acum am doi de 10 la biologie bwhaha o.o'
La matematica uhm.. somn? XD
Pe urma am avut informatica si am crezut ca mor pana se termina ora .-., Stateam in laborator si muream de cald. Iar mi s-a prajit creierul, numai probleme nu aveam chef sa fac. Ne-a dat vreo 8 sau 9 probleme tema pe vineri si a zis ca luni dam test iar >>'
Am vrut sa plecam de la engleza dar pana la urma am stat pentru ca nu vroiau sa plece niste colegi. Am vorbit despre moda si bla bla si era o intrebare "Conteaza cum te imbraci cand mergi undeva?" Si a zis un coleg ca da si profa l-a pus pe un alt coleg care iar nu era atent xD sa explice de ce. A zis "Because all the people se uita la tine" Meh wtf ? O_O'''
La franceza ne-am cerut de la profa pentru ca astazi e ziua unei colege si ieri a fost ziua alteia si i-am spus ca mergem sa bem un suc si lalala~ [da, exact sa beau suc am mers, de parca nu am altceva mai bun de facut >>'] si ne-a lasat ^____^
Pe maine trebuie sa refac tema la romana pentru ca e posibil sa ma asculte. Cred ca ne aduce si lucrarile la chimie [God no T_T]. Probabil iar o sa vin la 1 acasa pentru ca nu o sa mai stau la ora de sport XD Cum ziceam.. nu cred ca o sa merg la vreo ora semestrul asta ^^''
Evanescence - Missing
♣ Mood ♣
♣ Messenger ♣
Okasan, Kami
♣ Internet ♣
D.Veil - AnimeSoul
" I'm now forgetting even the colors of your tears and love "
Astazi a fost iar destul de plictisitor. Aseara am adormit la 23:30 si azi dimineata abia m-am ridicat din pat. God, acum sunt sigura ca trebuie sa adorm tarziu ca sa ma trezesc bine >>'
Am avut prima ora roamana si nu, nu imi facusem tema pentru ca nu am inteles nimic. Chiar nu stiam ce trebuia facut la exercitiul ala wtf? Anyway ne-a spus proful in clasa cum trebuia sa facem. A raspuns o colega si a zis ca e destul de bine pe urma a inceput el cu completarile lui.
Apoi am avut biologie si iar am scris vreo 2-3 pagini pline. Ma doare mana de mor. Macar mi-a dat un 10. Pana acum am doi de 10 la biologie bwhaha o.o'
La matematica uhm.. somn? XD
Pe urma am avut informatica si am crezut ca mor pana se termina ora .-., Stateam in laborator si muream de cald. Iar mi s-a prajit creierul, numai probleme nu aveam chef sa fac. Ne-a dat vreo 8 sau 9 probleme tema pe vineri si a zis ca luni dam test iar >>'
Am vrut sa plecam de la engleza dar pana la urma am stat pentru ca nu vroiau sa plece niste colegi. Am vorbit despre moda si bla bla si era o intrebare "Conteaza cum te imbraci cand mergi undeva?" Si a zis un coleg ca da si profa l-a pus pe un alt coleg care iar nu era atent xD sa explice de ce. A zis "Because all the people se uita la tine" Meh wtf ? O_O'''
La franceza ne-am cerut de la profa pentru ca astazi e ziua unei colege si ieri a fost ziua alteia si i-am spus ca mergem sa bem un suc si lalala~ [da, exact sa beau suc am mers, de parca nu am altceva mai bun de facut >>'] si ne-a lasat ^____^
Pe maine trebuie sa refac tema la romana pentru ca e posibil sa ma asculte. Cred ca ne aduce si lucrarile la chimie [God no T_T]. Probabil iar o sa vin la 1 acasa pentru ca nu o sa mai stau la ora de sport XD Cum ziceam.. nu cred ca o sa merg la vreo ora semestrul asta ^^''
luni, 30 martie 2009
I didn't even realize I was growing up
I was just ignoring the harshness around me and living freely
Not even able to be kind to someone, I was at a loss
So, what are you up to now? Are you well?
The last smiling face I saw was yours in a photo
I was just watching myself change, carried along in the flow of the crowd
I was afraid to say it, I regretted that I was born a person
Every time I looked at our graduation photo I thought of "that one word"
Even though I can say it now, I can't stand it - I always open to that page
As another spring passes by, my memories flutter down again
The feelings and memories I will always carry with me
I thought about how nice all the fun moments were
No matter how many memories I have, if I told them to anyone they wouldn't understand
The joys of reliving those same moments, and this sadness I came to know when we parted
Swim in the confusion within my heart
I was always worrying and dreaming about it, rolling the same candies around
And after breathing "I miss you," the tears start to fall
Don't wake me from the dream; I miss you, I miss you right now
The joys of reliving those same moments, and this sadness I came to know when we parted
In the confusion within my heart...
Every time I looked at our graduation photo I thought of "that one word"
Even though I can say it now, I can't stand it - I always open to that page
Even my final words didn't reach, I wanted you to hear them even if it's a lie
My feelings will forever remain as they were on that day
I was just ignoring the harshness around me and living freely
Not even able to be kind to someone, I was at a loss
So, what are you up to now? Are you well?
The last smiling face I saw was yours in a photo
I was just watching myself change, carried along in the flow of the crowd
I was afraid to say it, I regretted that I was born a person
Every time I looked at our graduation photo I thought of "that one word"
Even though I can say it now, I can't stand it - I always open to that page
As another spring passes by, my memories flutter down again
The feelings and memories I will always carry with me
I thought about how nice all the fun moments were
No matter how many memories I have, if I told them to anyone they wouldn't understand
The joys of reliving those same moments, and this sadness I came to know when we parted
Swim in the confusion within my heart
I was always worrying and dreaming about it, rolling the same candies around
And after breathing "I miss you," the tears start to fall
Don't wake me from the dream; I miss you, I miss you right now
The joys of reliving those same moments, and this sadness I came to know when we parted
In the confusion within my heart...
Every time I looked at our graduation photo I thought of "that one word"
Even though I can say it now, I can't stand it - I always open to that page
Even my final words didn't reach, I wanted you to hear them even if it's a lie
My feelings will forever remain as they were on that day
The tragic comedy divine
Paints the way to peace of mind
Leaving shallow lovers far behind
Past uncertainties combine
Bringing tears to sleepless eyes
Memory runs the course of time
Blood runs cold beyond the violet prison
For violent visions
And so the broken record plays
As you throw us away
We're never enough
We're drowning in cliches
So desperate to love
We're twisting every word they say
So we sleep through the days
Within the heat of passions war
Lust is spilled upon the floor
Staining red the wasted metaphor
The selfish need for something more
Claws in vain at closing doors
Scarring faces once adored
Tracing circles in the violet prison
For violent visions
And so the broken record plays
As you throw us away
We're never enough
We're drowning in cliches
So desperate to love
We're twisting every word they say
So we sleep through the days
Paints the way to peace of mind
Leaving shallow lovers far behind
Past uncertainties combine
Bringing tears to sleepless eyes
Memory runs the course of time
Blood runs cold beyond the violet prison
For violent visions
And so the broken record plays
As you throw us away
We're never enough
We're drowning in cliches
So desperate to love
We're twisting every word they say
So we sleep through the days
Within the heat of passions war
Lust is spilled upon the floor
Staining red the wasted metaphor
The selfish need for something more
Claws in vain at closing doors
Scarring faces once adored
Tracing circles in the violet prison
For violent visions
And so the broken record plays
As you throw us away
We're never enough
We're drowning in cliches
So desperate to love
We're twisting every word they say
So we sleep through the days
The birthday massacre
Lost in re:birth
repeating tragedy...
[ all ] minds are distraught! [ you're ] distrait!
deeper and deeper you fall...
[ just ] stray in the fake! [ but ] feel pain
where have you sealed your real side?
gotta awake you a.s.a.p.!
[ all ] minds are distraught! [ you're ] distrait!
deeper and deeper you fall...
[ just ] stray in the fake! [ but ] feel pain
where have you sealed your real side?
Washed away, the storm of sorrow
Love is erased and replaced with ashes
gotta awake you a.s.a.p.!
Lost in re:birth... alone...
Love always overflowed Where is eternity?
Lost in re:birth... alone...
Salvation and happiness to the withered world
A desire... Crying alone...
dying...to be bone...
what do you think of justice?
the blight and god...
why cannot the faith mesh well?
[ please ] tell me the answer! [ loud ] crying out!
[ far ] infected sorrow [ hard ] rain falls down
[ world ] minus affection [ never ] loveless life be enough
Lost in re:birth... alone...
Where in eternity did all love overflow...?
Lost in re:birth... alone...
Please give me love to be born again this time...
Lost in re:birth....
all for my dears...
from "ache"
[ all ] minds are distraught! [ you're ] distrait!
deeper and deeper you fall...
[ just ] stray in the fake! [ but ] feel pain
where have you sealed your real side?
gotta awake you a.s.a.p.!
[ all ] minds are distraught! [ you're ] distrait!
deeper and deeper you fall...
[ just ] stray in the fake! [ but ] feel pain
where have you sealed your real side?
Washed away, the storm of sorrow
Love is erased and replaced with ashes
gotta awake you a.s.a.p.!
Lost in re:birth... alone...
Love always overflowed Where is eternity?
Lost in re:birth... alone...
Salvation and happiness to the withered world
A desire... Crying alone...
dying...to be bone...
what do you think of justice?
the blight and god...
why cannot the faith mesh well?
[ please ] tell me the answer! [ loud ] crying out!
[ far ] infected sorrow [ hard ] rain falls down
[ world ] minus affection [ never ] loveless life be enough
Lost in re:birth... alone...
Where in eternity did all love overflow...?
Lost in re:birth... alone...
Please give me love to be born again this time...
Lost in re:birth....
all for my dears...
from "ache"
Time Machine
The road where I came walking was full of gravel
Even with my eyes closed, I could gently sense your presence
One of these days, I thought about the laughing tears that had faded to dimness
Looking for a destination where they can flow to
Without walking, the words and thoughts that I had left behind are a streaming current in the wind
Changing form at the same time
I want to be with you forever
So I placed the hourglass upside-down
'If you could, do you want to turn back time?'
If I could, I'd go back to the time when I was with you
The afternoon rain becomes the happiness in hiding my shyness
In amazement, I embraced you, always...
By your side... the warmth of your body doesn't seem to become cold
On that day, for some reason, I couldn't embrace you
Your pain, your thoughts, everything
I want to be with you forever
So I placed the hourglass upside-down
'If you could, do you want to turn back time?'
If I could, I want to understand you
In that wish, I was praying for a place where I could be
The things I had lost can't be replaced... always.
Even with my eyes closed, I could gently sense your presence
One of these days, I thought about the laughing tears that had faded to dimness
Looking for a destination where they can flow to
Without walking, the words and thoughts that I had left behind are a streaming current in the wind
Changing form at the same time
I want to be with you forever
So I placed the hourglass upside-down
'If you could, do you want to turn back time?'
If I could, I'd go back to the time when I was with you
The afternoon rain becomes the happiness in hiding my shyness
In amazement, I embraced you, always...
By your side... the warmth of your body doesn't seem to become cold
On that day, for some reason, I couldn't embrace you
Your pain, your thoughts, everything
I want to be with you forever
So I placed the hourglass upside-down
'If you could, do you want to turn back time?'
If I could, I want to understand you
In that wish, I was praying for a place where I could be
The things I had lost can't be replaced... always.
Alice Nine,
A holy terrors
If you had pain I want that you told it me
The reason why someone will injured and the cause of this pain
I don’t understand it a bit and I don’t want to understand it like the strength which one need to live
I don’t want do die, however I also don’t want live and shudder in weakness
Fear in darkness
I cannot look back
Can you hear me?
I don’t stop to scream and plead for something
I wish for you and I think your heart
I say Goodbye to your feigned smile
You needn’t to hide your sad heart
You can dive You can dive You can live
I only want to see you which sleeps in the morrow of my heart
In truht, I fear myself for poured expatiations and flouted voices and my heart hurts
Can you understand that?
Fear in darkness
I cannot look back
I have no answers
‘cause nobody knows the right answer
I wish for you and I think your heart
I say Goodbye to your feigned smile
You needn’t to hide your sad heart
You can dive You can dive You can live
I’m afraid of the future which I can’t see
In lonley nights I can’t stop crying
However, I’m not alone because your are by my site, self, if we lost us distal
You stick for me
And you laught at me
I’m no more afraid of piercing pain
It would be good if my injured body could laught about it, wouldn’t it?
I can die I can die
I can’t die
The reason why someone will injured and the cause of this pain
I don’t understand it a bit and I don’t want to understand it like the strength which one need to live
I don’t want do die, however I also don’t want live and shudder in weakness
Fear in darkness
I cannot look back
Can you hear me?
I don’t stop to scream and plead for something
I wish for you and I think your heart
I say Goodbye to your feigned smile
You needn’t to hide your sad heart
You can dive You can dive You can live
I only want to see you which sleeps in the morrow of my heart
In truht, I fear myself for poured expatiations and flouted voices and my heart hurts
Can you understand that?
Fear in darkness
I cannot look back
I have no answers
‘cause nobody knows the right answer
I wish for you and I think your heart
I say Goodbye to your feigned smile
You needn’t to hide your sad heart
You can dive You can dive You can live
I’m afraid of the future which I can’t see
In lonley nights I can’t stop crying
However, I’m not alone because your are by my site, self, if we lost us distal
You stick for me
And you laught at me
I’m no more afraid of piercing pain
It would be good if my injured body could laught about it, wouldn’t it?
I can die I can die
I can’t die
I'm wandering the town all light off
I don't know where I'm leaving for
The muddy rain start to fall on me
And I'm walking down to subway
I can't see all around me
Get me out of here
Talk to me if someone is in this darkness
I'm out of my head
Out of my mind
Tell me where I'm what's going on, oh please
Something is hiding me off
Is this the wall of my heart
I have been lost so many things I've got
For long time I've been searching for my way
I carry on, carry on ...
I'm so spiting to their ugly heart
To this so stood world
Everyday I forbear to fall the tears
Don't wanna be down
Everynight hurt is so deep in my heart
Is this my life
Oh! show me please
The wall close to me
It's so painful, stop it!
Is there someone to help me
Please get me out of here
Oh! get me out!
Dead or alive, no place to run
Get it settled once and for all
Dead or alive, can't live in the past
Only one way to live
* give me heart finishing blow
If I could only turn my back
Let me do screaming high
Squeeze the throes of death for me
It comes here the blame I'd done before
Fall on me as if it grow in my brain
The ugly side of myself tears me up
At this time I can't go back
Give my heart finishing blow
If I couldn't run from the past
Let me do screaming high
Disclose the feeling inside of me
Dead or alive, can't live in the past
Only one way to live
[* repeat]
The fight is over
The mad rain had gone past over me
Blood is flowing down
Tear is flowing down
Now I'm alive and I'm walking to town again
I don't know where I'm leaving for
The muddy rain start to fall on me
And I'm walking down to subway
I can't see all around me
Get me out of here
Talk to me if someone is in this darkness
I'm out of my head
Out of my mind
Tell me where I'm what's going on, oh please
Something is hiding me off
Is this the wall of my heart
I have been lost so many things I've got
For long time I've been searching for my way
I carry on, carry on ...
I'm so spiting to their ugly heart
To this so stood world
Everyday I forbear to fall the tears
Don't wanna be down
Everynight hurt is so deep in my heart
Is this my life
Oh! show me please
The wall close to me
It's so painful, stop it!
Is there someone to help me
Please get me out of here
Oh! get me out!
Dead or alive, no place to run
Get it settled once and for all
Dead or alive, can't live in the past
Only one way to live
* give me heart finishing blow
If I could only turn my back
Let me do screaming high
Squeeze the throes of death for me
It comes here the blame I'd done before
Fall on me as if it grow in my brain
The ugly side of myself tears me up
At this time I can't go back
Give my heart finishing blow
If I couldn't run from the past
Let me do screaming high
Disclose the feeling inside of me
Dead or alive, can't live in the past
Only one way to live
[* repeat]
The fight is over
The mad rain had gone past over me
Blood is flowing down
Tear is flowing down
Now I'm alive and I'm walking to town again
"The snow forgotten now begins to fall on my pain
How many children found the eternal rest
Oh, want you take them in your whitest dream
And watching on, on deliverance from agony
Now I'm fallin down with you"
Silence, into the misery of my December
I realize how much you can hurt me, silence
Anguish, between to live and die I remember
I feel the memory of a prayer, "Peter" goes on
"Now disappear, save me from my decay
I wish for time to catch my fall
And spread my wings forever"
Deadly, into the cradle of Russian poetry
How many poems of bloody writings
"Straight along this street, I can't find relief"
Mortal, into the garden of barbed wire
How many flowers will see summer?
"Straight along this street, looking for relief"
"Peter" goes on
Peter be the great
For your son, for me
Peter buried alive
In this world, oppressive time
I an feel your heart
I can feel you're near, now
How many tears fall in the "frozen"
Ride, over, once, over
Ride my knight of bronze
"Now disappear, save me from my decay
I wish for time to catch my fall
And spread my wings forever"
Ride my knight of bronze
How many children found the eternal rest
Oh, want you take them in your whitest dream
And watching on, on deliverance from agony
Now I'm fallin down with you"
Silence, into the misery of my December
I realize how much you can hurt me, silence
Anguish, between to live and die I remember
I feel the memory of a prayer, "Peter" goes on
"Now disappear, save me from my decay
I wish for time to catch my fall
And spread my wings forever"
Deadly, into the cradle of Russian poetry
How many poems of bloody writings
"Straight along this street, I can't find relief"
Mortal, into the garden of barbed wire
How many flowers will see summer?
"Straight along this street, looking for relief"
"Peter" goes on
Peter be the great
For your son, for me
Peter buried alive
In this world, oppressive time
I an feel your heart
I can feel you're near, now
How many tears fall in the "frozen"
Ride, over, once, over
Ride my knight of bronze
"Now disappear, save me from my decay
I wish for time to catch my fall
And spread my wings forever"
Ride my knight of bronze
Dark Lunacy,
The dropping Sky
The unheard screams unfulfilled wishes
Falling from the sky, eyes turning away
mistakes deprived of continuation's connection while smiles deceive
rusting heart...
I don't want to see any more,
I don't want to listen any more
I feel nauseous therefore...
Growing scar
crying crying crying crying... Now it's enough
I only feel pain
The unheard screams unfulfilled wishes
Continuing, blending with the fading sky
ruined by erosion I cannot return
to the corrupt sky...
Now it's enough...
I imaged the clear shining sky...
The sky I imagined is nowhere
This world, somehow
is not needed
The unheard screams unfulfilled wishes
The things sought as well
Now it's enough...
Is there overflowing happiness in this world?
Where do those things exist?
I imaged the clear shining sky...
Falling from the sky, eyes turning away
mistakes deprived of continuation's connection while smiles deceive
rusting heart...
I don't want to see any more,
I don't want to listen any more
I feel nauseous therefore...
Growing scar
crying crying crying crying... Now it's enough
I only feel pain
The unheard screams unfulfilled wishes
Continuing, blending with the fading sky
ruined by erosion I cannot return
to the corrupt sky...
Now it's enough...
I imaged the clear shining sky...
The sky I imagined is nowhere
This world, somehow
is not needed
The unheard screams unfulfilled wishes
The things sought as well
Now it's enough...
Is there overflowing happiness in this world?
Where do those things exist?
I imaged the clear shining sky...
Using colors which are mixed with tears
I draw a lake,
Where I sink down tomorrow again,
A bottomless place, full of sadness.
Draw me whatever you like here!
A rainbow, a shorebird, a sunflower
Your look goes to your inside, as if
You gathered everything for me.
Everyone laughs, saying it's foolish, but
If you were here, they'd be quiet and
Plunge into this picture but you
Still pull at my weak hand...
Who can feel every sorrow of mine?
In this wearisome world, shadows grow old.
The curtain won't open again.
Who can finish my empty life?
Now I don't hear that voice anymore here.
I'm just choked with tears
When I follow the traces
While I stand on a ground called "hell"
While I am accompanied by a flower called "melancholy"
Fingers and the blood bound
will get loose one day.
They shouldn't have,
But even that I knew well...
Who can feel every sorrow of mine?
In this colorless world, shadows grow somber.
The curtain won't open again.
Who can finish my empty life?
Since that day I don't hear that voice anymore here.
I even take off this old skin.
Who can feel every sorrow of mine?
Your profile, looking at some place afar,
was all I ever knew.
Who can feel every sorrow of mine?
Your profile, looking at some place afar,
was all I ever knew.
I draw a lake,
Where I sink down tomorrow again,
A bottomless place, full of sadness.
Draw me whatever you like here!
A rainbow, a shorebird, a sunflower
Your look goes to your inside, as if
You gathered everything for me.
Everyone laughs, saying it's foolish, but
If you were here, they'd be quiet and
Plunge into this picture but you
Still pull at my weak hand...
Who can feel every sorrow of mine?
In this wearisome world, shadows grow old.
The curtain won't open again.
Who can finish my empty life?
Now I don't hear that voice anymore here.
I'm just choked with tears
When I follow the traces
While I stand on a ground called "hell"
While I am accompanied by a flower called "melancholy"
Fingers and the blood bound
will get loose one day.
They shouldn't have,
But even that I knew well...
Who can feel every sorrow of mine?
In this colorless world, shadows grow somber.
The curtain won't open again.
Who can finish my empty life?
Since that day I don't hear that voice anymore here.
I even take off this old skin.
Who can feel every sorrow of mine?
Your profile, looking at some place afar,
was all I ever knew.
Who can feel every sorrow of mine?
Your profile, looking at some place afar,
was all I ever knew.
Listen, a heartless shout
Listen a heartless cry
Listen, a heartless world [2 times]
I don't even know your fragrance
I don't even know your actions
All of my memories have been erased
I don't even know what it means to start over
I don't even know what it means to survive
If I think, who did I fall in love with?
In the passing season, in the current of cycling time
Everything gets swallowed up
I'll struggle on towards where you are
The day which where spent in conflict and even the nights
When I crumbled in sorrrow have begun to change into the provisions
That keep me alive
Listen, a heartless shout
Listen a heartless cry
Listen, a heartless world
I don't even know your whereabouts
I don't even know your smile
It's all been drained into a swirl of anxiety
The scars on my heart won't heal
And the tears of my heart won't stop
It seem I'll go mad, trapped in solitud
As though the season we fell in love
Just like the lovers of that one time, Everything is forgotten
Without fail I'll come to be with you
The days which where spent in hatred and the nights
When I suffered in despair
They've changed into the provisions which compose me
At the promised place,
Right now I'm waiting at a distance,
Looking everywhere for you
But you won't appear
Someone please answer me
I don't even know your fregrance
I don't even know your actions
All of my memories have been erased
I don't even know what it means to start over
I don't even know what it means to survive
If I think, who did I fall in loved with?
As though the season we fell in love
Just like the lovers of that one time
Everything will be lost
Everything is forgotten
Without fall I'll come to be with you
"Is my future self really laughing right now?"
The me who exist now say to myself
It's the promised time,
Isn't it, Even though right now
I'm here looking for you
You aren't anywhere
Why not? Someone please answer me
Listen, a heartless shout.
Listen, a heartless cry.
Listen, a heartless world. [2 times]
Listen a heartless cry
Listen, a heartless world [2 times]
I don't even know your fragrance
I don't even know your actions
All of my memories have been erased
I don't even know what it means to start over
I don't even know what it means to survive
If I think, who did I fall in love with?
In the passing season, in the current of cycling time
Everything gets swallowed up
I'll struggle on towards where you are
The day which where spent in conflict and even the nights
When I crumbled in sorrrow have begun to change into the provisions
That keep me alive
Listen, a heartless shout
Listen a heartless cry
Listen, a heartless world
I don't even know your whereabouts
I don't even know your smile
It's all been drained into a swirl of anxiety
The scars on my heart won't heal
And the tears of my heart won't stop
It seem I'll go mad, trapped in solitud
As though the season we fell in love
Just like the lovers of that one time, Everything is forgotten
Without fail I'll come to be with you
The days which where spent in hatred and the nights
When I suffered in despair
They've changed into the provisions which compose me
At the promised place,
Right now I'm waiting at a distance,
Looking everywhere for you
But you won't appear
Someone please answer me
I don't even know your fregrance
I don't even know your actions
All of my memories have been erased
I don't even know what it means to start over
I don't even know what it means to survive
If I think, who did I fall in loved with?
As though the season we fell in love
Just like the lovers of that one time
Everything will be lost
Everything is forgotten
Without fall I'll come to be with you
"Is my future self really laughing right now?"
The me who exist now say to myself
It's the promised time,
Isn't it, Even though right now
I'm here looking for you
You aren't anywhere
Why not? Someone please answer me
Listen, a heartless shout.
Listen, a heartless cry.
Listen, a heartless world. [2 times]
What have you done
Would you mind if I hurt you?
Understand that I need to
Wish that I had other choices
Than to harm the one I love
What have you done now?
I know I'd better stop trying
You know that there’s no denying
I won't show mercy on you now
I know I should stop believing
I know that there's no retrieving
Its over now
What have you done?
What have you done now?
I, I've been waiting for someone like you
But now you are slipping away ...oh (What have you done now!)
Why, why does fate make us suffer?
There's a curse between us, between me and you
What have you done! What have you done!
What have you done! What have you done!
What have you done now?
What have you done! What have you done!
What have you done! What have you done!
What have you done now?
Would you mind if I killed you?
Would you mind if I tried to?
Cause you have turned into my worst enemy
You carry hate that I don't feel
It's over now
What have you done?
What have you done now!
I, I've been waiting for someone like you
But now you are slipping away ...oh (What have you done now!)
Why, why does fate make us suffer?
There's a curse between us, between me and you
What have you done! What have you done!
What have you done! What have you done!
What have you done now?
What have you done! What have you done!
What have you done! What have you done!
What have you done now?
I will not fall, won't let it go
We will be free when it ends
I, I've been waiting for someone like you
But now you are slipping away ...oh (What have you done now!)
Why, why does fate make us suffer?
There's a curse between us, between me and you
I, I've been waiting for someone like you
But now you are slipping away ...oh (What have you done now!)
Why, why does fate make us suffer?
There's a curse between us, between me and you
Understand that I need to
Wish that I had other choices
Than to harm the one I love
What have you done now?
I know I'd better stop trying
You know that there’s no denying
I won't show mercy on you now
I know I should stop believing
I know that there's no retrieving
Its over now
What have you done?
What have you done now?
I, I've been waiting for someone like you
But now you are slipping away ...oh (What have you done now!)
Why, why does fate make us suffer?
There's a curse between us, between me and you
What have you done! What have you done!
What have you done! What have you done!
What have you done now?
What have you done! What have you done!
What have you done! What have you done!
What have you done now?
Would you mind if I killed you?
Would you mind if I tried to?
Cause you have turned into my worst enemy
You carry hate that I don't feel
It's over now
What have you done?
What have you done now!
I, I've been waiting for someone like you
But now you are slipping away ...oh (What have you done now!)
Why, why does fate make us suffer?
There's a curse between us, between me and you
What have you done! What have you done!
What have you done! What have you done!
What have you done now?
What have you done! What have you done!
What have you done! What have you done!
What have you done now?
I will not fall, won't let it go
We will be free when it ends
I, I've been waiting for someone like you
But now you are slipping away ...oh (What have you done now!)
Why, why does fate make us suffer?
There's a curse between us, between me and you
I, I've been waiting for someone like you
But now you are slipping away ...oh (What have you done now!)
Why, why does fate make us suffer?
There's a curse between us, between me and you
Whitin Temptation
Whiskey Lullaby
She put him out
Like the burning end of a midnight cigarette
She broke his heart
He spent his whole life trying to forget
We watched him drink his pain away
A little bit at a time
But he never could get drunk enough
To get her off his mind
Until the night
He put the bottle to his head and pulled the trigger
He finally drank away her memory
Life is short
But this time it was bigger
Than the strength he had to get up off his knees
We found him with his face down in the pillow
With a note that says I'll love her till I die
And when we buried him beneath the willow
The angels sang a whiskey lullaby
La x 7
La x 7
The rumors flew
But nobody knew
How much she blamed herself
For years and years
She tried to hide the whiskey on her breath
She finally drank her pain away
A little at a time
But she never could get drunk enough
To get him off her mind
Until the night
She put the bottle to her head and pulled the trigger
And finally drank away his memory
Life is short but this time it was bigger
Than the strength she had to get up off her knees
We found her with her face down in the pillow
Clinging to his picture for dear life
We laid her next to him beneath the willow
While the angels sang a whiskey lullaby
La x 7
La x 7
La x 7
La x 7
Like the burning end of a midnight cigarette
She broke his heart
He spent his whole life trying to forget
We watched him drink his pain away
A little bit at a time
But he never could get drunk enough
To get her off his mind
Until the night
He put the bottle to his head and pulled the trigger
He finally drank away her memory
Life is short
But this time it was bigger
Than the strength he had to get up off his knees
We found him with his face down in the pillow
With a note that says I'll love her till I die
And when we buried him beneath the willow
The angels sang a whiskey lullaby
La x 7
La x 7
The rumors flew
But nobody knew
How much she blamed herself
For years and years
She tried to hide the whiskey on her breath
She finally drank her pain away
A little at a time
But she never could get drunk enough
To get him off her mind
Until the night
She put the bottle to her head and pulled the trigger
And finally drank away his memory
Life is short but this time it was bigger
Than the strength she had to get up off her knees
We found her with her face down in the pillow
Clinging to his picture for dear life
We laid her next to him beneath the willow
While the angels sang a whiskey lullaby
La x 7
La x 7
La x 7
La x 7
Brad Paisley and Allison Krauss,
I don't wanna hear the bad news when I was a little girl
In front of the mirror I couldn't understand a thing
There were tears falling down my cheeks no matter
How much, I washed my face, I couldn't wash my soul.
I should of hold on to him tight
I wanted to hold him back so he wouldn't leave
A frozen rose that has lost it's love
Only the memories of you dye her into red
Stays there waiting to melt away
The petals scatter like glass tears
I really I'll forgive you if you're afraid of me
I wanna be hold so tight that I can't breath
Save me from my loneliness
If it was possible I shouldn't have meet you
A frozen rose that has lost it's love
Only the memories of you dye her into red
Stays there waiting to melt away
The petals scatter like glass tears
I really I'll forgive you if you're afraid of me
A frozen rose that has lost it's love
Only the memories of you dye her into red
Stays there waiting to melt away
The petals scatter like glass tears
A frozen rose that has lost it's love
A frozen rose that has lost it's love
In front of the mirror I couldn't understand a thing
There were tears falling down my cheeks no matter
How much, I washed my face, I couldn't wash my soul.
I should of hold on to him tight
I wanted to hold him back so he wouldn't leave
A frozen rose that has lost it's love
Only the memories of you dye her into red
Stays there waiting to melt away
The petals scatter like glass tears
I really I'll forgive you if you're afraid of me
I wanna be hold so tight that I can't breath
Save me from my loneliness
If it was possible I shouldn't have meet you
A frozen rose that has lost it's love
Only the memories of you dye her into red
Stays there waiting to melt away
The petals scatter like glass tears
I really I'll forgive you if you're afraid of me
A frozen rose that has lost it's love
Only the memories of you dye her into red
Stays there waiting to melt away
The petals scatter like glass tears
A frozen rose that has lost it's love
A frozen rose that has lost it's love
Anna Tsuchiya,
Laid to the river
Midsummer, I waved
A "V" of black swans
On with hope to the grave
And though Red September
With skies fire-paved
I begged you appear
Like a thorn for the holy ones
Cold was my soul
Untold was the pain
I faced when you left me
A rose in the rain....
So I swore to the razor
That never, enchained
Would your dark nails of faith
Be pushed through my veins again
Bared on your tomb
I'm a prayer for your loneliness
And would you ever soon
Come above onto me?
For once upon a time
On the binds of your loneliness
I could always find the slot for your sacred key
Six feet deep is the incision
In my heart, that barless prison
Discoulours all with tunnel vision
Sick and weak from my condition
This lust, this vampyric addiction
To Her alone in full submission
None better...
Nymphetamine, Nymphetamine...
Nymphetamine girl.
Nymphetamine, Nymphetamine...
My Nymphetamine girl.
Wicked with your charm
I'm circled like prey
Back in the forest
Were whispers persuade
More sugar trails
More white lady laid
Than pillars of salt...
(keeping Sodom at at bay)
Fold to my arms
Hold their message away
And dance out to the moon
As we did in those golden days
Christening stars
I remember the way
We were needle and spoon
Mislaid in the burning hay
Bared on your tomb
I'm a prayer for your loneliness
And would you ever soon
Come above onto me?
For once upon a time
On the binds of your loneliness
I could always find the right slot for your sacred key
Six feet deep is the incision
In my heart, that barless prison
Discoulours all with tunnel vision
Sick and weak from my condition
This lust, this vampyric addiction
To Her alone in full submission
None better...
Nymphetamine, Nymphetamine...
Nymphetamine girl.
Nymphetamine, Nymphetamine...
My Nymphetamine girl.
Midsummer, I waved
A "V" of black swans
On with hope to the grave
And though Red September
With skies fire-paved
I begged you appear
Like a thorn for the holy ones
Cold was my soul
Untold was the pain
I faced when you left me
A rose in the rain....
So I swore to the razor
That never, enchained
Would your dark nails of faith
Be pushed through my veins again
Bared on your tomb
I'm a prayer for your loneliness
And would you ever soon
Come above onto me?
For once upon a time
On the binds of your loneliness
I could always find the slot for your sacred key
Six feet deep is the incision
In my heart, that barless prison
Discoulours all with tunnel vision
Sick and weak from my condition
This lust, this vampyric addiction
To Her alone in full submission
None better...
Nymphetamine, Nymphetamine...
Nymphetamine girl.
Nymphetamine, Nymphetamine...
My Nymphetamine girl.
Wicked with your charm
I'm circled like prey
Back in the forest
Were whispers persuade
More sugar trails
More white lady laid
Than pillars of salt...
(keeping Sodom at at bay)
Fold to my arms
Hold their message away
And dance out to the moon
As we did in those golden days
Christening stars
I remember the way
We were needle and spoon
Mislaid in the burning hay
Bared on your tomb
I'm a prayer for your loneliness
And would you ever soon
Come above onto me?
For once upon a time
On the binds of your loneliness
I could always find the right slot for your sacred key
Six feet deep is the incision
In my heart, that barless prison
Discoulours all with tunnel vision
Sick and weak from my condition
This lust, this vampyric addiction
To Her alone in full submission
None better...
Nymphetamine, Nymphetamine...
Nymphetamine girl.
Nymphetamine, Nymphetamine...
My Nymphetamine girl.
Cradle of Filth,
How can I decide what's right?
When you're clouding up my mind
I can't win your losing fight all the time
How can I ever own what's mine
When you're always taking sides
But you won't take away my pride
No not this time
Not this time
How did we get here?
Well I used to know you so well
How did we get here?
Well I think I know
The truth is hiding in your eyes
And its hanging on your tongue
Just boiling in my blood
But you think that I can't see
What kind of man that you are
If you're a man at all
Well I will figure this one out
On my own
(I'm screaming "I love you so")
On my own
(My thoughts you can't decode)
How did we get here?
Well I used to know you so well, yeah
How did we get here?
Well I think I know
Do you see what we've done?
We've gone and made such fools of ourselves
Do you see what we've done?
We've gone and made such fools of ourselves
How did we get here?
Well I used to know you so well, yeah yeah
How did we get here?
Well I used to know you so well
I think I know
I think I know
Ooh, there is something
I see in you
It might kill me
I want it to be true
When you're clouding up my mind
I can't win your losing fight all the time
How can I ever own what's mine
When you're always taking sides
But you won't take away my pride
No not this time
Not this time
How did we get here?
Well I used to know you so well
How did we get here?
Well I think I know
The truth is hiding in your eyes
And its hanging on your tongue
Just boiling in my blood
But you think that I can't see
What kind of man that you are
If you're a man at all
Well I will figure this one out
On my own
(I'm screaming "I love you so")
On my own
(My thoughts you can't decode)
How did we get here?
Well I used to know you so well, yeah
How did we get here?
Well I think I know
Do you see what we've done?
We've gone and made such fools of ourselves
Do you see what we've done?
We've gone and made such fools of ourselves
How did we get here?
Well I used to know you so well, yeah yeah
How did we get here?
Well I used to know you so well
I think I know
I think I know
Ooh, there is something
I see in you
It might kill me
I want it to be true
I'm sitting in a room,
Made up of only big white walls and in the hall
There are people looking through
The window in the door
they know exactly what we're here for.
Don't look up
Just let them think
There's no place else
You'd rather be.
You're always on display
For everyone to watch and learn from,
Don't you know by now,
You can't turn back
Because this road is all you'll ever have.
And it's obvious that you're dying, dying.
Just living proof that the camera's lying.
And oh oh open wide, 'cause this is your night.
So smile, 'cause you'll go out in style.
You'll go out in style.
If you let me I could,
I'd show you how to build your fences,
Set restrictions, separate from the world.
The constant battle that you hate to fight,
Just blame the limelight.
Don't look up
Just let them think
There's no place else
You'd rather be.
And now you can't turn back
Because this road is all you'll ever have.
And it's obvious that you're dying, dying.
Just living proof that the camera's lying.
And oh oh open wide, 'cause this is your night.
So smile.
Yeah, yeah you're asking for it
With every breath that you breathe in
Just breathe it in.
Yeah, yeah well you're just a mess
You do all this big talking
So now let's see you walk it.
I said let's see you walk it.
Yeah, yeah well you're just a mess
You do all this big talking
So now let's see you walk it.
I said let's see you walk it.
And it's obvious that you're dying, dying.
Just living proof that the camera's lying.
And oh oh open wide, yeah oh oh open wide.
Yeah, oh oh open wide,
'Cause you'll go out in style.
You'll go out in style.
Made up of only big white walls and in the hall
There are people looking through
The window in the door
they know exactly what we're here for.
Don't look up
Just let them think
There's no place else
You'd rather be.
You're always on display
For everyone to watch and learn from,
Don't you know by now,
You can't turn back
Because this road is all you'll ever have.
And it's obvious that you're dying, dying.
Just living proof that the camera's lying.
And oh oh open wide, 'cause this is your night.
So smile, 'cause you'll go out in style.
You'll go out in style.
If you let me I could,
I'd show you how to build your fences,
Set restrictions, separate from the world.
The constant battle that you hate to fight,
Just blame the limelight.
Don't look up
Just let them think
There's no place else
You'd rather be.
And now you can't turn back
Because this road is all you'll ever have.
And it's obvious that you're dying, dying.
Just living proof that the camera's lying.
And oh oh open wide, 'cause this is your night.
So smile.
Yeah, yeah you're asking for it
With every breath that you breathe in
Just breathe it in.
Yeah, yeah well you're just a mess
You do all this big talking
So now let's see you walk it.
I said let's see you walk it.
Yeah, yeah well you're just a mess
You do all this big talking
So now let's see you walk it.
I said let's see you walk it.
And it's obvious that you're dying, dying.
Just living proof that the camera's lying.
And oh oh open wide, yeah oh oh open wide.
Yeah, oh oh open wide,
'Cause you'll go out in style.
You'll go out in style.
You're such an inspiration for the ways
That I'll never ever choose to be
Oh so many ways for me to show you
How the savior has abandoned you
F*ck your God
Your Lord and your Christ
He did this
Took all you had and
Left you this way
Still you pray, you never stray
Never taste of the fruit
You never thought to question why
It's not like you killed someone
It's not like you drove a hateful spear into his side
Praise the one who left you
Broken down and paralyzed
He did it all for you
He did it all for you
Oh so many many ways for me to show you
How your dogma has abandoned you
Pray to your Christ, to your god
Never taste of the fruit
Never stray, never break
Never---choke on a lie
Even though he's the one who did this to you
You never thought to question why
Not like you killed someone
It's Not like you drove a spiteful spear into his side
Talk to Jesus Christ
As if he knows the reasons why
He did it all for you
Did it all for you
He did it all for you
That I'll never ever choose to be
Oh so many ways for me to show you
How the savior has abandoned you
F*ck your God
Your Lord and your Christ
He did this
Took all you had and
Left you this way
Still you pray, you never stray
Never taste of the fruit
You never thought to question why
It's not like you killed someone
It's not like you drove a hateful spear into his side
Praise the one who left you
Broken down and paralyzed
He did it all for you
He did it all for you
Oh so many many ways for me to show you
How your dogma has abandoned you
Pray to your Christ, to your god
Never taste of the fruit
Never stray, never break
Never---choke on a lie
Even though he's the one who did this to you
You never thought to question why
Not like you killed someone
It's Not like you drove a spiteful spear into his side
Talk to Jesus Christ
As if he knows the reasons why
He did it all for you
Did it all for you
He did it all for you
A Perfect Circle,
Where'd you go
Where'd you go?
I miss you so,
Seems like it's been forever,
That you've been gone.
She said "Some days I feel like shit,
Some days I wanna quit, and just be normal for a bit,"
I don't understand why you have to always be gone,
I get along but the trips always feel so long,
And, I find myself trying to stay by the phone,
'Cause your voice always helps me to not feel so alone,
But I feel like an idiot, workin' my day around the call,
But when I pick up I don't have much to say,
So, I want you to know it's a little fucked up,
That I'm stuck here waitin', at times debatin',
Tellin' you that I've had it with you and your career,
Me and the rest of the family here singing "Where'd you go?"
I miss you so,
Seems like it's been forever,
That you've been gone.
Where'd you go?
I miss you so,
Seems like it's been forever,
That you've been gone,
Please come back home...
You know the place where you used to live,
Used to barbecue up burgers and ribs,
Used to have a little party every Halloween with candy by the pile,
But now, you only stop by every once and a while,
Shit, I find myself just fillin' my time,
With anything to keep the thought of you from my mind,
I'm doin' fine, I plan to keep it that way,
You can call me if you find that you have something to say,
And I'll tell you, I want you to know it's a little fucked up,
That I'm stuck here waitin', at times debatin',
Tellin' you that I've had it with you and your career,
Me and the rest of the family here singing "Where'd you go?"
I miss you so,
Seems like it's been forever,
That you've been gone.
Where'd you go?
I miss you so,
Seems like it's been forever,
That you've been gone,
Please come back home...
I want you to know it's a little fucked up,
That I'm stuck here waitin', no longer debatin',
Tired of sittin' and hatin' and makin' these excuses,
For why you're not around, and feeling so useless,
It seems one thing has been true all along,
You don't really know what you've got 'til it's gone,
I guess I've had it with you and your career,
When you come back I won't be here and you can sing it...
Where'd you go?
I miss you so,
Seems like it's been forever,
That you've been gone.
Where'd you go?
I miss you so,
Seems like it's been forever,
That you've been gone,
Please come back home...
Please come back home...
Please come back home...
Please come back home...
Please come back home...
I miss you so,
Seems like it's been forever,
That you've been gone.
She said "Some days I feel like shit,
Some days I wanna quit, and just be normal for a bit,"
I don't understand why you have to always be gone,
I get along but the trips always feel so long,
And, I find myself trying to stay by the phone,
'Cause your voice always helps me to not feel so alone,
But I feel like an idiot, workin' my day around the call,
But when I pick up I don't have much to say,
So, I want you to know it's a little fucked up,
That I'm stuck here waitin', at times debatin',
Tellin' you that I've had it with you and your career,
Me and the rest of the family here singing "Where'd you go?"
I miss you so,
Seems like it's been forever,
That you've been gone.
Where'd you go?
I miss you so,
Seems like it's been forever,
That you've been gone,
Please come back home...
You know the place where you used to live,
Used to barbecue up burgers and ribs,
Used to have a little party every Halloween with candy by the pile,
But now, you only stop by every once and a while,
Shit, I find myself just fillin' my time,
With anything to keep the thought of you from my mind,
I'm doin' fine, I plan to keep it that way,
You can call me if you find that you have something to say,
And I'll tell you, I want you to know it's a little fucked up,
That I'm stuck here waitin', at times debatin',
Tellin' you that I've had it with you and your career,
Me and the rest of the family here singing "Where'd you go?"
I miss you so,
Seems like it's been forever,
That you've been gone.
Where'd you go?
I miss you so,
Seems like it's been forever,
That you've been gone,
Please come back home...
I want you to know it's a little fucked up,
That I'm stuck here waitin', no longer debatin',
Tired of sittin' and hatin' and makin' these excuses,
For why you're not around, and feeling so useless,
It seems one thing has been true all along,
You don't really know what you've got 'til it's gone,
I guess I've had it with you and your career,
When you come back I won't be here and you can sing it...
Where'd you go?
I miss you so,
Seems like it's been forever,
That you've been gone.
Where'd you go?
I miss you so,
Seems like it's been forever,
That you've been gone,
Please come back home...
Please come back home...
Please come back home...
Please come back home...
Please come back home...
Fort Minor,
Like this day...
♣ Music ♣
HIZAKI Grace Project - Philosopher <33
♣ Mood ♣
♣ Messenger ♣
Okasan, Kami
♣ Internet ♣
D.Veil - AnimeSoul
Astazi a fost bine pana acum XD
Aseara iar am stat sa ma uit la un film pana pe la 1:30. Ca si de obicei azi dimineata m-am trezit fara nici o problema lol, o sa adorm din ce in ce mai tarziu pana o sa ajung sa nu mai dorm deloc O.O'
Prima ora am avut fizica. Nu aveam nici un chef de problemele lui diriga, dar ora a trecut anormal de repede lol o.o' Am facut si putina lectie noua.
Apoi am avut chimie si am crezut ca ne aduce lucrarile, dar nu le-a adus. Am vorbit toata ora de nu stiu ce reactii poli nu stiu cum sau ceva de genul lol O_O' Am crezut ca mor de plictiseala si la un moment dat cred ca am si atipit pentru ca era randul meu sa citesc ceva la lectie si profa tot urla la mine >>'
La informatica ne-a pus profa sa scriem nu stiu ce meniuri si erau foarte multe si nici nu am apucat sa le scriu toate =.=' Am scris vreo 4 pagini geez, si pe ora viitoare trebuie sa le avem toate. De unde naiba sa le iau eu?
Pe urma am avut matematica -somn- O_O'
La logica am dat test. Cica trebuia sa facem pregatire pentru test ora asta, dar era cam nervoasa profa nu stiu de ce si nu am mai facut nimic. Macar a fost destul de usor *thanks to caiet-chan* O.O' Eu am inteles silogismul, dar tot il urasc si ma enerveaza. E prea complicat si sunt prea multe chestiute de retinut =.='
La desen trebuia sa ducem o plansa cu ceva despre primavara, dar eu nu am facut nimic, de fapt nimeni nu a facut. A zis sa le ducem maine altfel o sa ne dea 3. Da, bine. Macar mai am ceva timp, am si uitat ca aveam de facut z.z'
Acum stau si mor de plictiseala, ma holbez la ceas si nu imi vine sa cred ca deja e 4 lol. Timpul trece asa de repede uneori. Ma dor ochii z.z iar imi intra parul in ochi si iar trebuie sa il tai si iar nu am chef si iar o sa orbesc si prea multi de si O_O'
L-am facut iar pe Yusei ojosan. L-am tot bagat si l-am scos si l-am bagat iar si l-am scos iar lol. Acum l-am pus in loc la Soan o.o' Desi presimt ca peste ceva timp o sa-mi vina sa il scot iar lol, sau poate ca nu.
Merg sa-mi fac ceva de mancare pentru ca nu stiu unde e tata si eu mor de foame. Am mai avut vreo 4 bucatele de ciocolata lol z.z'
HIZAKI Grace Project - Philosopher <33
♣ Mood ♣
♣ Messenger ♣
Okasan, Kami
♣ Internet ♣
D.Veil - AnimeSoul
Astazi a fost bine pana acum XD
Aseara iar am stat sa ma uit la un film pana pe la 1:30. Ca si de obicei azi dimineata m-am trezit fara nici o problema lol, o sa adorm din ce in ce mai tarziu pana o sa ajung sa nu mai dorm deloc O.O'
Prima ora am avut fizica. Nu aveam nici un chef de problemele lui diriga, dar ora a trecut anormal de repede lol o.o' Am facut si putina lectie noua.
Apoi am avut chimie si am crezut ca ne aduce lucrarile, dar nu le-a adus. Am vorbit toata ora de nu stiu ce reactii poli nu stiu cum sau ceva de genul lol O_O' Am crezut ca mor de plictiseala si la un moment dat cred ca am si atipit pentru ca era randul meu sa citesc ceva la lectie si profa tot urla la mine >>'
La informatica ne-a pus profa sa scriem nu stiu ce meniuri si erau foarte multe si nici nu am apucat sa le scriu toate =.=' Am scris vreo 4 pagini geez, si pe ora viitoare trebuie sa le avem toate. De unde naiba sa le iau eu?
Pe urma am avut matematica -somn- O_O'
La logica am dat test. Cica trebuia sa facem pregatire pentru test ora asta, dar era cam nervoasa profa nu stiu de ce si nu am mai facut nimic. Macar a fost destul de usor *thanks to caiet-chan* O.O' Eu am inteles silogismul, dar tot il urasc si ma enerveaza. E prea complicat si sunt prea multe chestiute de retinut =.='
La desen trebuia sa ducem o plansa cu ceva despre primavara, dar eu nu am facut nimic, de fapt nimeni nu a facut. A zis sa le ducem maine altfel o sa ne dea 3. Da, bine. Macar mai am ceva timp, am si uitat ca aveam de facut z.z'
Acum stau si mor de plictiseala, ma holbez la ceas si nu imi vine sa cred ca deja e 4 lol. Timpul trece asa de repede uneori. Ma dor ochii z.z iar imi intra parul in ochi si iar trebuie sa il tai si iar nu am chef si iar o sa orbesc si prea multi de si O_O'
L-am facut iar pe Yusei ojosan. L-am tot bagat si l-am scos si l-am bagat iar si l-am scos iar lol. Acum l-am pus in loc la Soan o.o' Desi presimt ca peste ceva timp o sa-mi vina sa il scot iar lol, sau poate ca nu.
Merg sa-mi fac ceva de mancare pentru ca nu stiu unde e tata si eu mor de foame. Am mai avut vreo 4 bucatele de ciocolata lol z.z'
Virtual Family
duminică, 29 martie 2009
Keep holding on
You're not alone
Together we stand
I'll be by your side, you know I'll take your hand
When it gets cold
And it feels like the end
There's no place to go
You know I won't give in
No I won't give in
Keep holding on
'Cause you know we'll make it through, we'll make it through
Just stay strong
'Cause you know I'm here for you, I'm here for you
There's nothing you could say
Nothing you could do
There's no other way when it comes to the truth
So keep holding on
'Cause you know we'll make it through, we'll make it through
So far away
I wish you were here
Before it's too late, this could all disappear
Before the doors close
And it comes to an end
With you by my side I will fight and defend
I'll fight and defend
Yeah, yeah
Keep holding on
'Cause you know we'll make it through, we'll make it through
Just stay strong
'Cause you know I'm here for you, I'm here for you
There's nothing you could say
Nothing you could do
There's no other way when it comes to the truth
So keep holding on
'Cause you know we'll make it through, we'll make it through
Hear me when I say, when I say I believe
Nothing's gonna change, nothing's gonna change destiny
Whatever's meant to be will work out perfectly
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
La da da da
La da da da
La da da da da da da da da
Keep holding on
'Cause you know we'll make it through, we'll make it through
Just stay strong
'Cause you know I'm here for you, I'm here for you
There's nothing you could say
Nothing you could do
There's no other way when it comes to the truth
So keep holding on
'Cause you know we'll make it through, we'll make it through
Keep holding on
Keep holding on
There's nothing you could say
Nothing you could do
There's no other way when it comes to the truth
So keep holding on
'Cause you know we'll make it through, we'll make it through
Together we stand
I'll be by your side, you know I'll take your hand
When it gets cold
And it feels like the end
There's no place to go
You know I won't give in
No I won't give in
Keep holding on
'Cause you know we'll make it through, we'll make it through
Just stay strong
'Cause you know I'm here for you, I'm here for you
There's nothing you could say
Nothing you could do
There's no other way when it comes to the truth
So keep holding on
'Cause you know we'll make it through, we'll make it through
So far away
I wish you were here
Before it's too late, this could all disappear
Before the doors close
And it comes to an end
With you by my side I will fight and defend
I'll fight and defend
Yeah, yeah
Keep holding on
'Cause you know we'll make it through, we'll make it through
Just stay strong
'Cause you know I'm here for you, I'm here for you
There's nothing you could say
Nothing you could do
There's no other way when it comes to the truth
So keep holding on
'Cause you know we'll make it through, we'll make it through
Hear me when I say, when I say I believe
Nothing's gonna change, nothing's gonna change destiny
Whatever's meant to be will work out perfectly
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
La da da da
La da da da
La da da da da da da da da
Keep holding on
'Cause you know we'll make it through, we'll make it through
Just stay strong
'Cause you know I'm here for you, I'm here for you
There's nothing you could say
Nothing you could do
There's no other way when it comes to the truth
So keep holding on
'Cause you know we'll make it through, we'll make it through
Keep holding on
Keep holding on
There's nothing you could say
Nothing you could do
There's no other way when it comes to the truth
So keep holding on
'Cause you know we'll make it through, we'll make it through
Avril Lavigne,
When you're gone
I always needed time on my own
I never thought I'd need you there when I cry
And the days feel like years when I'm alone
And the bed where you lie is made up on your side
When you walk away I count the steps that you take
Do you see how much I need you right now
When you're gone
The pieces of my heart are missing you
When you're gone
The face I came to know is missing too
When you're gone
The words I need to hear to always get me through the day and make it ok
I miss you
I've never felt this way before
Everything that I do reminds me of you
And the clothes you left, they lie on the floor
And they smell just like you, I love the things that you do
When you walk away I count the steps that you take
Do you see how much I need you right now
We were made for each other
Out here forever
I know we were, yeah
All I ever wanted was for you to know
Everything I'd do, I'd give my heart and soul
I can hardly breathe I need to feel you here with me, yeah
I never thought I'd need you there when I cry
And the days feel like years when I'm alone
And the bed where you lie is made up on your side
When you walk away I count the steps that you take
Do you see how much I need you right now
When you're gone
The pieces of my heart are missing you
When you're gone
The face I came to know is missing too
When you're gone
The words I need to hear to always get me through the day and make it ok
I miss you
I've never felt this way before
Everything that I do reminds me of you
And the clothes you left, they lie on the floor
And they smell just like you, I love the things that you do
When you walk away I count the steps that you take
Do you see how much I need you right now
We were made for each other
Out here forever
I know we were, yeah
All I ever wanted was for you to know
Everything I'd do, I'd give my heart and soul
I can hardly breathe I need to feel you here with me, yeah
Avril Lavigne,
Nobody's home
I couldn't tell you why she felt that way,
She felt it everyday.
And I couldn't help her,
I just watched her make the same mistakes again.
What's wrong, what's wrong now?
Too many, too many problems.
Don't know where she belongs, where she belongs.
She wants to go home, but nobody's home.
It's where she lies, broken inside.
With no place to go, no place to go to dry her eyes.
Broken inside.
Open your eyes and look outside, find the reasons why.
You've been rejected, and now you can't find what you left behind.
Be strong, be strong now.
Too many, too many problems.
Don't know where she belongs, where she belongs.
She wants to go home, but nobody's home.
It's where she lies, broken inside.
With no place to go, no place to go to dry her eyes.
Broken inside.
Her feelings she hides.
Her dreams she can't find.
She's losing her mind.
She's fallen behind.
She can't find her place.
She's losing her faith.
She's fallen from grace.
She's all over the place.
She wants to go home, but nobody's home.
It's where she lies, broken inside.
With no place to go, no place to go to dry her eyes.
Broken inside.
She's lost inside, lost inside...oh oh yeah
She's lost inside, lost inside...oh oh yeah
She felt it everyday.
And I couldn't help her,
I just watched her make the same mistakes again.
What's wrong, what's wrong now?
Too many, too many problems.
Don't know where she belongs, where she belongs.
She wants to go home, but nobody's home.
It's where she lies, broken inside.
With no place to go, no place to go to dry her eyes.
Broken inside.
Open your eyes and look outside, find the reasons why.
You've been rejected, and now you can't find what you left behind.
Be strong, be strong now.
Too many, too many problems.
Don't know where she belongs, where she belongs.
She wants to go home, but nobody's home.
It's where she lies, broken inside.
With no place to go, no place to go to dry her eyes.
Broken inside.
Her feelings she hides.
Her dreams she can't find.
She's losing her mind.
She's fallen behind.
She can't find her place.
She's losing her faith.
She's fallen from grace.
She's all over the place.
She wants to go home, but nobody's home.
It's where she lies, broken inside.
With no place to go, no place to go to dry her eyes.
Broken inside.
She's lost inside, lost inside...oh oh yeah
She's lost inside, lost inside...oh oh yeah
Avril Lavigne,
Ah ah ah ah
Ah ah ah ah
I'm giving up on everything
Because you messed me up
Don't know how much you
Screwed it up
You never listened
That's just too bad
Because I'm moving on
I won't forget
You were the one that was wrong
I know I need to step up and be strong
Don't patronize me
Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
Have you forgotten
Everything that I wanted
Do you forget it now
You never got It
Do you get it now
Yea yea yea yea yea
Yea yea yea yea yea
Ah ah ah ah
Ah ah ah ah
Gotta get away
There's no point in thinking about yesterday
It's too late now
It won't ever be the same
We're so different now
Yea yea yea yea yea
I know I wanna run away
I know I wanna run away
Run away
If only I could run away
If only I could run away
Run away
I told you what i wanted I
I told you what i wanted
What I wanted
But I was forgotten
I won't be forgotten
Never Again
[Chorus (2x)]
Yeah yeah yeah
Yeah yeah yeah
Yeah yeah yeah
Yeah yeah yeah
Ah ah ah ah
I'm giving up on everything
Because you messed me up
Don't know how much you
Screwed it up
You never listened
That's just too bad
Because I'm moving on
I won't forget
You were the one that was wrong
I know I need to step up and be strong
Don't patronize me
Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
Have you forgotten
Everything that I wanted
Do you forget it now
You never got It
Do you get it now
Yea yea yea yea yea
Yea yea yea yea yea
Ah ah ah ah
Ah ah ah ah
Gotta get away
There's no point in thinking about yesterday
It's too late now
It won't ever be the same
We're so different now
Yea yea yea yea yea
I know I wanna run away
I know I wanna run away
Run away
If only I could run away
If only I could run away
Run away
I told you what i wanted I
I told you what i wanted
What I wanted
But I was forgotten
I won't be forgotten
Never Again
[Chorus (2x)]
Yeah yeah yeah
Yeah yeah yeah
Yeah yeah yeah
Yeah yeah yeah
Avril Lavigne,
My happy ending
So much for my happy ending
Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh...
Let's talk this over
It's not like we're dead
Was it something I did?
Was it something You said?
Don't leave me hanging
In a city so dead
Held up so high
On such a breakable thread
You were all the things I thought I knew
And I thought we could be
You were everything, everything that I wanted
We were meant to be, supposed to be, but we lost it
And all of the memories, so close to me, just fade away
All this time you were pretending
So much for my happy ending
Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh...
You've got your dumb friends
I know what they say
They tell you I'm difficult
But so are they
But they don't know me
Do they even know you?
All the things you hide from me
All the shit that you do [CD version]
All the stuff that you do [radio edited version]
You were all the things I thought I knew
And I thought we could be
It's nice to know that you were there
Thanks for acting like you cared
And making me feel like I was the only one
It's nice to know we had it all
Thanks for watching as I fall
And letting me know we were done
[Chorus x2]
Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh...
So much for my happy ending
Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh...
Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh...
Let's talk this over
It's not like we're dead
Was it something I did?
Was it something You said?
Don't leave me hanging
In a city so dead
Held up so high
On such a breakable thread
You were all the things I thought I knew
And I thought we could be
You were everything, everything that I wanted
We were meant to be, supposed to be, but we lost it
And all of the memories, so close to me, just fade away
All this time you were pretending
So much for my happy ending
Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh...
You've got your dumb friends
I know what they say
They tell you I'm difficult
But so are they
But they don't know me
Do they even know you?
All the things you hide from me
All the shit that you do [CD version]
All the stuff that you do [radio edited version]
You were all the things I thought I knew
And I thought we could be
It's nice to know that you were there
Thanks for acting like you cared
And making me feel like I was the only one
It's nice to know we had it all
Thanks for watching as I fall
And letting me know we were done
[Chorus x2]
Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh...
So much for my happy ending
Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh...
Avril Lavigne,
Don't Tell Me
You held my hand and walked me home, I know
Why you gave me that kiss it was something like this it made me go ooh ohh
You wiped my tears, got rid of all my fears, why did you have to go?
Guess it wasn't enough to take up some of my love
Guys are so hard to trust
Did I not tell you that I'm not like that girl?
The one who gives it all away, yeah
Did you think that I was gonna give it up to you, this time?
Did you think that it was somethin I was gonna do and cry?
Don't try to tell me what to do,
Dont try to tell me what to say,
You're better off that way
Don't think that your charm and the fact that your arm is now around my neck
Will get you in my pants I'll have to kick your ass and make you never forget
I'm gonna ask you to stop, thought I liked you a lot, but I'm really upset
Get out of my head get off of my bed yeah thats what I said
Did I not tell you that I'm not like that girl, the one who, throws it all away
This guilt trip that you put me on won't, mess me up I've done no wrong
Any thoughts of you and me have gone away
Better off that way
I'm better off alone anyway
Why you gave me that kiss it was something like this it made me go ooh ohh
You wiped my tears, got rid of all my fears, why did you have to go?
Guess it wasn't enough to take up some of my love
Guys are so hard to trust
Did I not tell you that I'm not like that girl?
The one who gives it all away, yeah
Did you think that I was gonna give it up to you, this time?
Did you think that it was somethin I was gonna do and cry?
Don't try to tell me what to do,
Dont try to tell me what to say,
You're better off that way
Don't think that your charm and the fact that your arm is now around my neck
Will get you in my pants I'll have to kick your ass and make you never forget
I'm gonna ask you to stop, thought I liked you a lot, but I'm really upset
Get out of my head get off of my bed yeah thats what I said
Did I not tell you that I'm not like that girl, the one who, throws it all away
This guilt trip that you put me on won't, mess me up I've done no wrong
Any thoughts of you and me have gone away
Better off that way
I'm better off alone anyway
Avril Lavigne,
Bara no Kioku
Towering at the end of the earth, the swirl of afterimage and nothingness swallows me as I hatch
The prism of memory, felt in nakedness, steals the glow
Making not a sound, haunting me stealthily from the shadow
Welling malice…Negative breath veils me
[Time to end] [Here and now]
This remaining fragment of myself caught sight of you
‘I’ flow from the sea, personality and memories returning
Their transformation complete, my wings are a robust shield
The battle scrambles within me once more
[Time to end] [Here and now]
[Let your mercies come to me, that I may keep living] …for me
[Please, may the badness of wicked ones come to an end] …for you
For your salvation my soul has pined away
Sleeping inside a coffin of suffocating roses
Kissing your soul I press closer
[Time to end] [Here and now]
[Let your mercies come to me, that I may keep living] …for me
[Please, may the badness of wicked ones come to an end] …for you
I fall on my knees to pray
My soul does thirst for you
In truth perhaps my own past will never have mattered
If I am able to be with you again…
The prism of memory, felt in nakedness, steals the glow
Making not a sound, haunting me stealthily from the shadow
Welling malice…Negative breath veils me
[Time to end] [Here and now]
This remaining fragment of myself caught sight of you
‘I’ flow from the sea, personality and memories returning
Their transformation complete, my wings are a robust shield
The battle scrambles within me once more
[Time to end] [Here and now]
[Let your mercies come to me, that I may keep living] …for me
[Please, may the badness of wicked ones come to an end] …for you
For your salvation my soul has pined away
Sleeping inside a coffin of suffocating roses
Kissing your soul I press closer
[Time to end] [Here and now]
[Let your mercies come to me, that I may keep living] …for me
[Please, may the badness of wicked ones come to an end] …for you
I fall on my knees to pray
My soul does thirst for you
In truth perhaps my own past will never have mattered
If I am able to be with you again…
Nageki no Tenshi
The Angel of Sorrow is born...my red moon is aflame
My 6th sense a sleeping possibility…I draw it out…awake
Innocent and alienated angel – the soul screaming from within a cage
The reactivating moon suits the deep night
If being born is indeed a sin, then where do I belong?
The unsupressable transformations cannot be stopped…
[Run after & run away] Midnight mutant heat
[Run after & run away] Chains fastened tightly
[Run after & run away] Lost self-control
[Run after & run away] Waning consciousness
Human keep making the same mistakes. My future looks very dark.
For sleep is good, but Death is better still.
Is the best never to be born at all?
The moon shines very bright and clear tonight.
…And be flooded by moonlight. Shout at the top of my voice.
More light… more… more!!
If being born is indeed a sin, then I belong nowhere
The unsupressable transformations cannot be stopped…
[Run after & run away] Midnight mutant heat
[Run after & run away] Chains fastened tightly
[Run after & run away] Lost self-control
[Run after & run away] Waning consciousness
[Run after & run away]
I wept in my freedom and loneliness…
[This blood was born by sinful people]
My 6th sense a sleeping possibility…I draw it out…awake
Innocent and alienated angel – the soul screaming from within a cage
The reactivating moon suits the deep night
If being born is indeed a sin, then where do I belong?
The unsupressable transformations cannot be stopped…
[Run after & run away] Midnight mutant heat
[Run after & run away] Chains fastened tightly
[Run after & run away] Lost self-control
[Run after & run away] Waning consciousness
Human keep making the same mistakes. My future looks very dark.
For sleep is good, but Death is better still.
Is the best never to be born at all?
The moon shines very bright and clear tonight.
…And be flooded by moonlight. Shout at the top of my voice.
More light… more… more!!
If being born is indeed a sin, then I belong nowhere
The unsupressable transformations cannot be stopped…
[Run after & run away] Midnight mutant heat
[Run after & run away] Chains fastened tightly
[Run after & run away] Lost self-control
[Run after & run away] Waning consciousness
[Run after & run away]
I wept in my freedom and loneliness…
[This blood was born by sinful people]
Kuuchuu Teien
Beloved, painful…even to nestle in cast-off shell doesn’t satisfy
I just can’t steal your heart…why?
Time stops within me; past and future sleep on the breeze of a light doze
Borderland between sleeping and waking
The aqua castle floating in the sky to ends of the earth
Murmuring, ‘Arch, rainbow!’, the sun awakes
Whispering, ‘Fall, stars!’, I face the moon
All will come to pass only in this dream
But I pretended not to notice the emptiness, the loneliness…
Murmuring, ‘Arch, rainbow!’, the sun awakes
Whispering, ‘Fall, stars!’, I face the moon
All will come to pass only in this dream
But even if I try to kiss you…a marionette free from false love
Beloved, painful…even to nestle in cast-off shell doesn’t satisfy
I just can’t steal your heart…why?
Have I forgotten time?
Been forgotten by time?
This dream garden in the air
When I wake you’re not there…
I just can’t steal your heart…why?
Time stops within me; past and future sleep on the breeze of a light doze
Borderland between sleeping and waking
The aqua castle floating in the sky to ends of the earth
Murmuring, ‘Arch, rainbow!’, the sun awakes
Whispering, ‘Fall, stars!’, I face the moon
All will come to pass only in this dream
But I pretended not to notice the emptiness, the loneliness…
Murmuring, ‘Arch, rainbow!’, the sun awakes
Whispering, ‘Fall, stars!’, I face the moon
All will come to pass only in this dream
But even if I try to kiss you…a marionette free from false love
Beloved, painful…even to nestle in cast-off shell doesn’t satisfy
I just can’t steal your heart…why?
Have I forgotten time?
Been forgotten by time?
This dream garden in the air
When I wake you’re not there…
Danpen Asymmetry
…trance …blank
What is this place of no windows to flood my eyes?
The quiet-surely I am alone?-is unnatural and frightening
Stimulation and flashback pierce my mind Fragmentary asymmetry
I remember nothing but feel shivering pain
I remember nothing; just the vestiges of your dear face and past
The voice echoing in my mind seems to call to me now…
Dramatic flashbacks in my mind Fragmentary asymmetry
I cannot retrieve them; even if this cynical reality would break me
I wish I could…I can’t forget the memories of flesh and blood which still call…
‘I don’t understand at all…yet you are beloved…’
Although I realize I know this,
Why do I know it?
…that, I cannot recall…
What is this place of no windows to flood my eyes?
The quiet-surely I am alone?-is unnatural and frightening
Stimulation and flashback pierce my mind Fragmentary asymmetry
I remember nothing but feel shivering pain
I remember nothing; just the vestiges of your dear face and past
The voice echoing in my mind seems to call to me now…
Dramatic flashbacks in my mind Fragmentary asymmetry
I cannot retrieve them; even if this cynical reality would break me
I wish I could…I can’t forget the memories of flesh and blood which still call…
‘I don’t understand at all…yet you are beloved…’
Although I realize I know this,
Why do I know it?
…that, I cannot recall…
With the returning seasons I am wounded many times
But I am calmed, engulfed by your kindness
Powerless, I stacked up the sleepness nights, dreaming just one dream
Frustration coursed through my body I wiped away the flowing tears
At all times I trusted only you
This is all I can be proud of
My dreams, serving only to bring me days of anxiety,
Now flutter in the skies, glittering, vividly colouring the future
I want some day to prove how I loved you
And prayed for your pain, that it might turn to a smile
I spread my wings, like the bird,
And carry you beyond the darkness Beyond the darkness
In the bright light, painting out the long night,
I would announce my unchanging love, would kiss you, embrace you
Returning seasons… Wounded many times…
Someday… How I loved you…
Only your kindness… would relieve me…
So only to make you smile do I sing
Sing with tender loving care
A song that touches one’s heartstrings
But I am calmed, engulfed by your kindness
Powerless, I stacked up the sleepness nights, dreaming just one dream
Frustration coursed through my body I wiped away the flowing tears
At all times I trusted only you
This is all I can be proud of
My dreams, serving only to bring me days of anxiety,
Now flutter in the skies, glittering, vividly colouring the future
I want some day to prove how I loved you
And prayed for your pain, that it might turn to a smile
I spread my wings, like the bird,
And carry you beyond the darkness Beyond the darkness
In the bright light, painting out the long night,
I would announce my unchanging love, would kiss you, embrace you
Returning seasons… Wounded many times…
Someday… How I loved you…
Only your kindness… would relieve me…
So only to make you smile do I sing
Sing with tender loving care
A song that touches one’s heartstrings
Nightship D
Manipulating the light, I adore this arching ship
Nightship D
Believe or not believe
In the sky and on the sea of chaos, raise the sail, pull up the silver belt
Nightship D
Believe or not believe
The future is in these hands In the glass which shows our destination
The finest love flows Raise the flag in the name of freedom
Shining blue only by the moonlight The night recalls lost days
My sorrow will end soon Sharing overwhelming peace with you
[Stout mind!] [Honest mind!] [Fair mind!]
Nothing is impossible when you lose your fear of Death
The future is in these hands In the glass which shows our destination
The finest love flows Raise the flag in the name of freedom
Were you to forget this night, all would vanish, not even memories would remain
You can be beautiful, as you are, without adornments
So let us draw from the window, crossing the heavens until daybreak
And on our course let us raise our glasses and our nocturnes
[Stout mind!] [Honest mind!] [Fair mind!]
Nothing is impossible when you lose your fear of Death
Nightship D
Believe or not believe
In the sky and on the sea of chaos, raise the sail, pull up the silver belt
Nightship D
Believe or not believe
The future is in these hands In the glass which shows our destination
The finest love flows Raise the flag in the name of freedom
Shining blue only by the moonlight The night recalls lost days
My sorrow will end soon Sharing overwhelming peace with you
[Stout mind!] [Honest mind!] [Fair mind!]
Nothing is impossible when you lose your fear of Death
The future is in these hands In the glass which shows our destination
The finest love flows Raise the flag in the name of freedom
Were you to forget this night, all would vanish, not even memories would remain
You can be beautiful, as you are, without adornments
So let us draw from the window, crossing the heavens until daybreak
And on our course let us raise our glasses and our nocturnes
[Stout mind!] [Honest mind!] [Fair mind!]
Nothing is impossible when you lose your fear of Death
Angelic Blue
Hues of deep depression seep into my nostalgic consciousness
Time… everything… so comfortable
The dissolving world is an endless clear blue
May this dream never end…until all sin is forgiven
However much I cried there was always a shade you couldn’t imagine
Angelic blue sea. I want to know another world
Waking from the ‘death’ of guilt
Angelic blue sea. You can see this another world
I know the meaning of ‘truth’ existing in ‘time’
I think about oneself the future again
I never forget the meaning of a dream
Angelic blue sea. I want to know another world
Stepping from a new ‘life’
Angelic blue sea. You can see this another world
I feel gentle, warm hands pressing my back
This is no dream
I want to tell you of that pure scenery
The dream is ended
As if ‘morning’ is just faded reality
Waking from the ‘death’ of guilt, I now…
Stepping from new life, I pray..
Time… everything… so comfortable
The dissolving world is an endless clear blue
May this dream never end…until all sin is forgiven
However much I cried there was always a shade you couldn’t imagine
Angelic blue sea. I want to know another world
Waking from the ‘death’ of guilt
Angelic blue sea. You can see this another world
I know the meaning of ‘truth’ existing in ‘time’
I think about oneself the future again
I never forget the meaning of a dream
Angelic blue sea. I want to know another world
Stepping from a new ‘life’
Angelic blue sea. You can see this another world
I feel gentle, warm hands pressing my back
This is no dream
I want to tell you of that pure scenery
The dream is ended
As if ‘morning’ is just faded reality
Waking from the ‘death’ of guilt, I now…
Stepping from new life, I pray..
So I scrape away the filth with the knife of prayer
To be reborn, immersed in this cleansing spring
I look down on the world as it dissolves into the vast sky
Inside this blood muddied by love and hatred
‘Come, take my hand’ If there is indeed a future
Will you support me amidst the brewing storm?
Even the blessings covering the earth are tinged with malice
As I am parched to my soul by the beating sun
Merely hold me, with a warm light; with that voice and that love
No longer am I lost; I offer all to you
Endless, forever
This spirit, undulating and singing to the mighty ocean
Merely hold me, with a warm light; with that voice and that love
No longer am I lost; I offer all to you
Endless, forever
I hold you now; in prayer and recompense even our sins are forgiven
Blessings pour on us; with you this I swear-
I will ever more be by your side
Let us leave this twisted earth for the light
With our newfound wings
Eden’s eternal glow, diamond tears
…in dancing…in trembling…in prayer…
To be reborn, immersed in this cleansing spring
I look down on the world as it dissolves into the vast sky
Inside this blood muddied by love and hatred
‘Come, take my hand’ If there is indeed a future
Will you support me amidst the brewing storm?
Even the blessings covering the earth are tinged with malice
As I am parched to my soul by the beating sun
Merely hold me, with a warm light; with that voice and that love
No longer am I lost; I offer all to you
Endless, forever
This spirit, undulating and singing to the mighty ocean
Merely hold me, with a warm light; with that voice and that love
No longer am I lost; I offer all to you
Endless, forever
I hold you now; in prayer and recompense even our sins are forgiven
Blessings pour on us; with you this I swear-
I will ever more be by your side
Let us leave this twisted earth for the light
With our newfound wings
Eden’s eternal glow, diamond tears
…in dancing…in trembling…in prayer…
Lost Breath
In a ruined mirror does my day being…covered in so much sweat
To the flowing future ‘My head is splitting!’
People may all dirty my name, may spit on me
Understanding came too late, I realize ‘The closing scene’
I feel…[End of life]
I feel…[End of days]
My red ocean, drawn in the debris
At the horizon, the arms which held me
To be held by you…that is my own private paradise
So hold me…
Light shone on your back through a chink in the clouds
I entrusted this exhausted body to you softly
I feel…[End of life]
I feel…[End of days]
The dry wind, drawn in the debris,
Embraces the sadness and speaks to my eternal friend
The curtain falls so vividly, turning to monochrome the film I so desired
Living the present, the future begins in a peaceful dream
Please talk me kindly for my lost breath
I pray for my dear
To the flowing future ‘My head is splitting!’
People may all dirty my name, may spit on me
Understanding came too late, I realize ‘The closing scene’
I feel…[End of life]
I feel…[End of days]
My red ocean, drawn in the debris
At the horizon, the arms which held me
To be held by you…that is my own private paradise
So hold me…
Light shone on your back through a chink in the clouds
I entrusted this exhausted body to you softly
I feel…[End of life]
I feel…[End of days]
The dry wind, drawn in the debris,
Embraces the sadness and speaks to my eternal friend
The curtain falls so vividly, turning to monochrome the film I so desired
Living the present, the future begins in a peaceful dream
Please talk me kindly for my lost breath
I pray for my dear
Inner space. I fall down.
Just like a pitiful young hare…what is reflected in the glassiness of your eye?
Strange and inverted, the corpse of your memories slipped through your sky
Further into you…
Drowning in tears, you slip into the dizzy vortex of flowing melancholy
The key to your castle is lost; with poison in your mouth creation is shaken
[nerve cell] Wall is broken me!
[psychopathy] Open the gate!
You don’t drink drugs
[Close my heart and brain]
Listen to me
The glorious bud, trembling in the gap between girlhood and adulthood
Your frozen, naked heart… I give you this dress
Don’t cry, Alice
[I want to stay here now]
Unlikely to be able to walk this thorned path
To live is to dream… I give you matching shoes
So smile, Alice
…and how she would feel with all their simple sorrows,
and find a pleasure in all their simple joys,
remembering her own child-life, and the happy summerdays
Just like a pitiful young hare…what is reflected in the glassiness of your eye?
Strange and inverted, the corpse of your memories slipped through your sky
Further into you…
Drowning in tears, you slip into the dizzy vortex of flowing melancholy
The key to your castle is lost; with poison in your mouth creation is shaken
[nerve cell] Wall is broken me!
[psychopathy] Open the gate!
You don’t drink drugs
[Close my heart and brain]
Listen to me
The glorious bud, trembling in the gap between girlhood and adulthood
Your frozen, naked heart… I give you this dress
Don’t cry, Alice
[I want to stay here now]
Unlikely to be able to walk this thorned path
To live is to dream… I give you matching shoes
So smile, Alice
…and how she would feel with all their simple sorrows,
and find a pleasure in all their simple joys,
remembering her own child-life, and the happy summerdays
You must pray, then, this way
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name
Your kingdom come, your will be done
On earth as it is in heaven
Give us this day our daily bread
The nightmare which drowned in the wave of velvet, with the crime and the ?? of darkness
And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil
The frozen curtain of extinction, blocking the quiet sunlight
My face, reflecting my heart, is slowly painted over…black
Distort my face
Pray to God
Eccentric dark seeks out corruption…I breathe it in, I hear it
View and reason, sinned against… Though I know his dream will never be fulfilled
Everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, praying
God the Father through him
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name
Your kingdom come, your will be done
On earth as it is in heaven
Give us this day our daily bread
The nightmare which drowned in the wave of velvet, with the crime and the ?? of darkness
And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil
The frozen curtain of extinction, blocking the quiet sunlight
My face, reflecting my heart, is slowly painted over…black
Distort my face
Pray to God
Eccentric dark seeks out corruption…I breathe it in, I hear it
View and reason, sinned against… Though I know his dream will never be fulfilled
Everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, praying
God the Father through him
Vampire Missa
Is this the dawn of the world we dream?
We wander on through this eternal wasteland
Judging sun, burn this flesh!
Surely this is the cry of freedom [Cry out!]
Violating the rules, we awoke to love
We look up at the last, beautiful night sky
Let us dance, sensing the darkness
This feast of rapture
Silhouette of immorality
Theory of decadence
Parched throat
Withered rose
Since I love you I kiss you silently goodbye
I will not sully you with this accursed desire
Eve now, knowing the wish will not be fulfilled,
I pray, unable to forget this awakened love
To prove my love to you, I burn here in the sun
I will not cause you eternal torture
Since I love you I kiss you silently goodbye
I will not sully you with this accursed desire
Let me turn to dust, engulfed by my memories
This love that transcends death will soon change the world
Vampire Missa…’Last’ Vampire Missa
Is this the dawn of the world we dream?
We wander on through this eternal wasteland
Judging sun, burn this flesh!
Surely this is the cry of freedom [Cry out!]
Violating the rules, we awoke to love
We look up at the last, beautiful night sky
Let us dance, sensing the darkness
This feast of rapture
Silhouette of immorality
Theory of decadence
Parched throat
Withered rose
Since I love you I kiss you silently goodbye
I will not sully you with this accursed desire
Eve now, knowing the wish will not be fulfilled,
I pray, unable to forget this awakened love
To prove my love to you, I burn here in the sun
I will not cause you eternal torture
Since I love you I kiss you silently goodbye
I will not sully you with this accursed desire
Let me turn to dust, engulfed by my memories
This love that transcends death will soon change the world
Vampire Missa…’Last’ Vampire Missa
The black-cloaked shadow hunting the undead returns all to nought
A blood relation, feeding on humankind
The twain 2fold spiral of destiny, the eternal curse
The silver bullet which penetrates the heart
Before the black blood corrupts your morality
I will not pull the trigger if I need not
[May cry!]
[All vampire come to nothing]
Your voice pierces me
Yet when I look back you are there no more
As the open wound begins to hurt once more
I keep running, so as to bring back our time together
[May cry!]
[So cool, I’m Dunpeal]
The endless scream will not leave me
The hateful blood flows yet I never lose with you
Since we can’t reset this reality
Ring leader must die is what I can do for you
Your voice pierces me
Yet when I look back you are there no more
As the open wound begins to hurt once more
I keep running, so as to bring back our time together
A blood relation, feeding on humankind
The twain 2fold spiral of destiny, the eternal curse
The silver bullet which penetrates the heart
Before the black blood corrupts your morality
I will not pull the trigger if I need not
[May cry!]
[All vampire come to nothing]
Your voice pierces me
Yet when I look back you are there no more
As the open wound begins to hurt once more
I keep running, so as to bring back our time together
[May cry!]
[So cool, I’m Dunpeal]
The endless scream will not leave me
The hateful blood flows yet I never lose with you
Since we can’t reset this reality
Ring leader must die is what I can do for you
Your voice pierces me
Yet when I look back you are there no more
As the open wound begins to hurt once more
I keep running, so as to bring back our time together
On this rainy Tuesday, the heavy humidity feels pleasant
I can hear her emotions resounding from the destroyed bedroom
Her discontent, greed, jealousy, and confining nature
Will she eventually end my suffering and break me down?
On this rainy Tuesday, I don't want to go into that bedroom
Predisposed to hysteria, you're fascinated with your wrists again
My suffering will eventually sever the pipe
Just as planned, you did break me down
Is this your true self, following on my heels flirting even now?
It makes me laugh, how ugly you are...
Scattering, scattering roses in the saliva - tonight, there are no tears.
Scattering, scattering - I loved you, the past, those sweet days I can't return to
On this rainy Tuesday, in my nausea and headache
My convulsing pupils caught sight of you running away
I want to keep playing, I want to feel it until I'm sick of it
Give me the satisfaction of ending your greed
Crying out in tears, my face is void of expression
Let's mingle together to liberate ourselves more, and deteriorate...
Deeply, deeply, as if to melt, deep suffering, pain, and anguish
I am captivated and drowning in this danger and bewitching beauty
Scattering, scattering undampened flowers and your frigidity [2]
Left to pleasure myself, trembling, trembling - if I came, the daily regrets would be in vain
On this rainy Tuesday, the heavy humidity feels pleasant
My new girlfriend is a type A addict in a wheelchair
You're a quiet, cleanly, pure rose without a speck of dirt
Let's hope every day that the 12th victim won't appear.
I can hear her emotions resounding from the destroyed bedroom
Her discontent, greed, jealousy, and confining nature
Will she eventually end my suffering and break me down?
On this rainy Tuesday, I don't want to go into that bedroom
Predisposed to hysteria, you're fascinated with your wrists again
My suffering will eventually sever the pipe
Just as planned, you did break me down
Is this your true self, following on my heels flirting even now?
It makes me laugh, how ugly you are...
Scattering, scattering roses in the saliva - tonight, there are no tears.
Scattering, scattering - I loved you, the past, those sweet days I can't return to
On this rainy Tuesday, in my nausea and headache
My convulsing pupils caught sight of you running away
I want to keep playing, I want to feel it until I'm sick of it
Give me the satisfaction of ending your greed
Crying out in tears, my face is void of expression
Let's mingle together to liberate ourselves more, and deteriorate...
Deeply, deeply, as if to melt, deep suffering, pain, and anguish
I am captivated and drowning in this danger and bewitching beauty
Scattering, scattering undampened flowers and your frigidity [2]
Left to pleasure myself, trembling, trembling - if I came, the daily regrets would be in vain
On this rainy Tuesday, the heavy humidity feels pleasant
My new girlfriend is a type A addict in a wheelchair
You're a quiet, cleanly, pure rose without a speck of dirt
Let's hope every day that the 12th victim won't appear.
the GazettE
After meeting, how many wounds are needed just for support
When you are harsh, other people learn things from it
Reality in the eye of the burning, scar you full of silence
Do not need a reason for you to return to me
From me, who is left for you who has become nothing
What do you think is harsh?
Still, you do not say anything
These words are not meant for me
Go somewhere
Trying to call your name
this voice does not reach you
Opening your eyes, your face shows lies, and laughter
Tomorrow you will probably go somewhere you desire
You go anywhere
You think about me so Always
You will probably go somewhere
You leave me alone and keep running
I cannot reach you anymore Cannot reach you anymore
At last being able to meet you
ended my overflowing patience
A tear dropped
Words which you could not say
Now the place where you once sang
Everyone compared to you is loved
I have loved I have loved
The room where two people stay even now is the same
Without using either key you will find a way to return
I can wait forever, you understand
And now the door is opened, and can visibly show your form
Tomorrow you will certainly return
After meeting, how many wounds are needed just for support
When you are harsh, other people learn things from it
Reality in the eye of the burning, scar you full of silence
Do not need a reason for you to return to me
From me, who is left for you who has become nothing
What do you think is harsh?
Still, you do not say anything
These words are not meant for me
Go somewhere
Trying to call your name
this voice does not reach you
Opening your eyes, your face shows lies, and laughter
Tomorrow you will probably go somewhere you desire
You go anywhere
You think about me so Always
You will probably go somewhere
You leave me alone and keep running
I cannot reach you anymore Cannot reach you anymore
At last being able to meet you
ended my overflowing patience
A tear dropped
Words which you could not say
Now the place where you once sang
Everyone compared to you is loved
I have loved I have loved
The room where two people stay even now is the same
Without using either key you will find a way to return
I can wait forever, you understand
And now the door is opened, and can visibly show your form
Tomorrow you will certainly return
the GazettE
Tokyo Shinjuu
The person that I love is my all
You are here so I can be myself
"Dad, Mom, I decided to live with him in Tokyo. I know that is stupid, but I'm not a child anymore. I can think for myself. I'm sorry. Please forgive my last selfishness."
The ticket to Tokyo you gave me and the dream that you told me
"Will you come to Tokyo and live with me?"
I was a little bit upset but I was happy
I was not afraid at all because you are with me
We will have a really hard time in the future
I left my family that I trust to come here, my attachments and immature ideas
To have a new life with you and your dream
I am poor in Tokyo but I have you
My happiness overflows even when I am waiting for you to come home
I cook your favorite dinner from my heart
I want to see your happy face...I want to see you
"I am getting used to living in Tokyo. He works hard until midnight every day.
Recently, he doesn't look energetic. When I ask him something, he just smiles tiredly.
He doesn't say anything. I'm very worried."
"I'm home."
Your very sweet voice
When we had a hard time we always supported each other
No matter how much misfortune we had we were fine with each other
It doesn't mean this love is over
Our feelings just turned away*
The night he lost against society, he cried for the first time
Tell me how I can cheer him up
The happy family that I lost for my dream
They cry out of regret
We are poor to the bone
We take each others hands
We look at the out-of-season hanabi*
After the small fire is dropped, so is all our attachment to the world
Close our eyes and jump into the cold sea...together
Our hands come apart
You and I become nothing
(You and I become nothing)*
"I spent three months together with you. So many things happened.
I understood you so much because we lived together. You are tired of working, aren't you?
I'm fine because I will be with him forever. I'm sorry Dad and Mom.
I can't live without him. I'm sorry I made you worry a lot. I'm sorry. I'm sorry."
You are here so I can be myself
"Dad, Mom, I decided to live with him in Tokyo. I know that is stupid, but I'm not a child anymore. I can think for myself. I'm sorry. Please forgive my last selfishness."
The ticket to Tokyo you gave me and the dream that you told me
"Will you come to Tokyo and live with me?"
I was a little bit upset but I was happy
I was not afraid at all because you are with me
We will have a really hard time in the future
I left my family that I trust to come here, my attachments and immature ideas
To have a new life with you and your dream
I am poor in Tokyo but I have you
My happiness overflows even when I am waiting for you to come home
I cook your favorite dinner from my heart
I want to see your happy face...I want to see you
"I am getting used to living in Tokyo. He works hard until midnight every day.
Recently, he doesn't look energetic. When I ask him something, he just smiles tiredly.
He doesn't say anything. I'm very worried."
"I'm home."
Your very sweet voice
When we had a hard time we always supported each other
No matter how much misfortune we had we were fine with each other
It doesn't mean this love is over
Our feelings just turned away*
The night he lost against society, he cried for the first time
Tell me how I can cheer him up
The happy family that I lost for my dream
They cry out of regret
We are poor to the bone
We take each others hands
We look at the out-of-season hanabi*
After the small fire is dropped, so is all our attachment to the world
Close our eyes and jump into the cold sea...together
Our hands come apart
You and I become nothing
(You and I become nothing)*
"I spent three months together with you. So many things happened.
I understood you so much because we lived together. You are tired of working, aren't you?
I'm fine because I will be with him forever. I'm sorry Dad and Mom.
I can't live without him. I'm sorry I made you worry a lot. I'm sorry. I'm sorry."
the GazettE
A wintry sky and the broken streetlight cold wind.
Unknown shadow the footprint of desertion.
Freedom was taken.
If it wakes up a gloomy ceiling.
A laughing voice sinks in the eardrum it is soiled.
And violence rapes me.
An understanding is impossible.
Why was I chosen? Someone should answer...
Please answer that it's just a terrible dream
How long will my crying out, my agony, my torment continue?
Please tell me it's just a terrible dream
My broken voice has cried out so many times
There is no hand of preparing of the disordered hair.
A laughing voice sinks in the eardrum a faint temperature is mixed in the midwinter.
Killing my voice, as I withered away it told me
To not give up on life
Killing my voice, the trembling night drowns in pain
Forgive my ceasing breath...
Please answer that it's just a terrible dream
How long will my crying out, my agony, my torment continue?
Please tell me it's just a terrible dream
I just want to laugh one last time in my final moment
Unknown shadow the footprint of desertion.
Freedom was taken.
If it wakes up a gloomy ceiling.
A laughing voice sinks in the eardrum it is soiled.
And violence rapes me.
An understanding is impossible.
Why was I chosen? Someone should answer...
Please answer that it's just a terrible dream
How long will my crying out, my agony, my torment continue?
Please tell me it's just a terrible dream
My broken voice has cried out so many times
There is no hand of preparing of the disordered hair.
A laughing voice sinks in the eardrum a faint temperature is mixed in the midwinter.
Killing my voice, as I withered away it told me
To not give up on life
Killing my voice, the trembling night drowns in pain
Forgive my ceasing breath...
Please answer that it's just a terrible dream
How long will my crying out, my agony, my torment continue?
Please tell me it's just a terrible dream
I just want to laugh one last time in my final moment
the GazettE
(Nobody, if I left you) (4x)
mazuru kame wo matataku to ima mirateta yo
nani tsukerare tsuyoi na itami ga ore wo hanase ne
tairu ni koboreta ii REFLECTION
kazumi no oboreta etsu COLLECTION
[Life is a broken game, this is a broken game]
nandemo wa te matsui, so you said.
Let's send a gallows into the scene which you hope for
(Look what have you promised me, all those stupid things)
ima na mienai yo koe shiezu no kotsu
tatoesete wa tsuzukeru wake yuke
ubutsu wasenu tame wo sou e kizoku
Can you hear the counting song of pain, baby?
(I wanna escape now, baby)
nani utsuru kotaere wa meteku
(I wanna escape to you, baby)
Can you hear the counting song of pain, baby?
(I wanna escape, rescue me)
kuroki hi wa ima mo waseru mama
I've lost you, you've left me, lonelyness
Someday, can't get back to you
Can't stop crawling back!
nagarete ke wa kodou yukou chotto muuri yuku
toki ga boke kumi ute mo
wasureru koto wa shinai
You are the same as nothing, misaseru
Let's send a gallows into the scene which you hope for
(Look what have you promised me, all those stupid things)
ima na mienai yo koe shiezu no kotsu
tatoesete wa tsuzukeru wake yuke
ubutsu wasenu tame wo sou e kizoku
Can you hear the counting song of pain, baby?
(I wanna escape now, baby)
me ni utsuru kotaere ga kieru
(I wanna escape to you, baby)
Can you hear the counting song of pain, baby?
(I wanna escape, rescue me)
kuroki hi wo ore muru muuri ni se ni
utsukushiki saiteku ga kanashii ga ni yureteru
me wo fusagu kotose wa tsumi
I've lost you, you left me, lonelyness
Someday, can't keep counting!
Sugar pain, baby!
mazuru kame wo matataku to ima mirateta yo
nani tsukerare tsuyoi na itami ga ore wo hanase ne
tairu ni koboreta ii REFLECTION
kazumi no oboreta etsu COLLECTION
[Life is a broken game, this is a broken game]
nandemo wa te matsui, so you said.
Let's send a gallows into the scene which you hope for
(Look what have you promised me, all those stupid things)
ima na mienai yo koe shiezu no kotsu
tatoesete wa tsuzukeru wake yuke
ubutsu wasenu tame wo sou e kizoku
Can you hear the counting song of pain, baby?
(I wanna escape now, baby)
nani utsuru kotaere wa meteku
(I wanna escape to you, baby)
Can you hear the counting song of pain, baby?
(I wanna escape, rescue me)
kuroki hi wa ima mo waseru mama
I've lost you, you've left me, lonelyness
Someday, can't get back to you
Can't stop crawling back!
nagarete ke wa kodou yukou chotto muuri yuku
toki ga boke kumi ute mo
wasureru koto wa shinai
You are the same as nothing, misaseru
Let's send a gallows into the scene which you hope for
(Look what have you promised me, all those stupid things)
ima na mienai yo koe shiezu no kotsu
tatoesete wa tsuzukeru wake yuke
ubutsu wasenu tame wo sou e kizoku
Can you hear the counting song of pain, baby?
(I wanna escape now, baby)
me ni utsuru kotaere ga kieru
(I wanna escape to you, baby)
Can you hear the counting song of pain, baby?
(I wanna escape, rescue me)
kuroki hi wo ore muru muuri ni se ni
utsukushiki saiteku ga kanashii ga ni yureteru
me wo fusagu kotose wa tsumi
I've lost you, you left me, lonelyness
Someday, can't keep counting!
Sugar pain, baby!
the GazettE
LINDA~candy dive pinky heaven~
Throw everything away, no reason to be confused
Become like a shining star☆ [Linda]
Pinky heaven or Bloody hell
[Life] and [Death]’s abnormal game
Candy voice &Devil's smile
Highkick'in the your head
The unheard-of heresy of the geisha, the lightening is meeting here!
Everyone’s heart will dance, the deep rumble of the storm
Riding on the wild rhythm, violently the bomb will drop
The audience will thunder like a quake, we will teach our way
Break the rules adults have made
We will dance until the sun rises [Linda…]
Spray-paint the rotting world
From here it will start, a new day…
Throw everything away, no reason to be scared
Become like a shining star☆[Linda…]
Become like a shining star☆ [Linda]
Pinky heaven or Bloody hell
[Life] and [Death]’s abnormal game
Candy voice &Devil's smile
Highkick'in the your head
The unheard-of heresy of the geisha, the lightening is meeting here!
Everyone’s heart will dance, the deep rumble of the storm
Riding on the wild rhythm, violently the bomb will drop
The audience will thunder like a quake, we will teach our way
Break the rules adults have made
We will dance until the sun rises [Linda…]
Spray-paint the rotting world
From here it will start, a new day…
Throw everything away, no reason to be scared
Become like a shining star☆[Linda…]
the GazettE
Filth in the beauty
The reverse side of beauty
It dyed by beloved filth.
The firefly submerged in a sea of glamour
Denial is a lie caused by desire
Body heat dyed with contradiction
In the caress that takes on reason
The spring that melts into a dance is suddenly
My mind which falls
Your seed and my seed never mixes.
The connection of this blood is eternal.
You cannot finish suppressing the desire.
To true daughter...[Sexual disgrace]
The pulse of "hunger" which covers the breath
Searches for the confused* crimson lotus flower
Closet mind is distorted instability.
please release me before breaking.
How long...
In humiliation
The countless fatal scar was born.
[Sexual disgrace]
Prohibited bud...
Reckless driving cucumber...
The kin' collapses...
Near relatives on death...
The smell of a cigarette smell breath&shit
Moment that bitter white jam is mixed
Inside of a brain caused an error
and goes mad by the sweet bug [loop]
The tongue and the hands that creep around your neck
Dye the desired expression a burning crimson
Closet mind is distorted instability.
please release me before breaking.
So long...
In humiliation
The final art is your dead face
Dad which fell to the trap
It dyed by beloved filth.
The firefly submerged in a sea of glamour
Denial is a lie caused by desire
Body heat dyed with contradiction
In the caress that takes on reason
The spring that melts into a dance is suddenly
My mind which falls
Your seed and my seed never mixes.
The connection of this blood is eternal.
You cannot finish suppressing the desire.
To true daughter...[Sexual disgrace]
The pulse of "hunger" which covers the breath
Searches for the confused* crimson lotus flower
Closet mind is distorted instability.
please release me before breaking.
How long...
In humiliation
The countless fatal scar was born.
[Sexual disgrace]
Prohibited bud...
Reckless driving cucumber...
The kin' collapses...
Near relatives on death...
The smell of a cigarette smell breath&shit
Moment that bitter white jam is mixed
Inside of a brain caused an error
and goes mad by the sweet bug [loop]
The tongue and the hands that creep around your neck
Dye the desired expression a burning crimson
Closet mind is distorted instability.
please release me before breaking.
So long...
In humiliation
The final art is your dead face
Dad which fell to the trap
the GazettE
Ugly acting and song
You're just a can't-dance Handsome
Your copulation is dirtier than money
Unprincipled strategist
Abuse, middle aged spread
Feeling like a braggart at the nook of a BROWN pipe
Please disappear because it is an eyesore
You were born from the mouth?
Nothing but continuing flattery from your knothole
Your copulation is dirtier than money
Unprincipled strategist
Abuse, middle aged spread
The half-crazed brat is drenched to the bone
Please disappear because it is an eyesore
It fails together if going straight
Curtain of wine red cannot tell apart
As it flows down A dancing dream
Imitating left and right Crooked Masquerade
In a decorated swaying love
Drowning in this moment
Those who swarm to you are instant sympathizers
A ruined greenhouse Prince
A CHANDELIER in the back of your head
Those dying-out days Your sympathy is a Hyena
The voice that bloomed in your face
Is a worthless pile of idealism
Facile “Eternity” is an overused dream
With mulitcoloured tears
With mulitcoloured words
If painted over, could you exist with that face?
The imprint seen over and over
In the lies given over and over
You’re rotting as you’re self absorbed See?
You're just a can't-dance Handsome
Your copulation is dirtier than money
Unprincipled strategist
Abuse, middle aged spread
Feeling like a braggart at the nook of a BROWN pipe
Please disappear because it is an eyesore
You were born from the mouth?
Nothing but continuing flattery from your knothole
Your copulation is dirtier than money
Unprincipled strategist
Abuse, middle aged spread
The half-crazed brat is drenched to the bone
Please disappear because it is an eyesore
It fails together if going straight
Curtain of wine red cannot tell apart
As it flows down A dancing dream
Imitating left and right Crooked Masquerade
In a decorated swaying love
Drowning in this moment
Those who swarm to you are instant sympathizers
A ruined greenhouse Prince
A CHANDELIER in the back of your head
Those dying-out days Your sympathy is a Hyena
The voice that bloomed in your face
Is a worthless pile of idealism
Facile “Eternity” is an overused dream
With mulitcoloured tears
With mulitcoloured words
If painted over, could you exist with that face?
The imprint seen over and over
In the lies given over and over
You’re rotting as you’re self absorbed See?
the GazettE
Ah it was the same thing over and over
All I ever did was hurt you
Ah I’m sure I even hurt you
I still can’t move
Ah your touch
Why is it this painful?
Surely the same thing will keep repeating
Because I was afraid to lose you
I tried to wipe out all the times I held you close
That day I never could forget
You took my hand without asking anything
Even if I’m separated from your feelings tomorrow
I know my love for you won’t change
I will walk together
The future not promised
It keeps walking together
to the future in which you are...
I think of you so much, the harder times are forgotten
My heart yearns as I count all the nights when we didn’t meet
Inviting in the loneliness of the times we clashed
Please don’t cry alone
No matter how far apart we are, let’s keep believing in us
I want us to be laughing like this
Don’t let me hurt you
Fading away as time passed
I don’t want to feel that way again
Even if I’m separated from your feelings tomorrow
I know my love for you won’t change
Even if you can no longer see me tomorrow
I know my love for you won’t change
Please… only look at me
Please… so my hand won’t be torn from yours
I will walk together
The future not promised
It keeps walking together
to the future in which you are...
All I ever did was hurt you
Ah I’m sure I even hurt you
I still can’t move
Ah your touch
Why is it this painful?
Surely the same thing will keep repeating
Because I was afraid to lose you
I tried to wipe out all the times I held you close
That day I never could forget
You took my hand without asking anything
Even if I’m separated from your feelings tomorrow
I know my love for you won’t change
I will walk together
The future not promised
It keeps walking together
to the future in which you are...
I think of you so much, the harder times are forgotten
My heart yearns as I count all the nights when we didn’t meet
Inviting in the loneliness of the times we clashed
Please don’t cry alone
No matter how far apart we are, let’s keep believing in us
I want us to be laughing like this
Don’t let me hurt you
Fading away as time passed
I don’t want to feel that way again
Even if I’m separated from your feelings tomorrow
I know my love for you won’t change
Even if you can no longer see me tomorrow
I know my love for you won’t change
Please… only look at me
Please… so my hand won’t be torn from yours
I will walk together
The future not promised
It keeps walking together
to the future in which you are...
the GazettE
In your letter there are only words I cannot read
I want to meet you hear it from your mouth
Weak with white which I can't get used to Just a sigh echoes
Though I'd be saved if I only knew the color of the sky
I want to someday forget even the deep struggling breaths
When even the strength of wishing so seems shriveled up
If I sing "Downcast Tomorrow" The sleep that comes after the thorn
The Restraint my body was bound by
Even the mind seems to sleep
The heat that touched my cheeks is very nostalgically sweet
The shadow I saw in a dim loophole A warm-colored dream
My eyes in which your impression is left
even when the day I lose sight of you comes
You are burned into these eyes.
You do not take me with you
To the days with you and the sunlight filtering through the trees
The oozing white wavers
It feels like I'll even forget words
Where do my tears flow away to
Call my name
Hold me till I crumble
I'm afraid to lose anything else
Where are you singing about me
Even if I listen hard, what echoes is my uneasy heartbeat
I can't recall the warmth that was left on my cheek
What I saw in the dim loophole Was a cold-colored reality1
I nestle up to
Your small wishes of a thousand cranes
Without returning the smile, just
In the last memory of counting my breaths...
I hear your voice
In the morning where everything was lost
"Two would could not be one"
I want to meet you hear it from your mouth
Weak with white which I can't get used to Just a sigh echoes
Though I'd be saved if I only knew the color of the sky
I want to someday forget even the deep struggling breaths
When even the strength of wishing so seems shriveled up
If I sing "Downcast Tomorrow" The sleep that comes after the thorn
The Restraint my body was bound by
Even the mind seems to sleep
The heat that touched my cheeks is very nostalgically sweet
The shadow I saw in a dim loophole A warm-colored dream
My eyes in which your impression is left
even when the day I lose sight of you comes
You are burned into these eyes.
You do not take me with you
To the days with you and the sunlight filtering through the trees
The oozing white wavers
It feels like I'll even forget words
Where do my tears flow away to
Call my name
Hold me till I crumble
I'm afraid to lose anything else
Where are you singing about me
Even if I listen hard, what echoes is my uneasy heartbeat
I can't recall the warmth that was left on my cheek
What I saw in the dim loophole Was a cold-colored reality1
I nestle up to
Your small wishes of a thousand cranes
Without returning the smile, just
In the last memory of counting my breaths...
I hear your voice
In the morning where everything was lost
"Two would could not be one"
the GazettE
Somehow everything's gonna fall right into place,
If we only had a way to make it all fall faster everyday.
If only time flew like a dove,
Will god make it fly faster than I'm falling in love.
This time we're not giving up,
Let's make it last forever,
Screaming "Hallelujah".
We'll make it last forever.
Holding onto patience, wearing thin,
I can't force these eyes to see the end.
If only time flew like a dove,
Well we could watch it fly, and just keep looking up.
This time we're not giving up,
Let's make it last forever,
Screaming "Hallelujah".
We'll make it last forever.
And we've got time on our hands.
[And we've got time]
Got nothing but time on our hands.
Got nothing but, got nothing but.
[And we've got time]
Got nothing but time on our hands.
This time we're not giving up,
Oh, let's make it last forever,
Screaming "Hallelujah".
If we only had a way to make it all fall faster everyday.
If only time flew like a dove,
Will god make it fly faster than I'm falling in love.
This time we're not giving up,
Let's make it last forever,
Screaming "Hallelujah".
We'll make it last forever.
Holding onto patience, wearing thin,
I can't force these eyes to see the end.
If only time flew like a dove,
Well we could watch it fly, and just keep looking up.
This time we're not giving up,
Let's make it last forever,
Screaming "Hallelujah".
We'll make it last forever.
And we've got time on our hands.
[And we've got time]
Got nothing but time on our hands.
Got nothing but, got nothing but.
[And we've got time]
Got nothing but time on our hands.
This time we're not giving up,
Oh, let's make it last forever,
Screaming "Hallelujah".
You fell away,
What more can I say?
The feelings evolved,
I won't let it out,
I can't replace...
Your screaming face,
Feeling the sickness inside
Why won't you die?
Your blood in mine…
We'll be fine…
Then your body will be mine
So many words
Can't describe my face
This feeling's evolved
So soon to break out
I can't relate
to a happy state
feeling the blood run inside
Why won't you die?
Your blood in mine…
We'll be fine…
Then your body will be mine
Why is everything so fucking hard for me?
Keep me down to what you think I should be!
Must you tempt me and provoke the ministry?
Keep on trying I’ll not die so easily
I will not die…
Why is everything so fucking hard for me?
I will not die…
Why is everything so fucking hard for me?
I will not die…
Why won't you die?
Your blood is mine….
We'll be fine….
Then your body will be mine [x2]
What more can I say?
The feelings evolved,
I won't let it out,
I can't replace...
Your screaming face,
Feeling the sickness inside
Why won't you die?
Your blood in mine…
We'll be fine…
Then your body will be mine
So many words
Can't describe my face
This feeling's evolved
So soon to break out
I can't relate
to a happy state
feeling the blood run inside
Why won't you die?
Your blood in mine…
We'll be fine…
Then your body will be mine
Why is everything so fucking hard for me?
Keep me down to what you think I should be!
Must you tempt me and provoke the ministry?
Keep on trying I’ll not die so easily
I will not die…
Why is everything so fucking hard for me?
I will not die…
Why is everything so fucking hard for me?
I will not die…
Why won't you die?
Your blood is mine….
We'll be fine….
Then your body will be mine [x2]
Linkin Park,
I didn't think that I had a debt to pay
'Til they came to take what I had left away
You said you wouldn't put me to the test today
But I remember you saying that yesterday
There was a time when your mind wasn't out of control
Every memory and confession pouring out of your soul
Like a pill you couldn't swallow so it swallowed you whole
Another lie hard to follow, it followed you home
And like that
Broken down
A victim of your plight
Fire so out of control
Every memory and confession pouring out of your soul
And like that
Broken down
A victim of you lies
You hide behind
You don't know
You crossed the line
Wrapped up inside your
You hide behind
You're lost inside that cold disguise
Behind your lies
I don't know what I thought I might say
Seems like we never would talk the right way
Every other minute I fought for my place
And drop what I made thought you might say so
I'm guessing that you probably know
When your inside's hollow and you want to be cold
Like a pill I couldn't swallow and it swallow me whole
Another lie hard to follow, it followed you home
And like that
Broken down
A victim of your lies
You hide behind
You don't know
You crossed the line
Wrapped inside your lies
You hide behind
You're lost inside that cold disguise
Behind your lies
You're faking, you're mistaken
If you think that you could climb out of this hole
Forsaken, what would take me?
Analyzing by the power of your soul
Broken down, a victim of your
Faking, you're mistaken
If you think that you could climb out of this hole
Broken down, a victim of your lies
You hide behind
You don't know
You hide behind
You don't know
You hide behind
You don't know
You hide behind
Wrapped up inside your lies
You hide behind
You don't know
You crossed the line
Wrapped up inside your
You hide behind
You're lost inside that cold disguise
Behind your lies
'Til they came to take what I had left away
You said you wouldn't put me to the test today
But I remember you saying that yesterday
There was a time when your mind wasn't out of control
Every memory and confession pouring out of your soul
Like a pill you couldn't swallow so it swallowed you whole
Another lie hard to follow, it followed you home
And like that
Broken down
A victim of your plight
Fire so out of control
Every memory and confession pouring out of your soul
And like that
Broken down
A victim of you lies
You hide behind
You don't know
You crossed the line
Wrapped up inside your
You hide behind
You're lost inside that cold disguise
Behind your lies
I don't know what I thought I might say
Seems like we never would talk the right way
Every other minute I fought for my place
And drop what I made thought you might say so
I'm guessing that you probably know
When your inside's hollow and you want to be cold
Like a pill I couldn't swallow and it swallow me whole
Another lie hard to follow, it followed you home
And like that
Broken down
A victim of your lies
You hide behind
You don't know
You crossed the line
Wrapped inside your lies
You hide behind
You're lost inside that cold disguise
Behind your lies
You're faking, you're mistaken
If you think that you could climb out of this hole
Forsaken, what would take me?
Analyzing by the power of your soul
Broken down, a victim of your
Faking, you're mistaken
If you think that you could climb out of this hole
Broken down, a victim of your lies
You hide behind
You don't know
You hide behind
You don't know
You hide behind
You don't know
You hide behind
Wrapped up inside your lies
You hide behind
You don't know
You crossed the line
Wrapped up inside your
You hide behind
You're lost inside that cold disguise
Behind your lies
Linkin Park,
Morning after
Caught up against the wall again
Tied and chained to the ball again
Never cease to amaze in minds
So I just sleep sleep sleep please don't
Wake me till the morning after [2x]
Cut and bruised by the fall again
Lick my wounds like a dog again
Is that a light at the end of the tunnel
That I see I see please let it be but don't
Wake me till the morning after [3x]
Oh I'm so tired there has got to be an end
to the pain I feel when I'm
awake and alive alive alive
alive and I'm dreamin'
Caught up against the wall again
Tied and chained to the ball again
Is that a light at the end of the tunnel
That I see I see please let it be but don't
Wake me till the morning after [3x]
Oh I'm so tired there has got to be an end
to the pain I feel when I'm
Awake and alive alive alive
Alive and I'm dreamin'
Tied and chained to the ball again
Never cease to amaze in minds
So I just sleep sleep sleep please don't
Wake me till the morning after [2x]
Cut and bruised by the fall again
Lick my wounds like a dog again
Is that a light at the end of the tunnel
That I see I see please let it be but don't
Wake me till the morning after [3x]
Oh I'm so tired there has got to be an end
to the pain I feel when I'm
awake and alive alive alive
alive and I'm dreamin'
Caught up against the wall again
Tied and chained to the ball again
Is that a light at the end of the tunnel
That I see I see please let it be but don't
Wake me till the morning after [3x]
Oh I'm so tired there has got to be an end
to the pain I feel when I'm
Awake and alive alive alive
Alive and I'm dreamin'
Linkin Park,
I have a dream of a scene between the green hills
Clouds pull away and the sunlight's revealed
People don't talk about keeping it real
It's understood that they actually will
And intoxicated and stimulated emcees
Staring in the trees, paranoid, are gone in the breeze
Watch them flee, hip-hop hits
Take a walk with me and what you'll see
Is a land where the sand is made up of crushed up wax
And the sky beyond you is krylon blue
And everybody speaks in a dialect of rhyme
And emcees have left materialism behind them
Meanwhile I just grip my mic
And hope me and my team make it through alright
Because say what you will, and say what you might
But don't ignore who it's for at the end of the night
Because this is dedicated to the kids
Dedicated to wherever music lives
Dedicated to those tired of the same ol' same
And dedicated to the people advancin' the game
What's real is the kids who know that something's wrong
What's real is the kids who think they don't belong
What's real is the kids who have nowhere to run
Who are hiding in the shadows waiting for the sun
I've seen a lot of shit, I've talked to a bum
Out on sunset strip, he asked me "How would you feel
If everybody acted like you didn't exist
You'd lose your grip, probably eventually flip."
So let it be known, the only reason that we do this
Is so you can pick it up and just bang your head to it
While emcees fight to see who can be the commonest
Be floatin overhead like a space odyssey monolith
Over seeing the game, over being part of the same ol' thing
It's all gonna change in a hurricane of darkness and pain
And acidic rain and promises that you won't do it again
Meanwhile I just grip my mic
And hope me and my team make it through alright
Because say what you will, and say what you might
But don't ignore who it's for at the end of the night
Pulling me close, the shadow is warm inside
This is where I feel at home, this is my place to hide
Pulling me close, the shadow is warm inside
This is where I feel at home, this is my place to hide
This is dedicated to the kids
Dedicated to wherever music lives
Dedicated to those tired of the same ol' same
And dedicated to the people advancin' the game
What's real, everybody who doesn't feel safe
What's real, everybody who knows they're out of place
What's real, anybody with nowhere to run
Who hides in the shadows waiting for the sun
Clouds pull away and the sunlight's revealed
People don't talk about keeping it real
It's understood that they actually will
And intoxicated and stimulated emcees
Staring in the trees, paranoid, are gone in the breeze
Watch them flee, hip-hop hits
Take a walk with me and what you'll see
Is a land where the sand is made up of crushed up wax
And the sky beyond you is krylon blue
And everybody speaks in a dialect of rhyme
And emcees have left materialism behind them
Meanwhile I just grip my mic
And hope me and my team make it through alright
Because say what you will, and say what you might
But don't ignore who it's for at the end of the night
Because this is dedicated to the kids
Dedicated to wherever music lives
Dedicated to those tired of the same ol' same
And dedicated to the people advancin' the game
What's real is the kids who know that something's wrong
What's real is the kids who think they don't belong
What's real is the kids who have nowhere to run
Who are hiding in the shadows waiting for the sun
I've seen a lot of shit, I've talked to a bum
Out on sunset strip, he asked me "How would you feel
If everybody acted like you didn't exist
You'd lose your grip, probably eventually flip."
So let it be known, the only reason that we do this
Is so you can pick it up and just bang your head to it
While emcees fight to see who can be the commonest
Be floatin overhead like a space odyssey monolith
Over seeing the game, over being part of the same ol' thing
It's all gonna change in a hurricane of darkness and pain
And acidic rain and promises that you won't do it again
Meanwhile I just grip my mic
And hope me and my team make it through alright
Because say what you will, and say what you might
But don't ignore who it's for at the end of the night
Pulling me close, the shadow is warm inside
This is where I feel at home, this is my place to hide
Pulling me close, the shadow is warm inside
This is where I feel at home, this is my place to hide
This is dedicated to the kids
Dedicated to wherever music lives
Dedicated to those tired of the same ol' same
And dedicated to the people advancin' the game
What's real, everybody who doesn't feel safe
What's real, everybody who knows they're out of place
What's real, anybody with nowhere to run
Who hides in the shadows waiting for the sun
Linkin Park,
It's going down
I knew I was being threatened
Do you think it was worth holding out?
I mean I've heard some pretty ugly things about those guys
Ugly stories
Watch them flee... watch them flee
Rap rap rap up
Watch them flee
Hip-Hop hits
And you do it like this
[Mike Shinoda]
[Verse 1]
It's going down
The rhythm projects 'round the next sound
Reflects the complex hybrid dialect now
Detects the mesh of many elements compressed down
The melting pot of a super-futuresque style
The combination of vocal caress
With lungs the gasp for breath
From emotional stress
With special effects
And a distorted collage
Carefully lodged between beats of rhythmic barrage
[Pre-chrus x2:]
It's going down
The logical progression on the timeline
The seperation narrowed down to a fine line
To blur the edges so they blend together properly
Take you on an audible odyssey
Now it's going down
A logical progression on the timeline
The seperation narrowed down to a fine line
To blur the edges so they blend together properly
Take you on an audible odyssey
Now it's going down
[Chorus (X-ecutioners with Mike Shinoda):]
Put it out for the world to see
LP and X-Men to the 10th degree (It's goin down)
Nobody in the world is safe
When we melt down the wax in your record crate (It's going down)
[Mike Shinoda]
[Verse 3]
Once again it is
Composed sentences
All together venomous
The four elements of natural force
Projected daily through the sound of the source
Everybody on board as we blend
The sword with the pen
The mightiest the weapons
Swinging right from the chin
To elevate of mental states
Long gone with the wind
To defend men from shoddy imitation pretends
It's going down
Style assimilation readily
Trekking through the weaponry
Of the pure pedigree
Cleverly seeing through whatever is ahead of me
Whatever the weather be
We invent the steadily
It's going down sub-terrestrial high
I rhyme regiment that's calling the shots
Exectution of colloborative plots
Ready to bring the seperation of style to a stop
[Chorus (X-ecutioners with Mike Shinoda)]
X-men 'bout to blast off world wide
Yo it's a request only
X-men 'bout to blast off world wide
It's built from scratch
Album in stores soon
'Bout to blast off world wide
And you do it like this
Just like this
Put put...put it up
I said it goes like this
And you do it like this
It's going down
Put put...put it up
I said it goes like this
And you do it like this
It's going down
[X-ecutioners, Mike Shinoda]
Like this
Like this
Like this
Like this
Like this
I knew I was being threatened
Do you think it was worth holding out?
I mean I've heard some pretty ugly things about those guys
Ugly stories
Watch them flee... watch them flee
Rap rap rap up
Watch them flee
Hip-Hop hits
And you do it like this
[Mike Shinoda]
[Verse 1]
It's going down
The rhythm projects 'round the next sound
Reflects the complex hybrid dialect now
Detects the mesh of many elements compressed down
The melting pot of a super-futuresque style
The combination of vocal caress
With lungs the gasp for breath
From emotional stress
With special effects
And a distorted collage
Carefully lodged between beats of rhythmic barrage
[Pre-chrus x2:]
It's going down
The logical progression on the timeline
The seperation narrowed down to a fine line
To blur the edges so they blend together properly
Take you on an audible odyssey
Now it's going down
A logical progression on the timeline
The seperation narrowed down to a fine line
To blur the edges so they blend together properly
Take you on an audible odyssey
Now it's going down
[Chorus (X-ecutioners with Mike Shinoda):]
Put it out for the world to see
LP and X-Men to the 10th degree (It's goin down)
Nobody in the world is safe
When we melt down the wax in your record crate (It's going down)
[Mike Shinoda]
[Verse 3]
Once again it is
Composed sentences
All together venomous
The four elements of natural force
Projected daily through the sound of the source
Everybody on board as we blend
The sword with the pen
The mightiest the weapons
Swinging right from the chin
To elevate of mental states
Long gone with the wind
To defend men from shoddy imitation pretends
It's going down
Style assimilation readily
Trekking through the weaponry
Of the pure pedigree
Cleverly seeing through whatever is ahead of me
Whatever the weather be
We invent the steadily
It's going down sub-terrestrial high
I rhyme regiment that's calling the shots
Exectution of colloborative plots
Ready to bring the seperation of style to a stop
[Chorus (X-ecutioners with Mike Shinoda)]
X-men 'bout to blast off world wide
Yo it's a request only
X-men 'bout to blast off world wide
It's built from scratch
Album in stores soon
'Bout to blast off world wide
And you do it like this
Just like this
Put put...put it up
I said it goes like this
And you do it like this
It's going down
Put put...put it up
I said it goes like this
And you do it like this
It's going down
[X-ecutioners, Mike Shinoda]
Like this
Like this
Like this
Like this
Like this
Linkin Park,
No roads left
Standing alone with no direction
How did I fall so far behind?
Why Am I searching for perfection?
Knowing it's something I won't find
In my fear and flaws
I let myself down again
All because
I run
Till the silence splits me open
I run
Till it puts me underground
Till I have no breath
And no roads left but one
When did I lose my sense of purpose?
Can I regain what's lost inside?
Why do I feel like I deserve this?
Why does my pain look like my pride?
In my fear and flaws
I let myself down again
All because
I let myself down
In my fear and flaws
I run
Till the silence splits me open
I run
Till it puts me underground
Till I have no breath
And no roads left but one
No roads left but one
In my fear and flaws
I let myself down again
All because
I run
And the silence splits me open
I run
And it puts me underground
But there's no regret
And no roads left to run
How did I fall so far behind?
Why Am I searching for perfection?
Knowing it's something I won't find
In my fear and flaws
I let myself down again
All because
I run
Till the silence splits me open
I run
Till it puts me underground
Till I have no breath
And no roads left but one
When did I lose my sense of purpose?
Can I regain what's lost inside?
Why do I feel like I deserve this?
Why does my pain look like my pride?
In my fear and flaws
I let myself down again
All because
I let myself down
In my fear and flaws
I run
Till the silence splits me open
I run
Till it puts me underground
Till I have no breath
And no roads left but one
No roads left but one
In my fear and flaws
I let myself down again
All because
I run
And the silence splits me open
I run
And it puts me underground
But there's no regret
And no roads left to run
Linkin Park,
The Little Things Give You Away
Water grey
Through the windows, up the stairs
Chilling rain
Like an ocean everywhere
Don't want to reach for me do you
I mean nothing to you
The little things give you away
And now there will be no mistaking
The levees are breaking
All you've ever wanted
Was someone to truly look up to you
And six feet under water
[End Chorus]
Hope decays
Generations disappear
Washed away
As a nation simply stares
Don't want to reach for me do you
I mean nothing to you
The little things give you away
But there will be no mistaking
The levees are breaking
All you've ever wanted
Was someone to truly look up to you
And six feet under water
All you've ever wanted
Was someone to truly look up to you
And six feet under ground now
Now I do
[End Chorus]
[Brad's Guitar Solo]
Little things give you away
Little things give you away
Little things give you away
Little things give you away
Little things give you away
(Little things give you away)
All you've ever wanted
Was someone to truly look up to you
(Little things give you away)
All you've ever wanted
Was someone to truly look up to you
(Little things give you away)
All you've ever wanted
Was someone to truly look up to you
(Little things give you away)
All you've ever wanted
Was someone to truly look up to you
(Little things give you away)
All you've ever wanted
Was someone to truly look up to you
(Little things give you away)
All you've ever wanted
Was someone to truly look up to you
(Little things give you away)
Through the windows, up the stairs
Chilling rain
Like an ocean everywhere
Don't want to reach for me do you
I mean nothing to you
The little things give you away
And now there will be no mistaking
The levees are breaking
All you've ever wanted
Was someone to truly look up to you
And six feet under water
[End Chorus]
Hope decays
Generations disappear
Washed away
As a nation simply stares
Don't want to reach for me do you
I mean nothing to you
The little things give you away
But there will be no mistaking
The levees are breaking
All you've ever wanted
Was someone to truly look up to you
And six feet under water
All you've ever wanted
Was someone to truly look up to you
And six feet under ground now
Now I do
[End Chorus]
[Brad's Guitar Solo]
Little things give you away
Little things give you away
Little things give you away
Little things give you away
Little things give you away
(Little things give you away)
All you've ever wanted
Was someone to truly look up to you
(Little things give you away)
All you've ever wanted
Was someone to truly look up to you
(Little things give you away)
All you've ever wanted
Was someone to truly look up to you
(Little things give you away)
All you've ever wanted
Was someone to truly look up to you
(Little things give you away)
All you've ever wanted
Was someone to truly look up to you
(Little things give you away)
All you've ever wanted
Was someone to truly look up to you
(Little things give you away)
Linkin Park,
In between
Let me apologize to begin with
Let me apologize for what I'm about to say
But trying to be genuine was harder than it seemed
And somehow I got caught up in between
Let me apologize to begin with
Let me apologize for what I'm about to say
But trying to be someone else was harder than it seemed
And somehow I got caught up in between
Between my pride and my promise
Between my lies and how the truth gets in the way
And things I want to say to you get lost before they come
The only thing that's worse than one is none
[End Chorus]
Let me apologize to begin with
Let me apologize for what I'm about to say
But trying to regain your trust was harder than it seemed
And somehow I got caught up in between
Between my pride and my promise
Between my lies and how the truth gets in the way
The things I want to say to you get lost before they come
The only thing that's worse than one is none
The only thing that's worse than one is none
[End Chorus]
And I cannot explain to you
And anything I say or do or plan
Fear is not afraid of you
But guilt's a language you can understand
I cannot explain to you
And anything I say or do
I hope the actions speak the words they can
For my pride and my promise
For my lies and how the truth gets in the way
The things I want to say to you get lost before they come
The only thing that's worse than one is
Pride and my promise
Between my lies and how the truth gets in the way
The things I want to say to you get lost before they come
The only thing that's worse than one is none
The only thing that's worse than one is none
The only thing that's worse than one is none
[End Chorus]
Let me apologize for what I'm about to say
But trying to be genuine was harder than it seemed
And somehow I got caught up in between
Let me apologize to begin with
Let me apologize for what I'm about to say
But trying to be someone else was harder than it seemed
And somehow I got caught up in between
Between my pride and my promise
Between my lies and how the truth gets in the way
And things I want to say to you get lost before they come
The only thing that's worse than one is none
[End Chorus]
Let me apologize to begin with
Let me apologize for what I'm about to say
But trying to regain your trust was harder than it seemed
And somehow I got caught up in between
Between my pride and my promise
Between my lies and how the truth gets in the way
The things I want to say to you get lost before they come
The only thing that's worse than one is none
The only thing that's worse than one is none
[End Chorus]
And I cannot explain to you
And anything I say or do or plan
Fear is not afraid of you
But guilt's a language you can understand
I cannot explain to you
And anything I say or do
I hope the actions speak the words they can
For my pride and my promise
For my lies and how the truth gets in the way
The things I want to say to you get lost before they come
The only thing that's worse than one is
Pride and my promise
Between my lies and how the truth gets in the way
The things I want to say to you get lost before they come
The only thing that's worse than one is none
The only thing that's worse than one is none
The only thing that's worse than one is none
[End Chorus]
Linkin Park,
In Pieces
Telling me to go
But hands beg me to stay
Your lips say that you love
Your eyes say that you hate
There's truth in your lies
Doubt in your faith
What you build you lay to waste
This truth in your lies
Doubt in your faith
All I've got's what you didn't take
So I, I won't be the one
Be the one to leave this
In pieces
And you
You will be alone
Alone with all your secrets
And regrets
Don't lie
[End Chorus]
You promise me the sky
Then toss me like a stone
You wrap me in your arms
And chill me to the bone
There's truth in your lies
Doubt in your faith
All I've got's what you didn't take
So I, I won't be the one
Be the one to leave this
In pieces
And you
You will be alone
Alone with all your secrets
And regrets
Don't lie
So I, I won't be the one
Be the one to leave this
In pieces
And you
You will be alone
Alone with all your secrets
And regrets
Don't lie
[End Chorus]
But hands beg me to stay
Your lips say that you love
Your eyes say that you hate
There's truth in your lies
Doubt in your faith
What you build you lay to waste
This truth in your lies
Doubt in your faith
All I've got's what you didn't take
So I, I won't be the one
Be the one to leave this
In pieces
And you
You will be alone
Alone with all your secrets
And regrets
Don't lie
[End Chorus]
You promise me the sky
Then toss me like a stone
You wrap me in your arms
And chill me to the bone
There's truth in your lies
Doubt in your faith
All I've got's what you didn't take
So I, I won't be the one
Be the one to leave this
In pieces
And you
You will be alone
Alone with all your secrets
And regrets
Don't lie
So I, I won't be the one
Be the one to leave this
In pieces
And you
You will be alone
Alone with all your secrets
And regrets
Don't lie
[End Chorus]
Linkin Park,
Valentine's Day
My insides all turned to ash, so slow
And blew away as I collapsed, so cold
A black wind took them away, from sight
And held the darkness over day, that night
And the clouds above move closer
Looking so dissatisfied
But the heartless wind kept blowing, blowing
I used to be my own protection, but not now
Cause my path had lost direction, somehow
A black wind took you away, from sight
And held the darkness over day, that night
And the clouds above move closer
Looking so dissatisfied
And the ground below grew colder
As they put you down inside
But the heartless wind kept blowing, blowing
So now you're gone, and I was wrong
I never knew what it was like, to be alone
On a Valentine's Day, on a Valentine's Day
On a Valentine's Day, on a Valentine's Day
On a Valentine's Day, on a Valentine's Day
(I used to be my own protection, but not now)
On a Valentine's Day, on a Valentine's Day
(Cause my mind has lost direction, somehow)
On a Valentine's Day, on a Valentine's Day
(I used to be my own protection, but not now)
On a Valentine's Day, on a Valentine's Day
(Cause my mind has lost direction, somehow)
And blew away as I collapsed, so cold
A black wind took them away, from sight
And held the darkness over day, that night
And the clouds above move closer
Looking so dissatisfied
But the heartless wind kept blowing, blowing
I used to be my own protection, but not now
Cause my path had lost direction, somehow
A black wind took you away, from sight
And held the darkness over day, that night
And the clouds above move closer
Looking so dissatisfied
And the ground below grew colder
As they put you down inside
But the heartless wind kept blowing, blowing
So now you're gone, and I was wrong
I never knew what it was like, to be alone
On a Valentine's Day, on a Valentine's Day
On a Valentine's Day, on a Valentine's Day
On a Valentine's Day, on a Valentine's Day
(I used to be my own protection, but not now)
On a Valentine's Day, on a Valentine's Day
(Cause my mind has lost direction, somehow)
On a Valentine's Day, on a Valentine's Day
(I used to be my own protection, but not now)
On a Valentine's Day, on a Valentine's Day
(Cause my mind has lost direction, somehow)
Linkin Park,
No more sorrow
Are you lost
In your lies
Do you tell yourself I don't realize
Your crusade's a disguise
Replace freedom with fear
You trade money for lives
I'm aware of what you've done
No more sorrow
I've paid for your mistakes
Your time is borrowed
Your time has come to be replaced
I see pain
I see need
I see liars and thieves
Abuse power with greed
I had hope
I believed
But I'm beginning to think that I've been deceived
You will pay for what you've done
Thieves and hypocrites
Thieves and hypocrites
Thieves and hypocrites
[Chorus x2]
Your time has come to be replaced
Your time has come to be erased
In your lies
Do you tell yourself I don't realize
Your crusade's a disguise
Replace freedom with fear
You trade money for lives
I'm aware of what you've done
No more sorrow
I've paid for your mistakes
Your time is borrowed
Your time has come to be replaced
I see pain
I see need
I see liars and thieves
Abuse power with greed
I had hope
I believed
But I'm beginning to think that I've been deceived
You will pay for what you've done
Thieves and hypocrites
Thieves and hypocrites
Thieves and hypocrites
[Chorus x2]
Your time has come to be replaced
Your time has come to be erased
Linkin Park,
Hands Held High
Turn my mike up louder I got to say something
Light weights step to the side when we come in
Feel it in your chest the syllables get pumping
People on the street they panic and start running
Words on loose leaf sheet complete coming
I jump in my mind and summon the rhyme, I'm dumping
Healing the blind I promise to let the sun in
Sick of the dark ways we march to the drum and
Jump when they tell us that they wanna see jumping
Fuck that I wanna see some fists pumping
Risk something, take back what's yours
Say something that you know they might attack you for
Cause I'm sick of being treated like I have before
Like it's stupid standing for what I'm standing for
Like this war's really just a different brand of war
Like it doesn't cater the rich and abandon poor
Like they understand you in the back of the jet
When you can't put gas in your tank
These fuckers are laughing their way to the bank and cashing the cheque
Asking you to have compassion and have some respect
For a leader so nervous in an obvious way
Stuttering and mumbling for nightly news to replay
And the rest of the world watching at the end of the day
In their living room laughing like "what did he say?"
In my living room watching but I am not laughing
Cause when it gets tense I know what might happen
World is cold the bold men take action
Have to react or get blown into fractions
Ten years old it's something to see
Another kid my age drugged under a jeep
Taken and bound and found later under a tree
I wonder if he had thought the next one could be me
Do you see the soldiers they're out today
They brush the dust from bullet proof vests away
It's ironic at times like this you pray
But a bomb blew the mosque up yesterday
There's bombs in the buses, bikes, roads
Inside your market, your shops, your clothes
My dad he's got a lot of fear I know
But enough pride inside not to let that show
My brother had a book he would hold with pride
A little red cover with a broken spine
On the back, he hand-wrote a quote inside
When the rich wage war it's the poor who die
Meanwhile, the leader just talks away
Stuttering and mumbling for nightly news to replay
And the rest of the world watching at the end of the day
both scared and angry like "what did he say?"
[Chorus x6]
With hands held high into the sky so blue,
As the ocean opens up to swallow you.
Light weights step to the side when we come in
Feel it in your chest the syllables get pumping
People on the street they panic and start running
Words on loose leaf sheet complete coming
I jump in my mind and summon the rhyme, I'm dumping
Healing the blind I promise to let the sun in
Sick of the dark ways we march to the drum and
Jump when they tell us that they wanna see jumping
Fuck that I wanna see some fists pumping
Risk something, take back what's yours
Say something that you know they might attack you for
Cause I'm sick of being treated like I have before
Like it's stupid standing for what I'm standing for
Like this war's really just a different brand of war
Like it doesn't cater the rich and abandon poor
Like they understand you in the back of the jet
When you can't put gas in your tank
These fuckers are laughing their way to the bank and cashing the cheque
Asking you to have compassion and have some respect
For a leader so nervous in an obvious way
Stuttering and mumbling for nightly news to replay
And the rest of the world watching at the end of the day
In their living room laughing like "what did he say?"
In my living room watching but I am not laughing
Cause when it gets tense I know what might happen
World is cold the bold men take action
Have to react or get blown into fractions
Ten years old it's something to see
Another kid my age drugged under a jeep
Taken and bound and found later under a tree
I wonder if he had thought the next one could be me
Do you see the soldiers they're out today
They brush the dust from bullet proof vests away
It's ironic at times like this you pray
But a bomb blew the mosque up yesterday
There's bombs in the buses, bikes, roads
Inside your market, your shops, your clothes
My dad he's got a lot of fear I know
But enough pride inside not to let that show
My brother had a book he would hold with pride
A little red cover with a broken spine
On the back, he hand-wrote a quote inside
When the rich wage war it's the poor who die
Meanwhile, the leader just talks away
Stuttering and mumbling for nightly news to replay
And the rest of the world watching at the end of the day
both scared and angry like "what did he say?"
[Chorus x6]
With hands held high into the sky so blue,
As the ocean opens up to swallow you.
Linkin Park,
What I've done?
In this farewell
There’s no blood
There’s no alibi
‘Cause I’ve drawn regret
From the truth
Of a thousand lies
So let mercy come
And wash away
What I’ve done
I'll face myself
To cross out what i’ve become
Erase myself
And let go of what i’ve done
Put to rest
What you thought of me
While I clean this slate
With the hands of uncertainty
For what I’ve done
I start again
And whatever pain may come
Today this ends
I’m forgiving what I’ve done!!!
What I’ve done
Forgiving what I’ve done
There’s no blood
There’s no alibi
‘Cause I’ve drawn regret
From the truth
Of a thousand lies
So let mercy come
And wash away
What I’ve done
I'll face myself
To cross out what i’ve become
Erase myself
And let go of what i’ve done
Put to rest
What you thought of me
While I clean this slate
With the hands of uncertainty
For what I’ve done
I start again
And whatever pain may come
Today this ends
I’m forgiving what I’ve done!!!
What I’ve done
Forgiving what I’ve done
Linkin Park,
Bleed it out
Yeah here we go for the hundredth time
Hand grenade pins in every line
Throw 'em up and let something shine
Going out of my fucking mind
Filthy mouth, no excuse
Find a new place to hang this noose
String me up from atop these roofs
Knot it tight so i won't get loose
Truth is you can stop and stare
Run myself out and no one cares
Dug the trench out laid down there
With a shovel up out of reach somewhere
Yeah, someone pour it in
Make it a dirt dance floor again
Say your prayers and stomp it out
When they bring that chorus in
I bleed it out digging deeper
Just to throw it away
I bleed it out digging deeper
Just to throw it away
I bleed it out digging deeper
Just to throw it away
Just to throw it away
Just to throw it away
I bleed it out
[End Chorus]
Go stop the show
Choppy words and a sloppy flow
Shotgun opera lock and load
Cock it back and then watch it go
Mama help me I've been cursed
Death is rolling in every verse
Candy paint on his brand new hearse
Can't contain him he knows he works
Fuck this hurts, I won't lie
Doesn't matter how hard I try
Half the words don't mean a thing
And I know that I wont be satisfied
So why try ignoring him
Make it a dirt dance floor again
Say your prayers and stomp it out
When they bring that chorus in
I bleed it out digging deeper
Just to throw it away
I bleed it out digging deeper
Just to throw it away
I bleed it out digging deeper
Just to throw it away
Just to throw it away
Just to throw it away
I bleed it out
I've opened up these scars
I'll make you face this
I've pulled myself so far
I'll make you, face, this, now!!!!
I bleed it out digging deeper
Just to throw it away
I bleed it out digging deeper
Just to throw it away
I bleed it out digging deeper
Just to throw it away
Just to throw it away
Just to throw it away
I bleed it out digging deeper
Just to throw it away
I bleed it out digging deeper
Just to throw it away
I bleed it out digging deeper
Just to throw it away
Just to throw it away
Just to throw it away
I bleed it out
I bleed it out
I bleed it out
Hand grenade pins in every line
Throw 'em up and let something shine
Going out of my fucking mind
Filthy mouth, no excuse
Find a new place to hang this noose
String me up from atop these roofs
Knot it tight so i won't get loose
Truth is you can stop and stare
Run myself out and no one cares
Dug the trench out laid down there
With a shovel up out of reach somewhere
Yeah, someone pour it in
Make it a dirt dance floor again
Say your prayers and stomp it out
When they bring that chorus in
I bleed it out digging deeper
Just to throw it away
I bleed it out digging deeper
Just to throw it away
I bleed it out digging deeper
Just to throw it away
Just to throw it away
Just to throw it away
I bleed it out
[End Chorus]
Go stop the show
Choppy words and a sloppy flow
Shotgun opera lock and load
Cock it back and then watch it go
Mama help me I've been cursed
Death is rolling in every verse
Candy paint on his brand new hearse
Can't contain him he knows he works
Fuck this hurts, I won't lie
Doesn't matter how hard I try
Half the words don't mean a thing
And I know that I wont be satisfied
So why try ignoring him
Make it a dirt dance floor again
Say your prayers and stomp it out
When they bring that chorus in
I bleed it out digging deeper
Just to throw it away
I bleed it out digging deeper
Just to throw it away
I bleed it out digging deeper
Just to throw it away
Just to throw it away
Just to throw it away
I bleed it out
I've opened up these scars
I'll make you face this
I've pulled myself so far
I'll make you, face, this, now!!!!
I bleed it out digging deeper
Just to throw it away
I bleed it out digging deeper
Just to throw it away
I bleed it out digging deeper
Just to throw it away
Just to throw it away
Just to throw it away
I bleed it out digging deeper
Just to throw it away
I bleed it out digging deeper
Just to throw it away
I bleed it out digging deeper
Just to throw it away
Just to throw it away
Just to throw it away
I bleed it out
I bleed it out
I bleed it out
Linkin Park,
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